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A dear friend of mine has been going to church, chosen to get baptized; I would say she truly was born again, had a real fever for God. For a while she tried her best to give up all things secular. Now she is "bored" with "all things religious" and thinks she can be a Christian by merely thinking the thought "I believe." She is uncomfortable because "the more religious I am, the more awkward it is to interact with non Christians."

Obviously her views on morality are still Christian, no murder, heaven and hell, follow the 10 commandments, all that. But can a person truly be born again and not desire to praise God? Not want to read the Bible? Not want to raise a family? Not desire fellowship of fellow Christians?

The Bible says that once someone has Jesus they will become a changed person.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m by no means perfect. And I’m not looking for a half assed answer here... please quote scripture.

2006-06-25 08:30:35 · 23 answers · asked by species8472 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Responce to "Orange"

Thank you for your reply. I dont want you to be mislead thought, the Bible does indeed say that when someone finds Jesus they are a changed person. 2 Cor 5:17

2006-06-25 08:50:38 · update #1

23 answers

This is a very important question. Yes, it's true that, ideally, every "true christian" should desire to worship God at and with every waking moment. Unfortunately, it's also true that not a single person on earth is perfect. "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."
It's not a matter of faith, since this person obviously (from what is presented here) believes strongly in God, Jesus, and the whole shabang... it's a matter of overcoming the flesh, the human nature, that is pretty much the basis of all the struggles that all Christians (not just new converts) face. It's a matter of beating temptation, and I think in you friend's case, it is a matter of beating the temptation to simply believe without acting upon these beliefs both in spirit and in action. Believing in Jesus and his sacrifice makes you a Christian, but following Jesus and trying to do his will is what allows you to fulfill God's purpose in your life.

2006-06-25 08:39:11 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Wow! This isn't something that I can answer on Yahoo Answers, but will try.

The Holy Spirit works in each of us differently. It sounds to me as though she is still more interested in the ways of the flesh over the ways of the spirit. Temptations of the flesh are generally works of the devil (e.g. partying, drinking, premarital sex, etc) and most always are things that are perceptively more "fun" than things of the spirit or things God wants us to do (e.g. praying, worshiping, fellowship, not sinning).

She is in a personal struggle and is caught between the two. She wants to live in the spirit and walk in the flesh and that won't work. Right now all she can do is live in the flesh and walk in the spirit to fix things. If she doesn't want to read the Bible, then there are other books out there that use scripture along with guidence to get back on track. Try Joyce Meyers "Battlefield of the Mind". It breaks things down very nicely and is an easy read.

2006-06-25 08:39:20 · answer #2 · answered by tjjone 5 · 0 0

I think this is a VERY pertinent question. I am very concerned for your friend because, as a Christian, I think it is our duty to worship God. Not a duty as in something you have to do and don't want to, more like that is something that you should feel compelled to do. Being a christian is about more than having morals and being a good person. It's about your personal relationship with Him, and how you demonstrate the holy spirit that is within you. The sermon at church this morning was really good. It talked about what you would do if you had only one year left to live, and how most christians would kick themselves into gear and do all they can for the Lord and to build up their heavenly treasures. This next thing is the main points of a sermon from a few weeks ago about what it actually means to be "born again":

What does it mean to be born again June 11, 2006
John 3: 1-6, 16

I. This MISCONCEPTION of being born again.
-not born again gradually
-not born again easily
-not behaviorally
-not ritualistically
-not automatically
(Being born again is as much how you live your life after you are born again as it is deciding to live for Christ in all you do)
II. The MAGNITUDE of being born again
III. The MEANS of being born again
IV. The Majesty of Being born again

Sorry, it's a little sketchy and I can't remember all of it, lol. Our pastor then told us a story about how a man had four wives. The first one was faithful but neglected, the second was comforting, but couldn't help him when he was dying. The third wife was beautiful and was given the most attention. The fourth wife was the one he bought eveyrthing for and spent all his money on. This relates to how we are when we die. The fourth wife is our body, and no matter how much we put into it, it will betray us, because, well, we die. The Third wife is our possessions and our pleasures. They are given the most attention and may seem like the most important, but we can't take them with us when we die. The second wife is our family and friends. They are there to comfort us, but are helpless when it comes our time to die.
The first wife is our soul and is the most important, but is always neglected. I think when we worship, we are feeding the most important part of ourselves, our souls.

Here's some more interesting reading on why worship is so important:

Hope I helped! God Bless!

2006-06-25 08:49:02 · answer #3 · answered by SarahJane 3 · 0 0

Of course...I am a Christian myself and even personally I go through phases where praising God is not number one on my list of things to do at the moment.

I looked up in the bible to see what you're saying about "being a changed person after you receive Christ" and it never actually says that. It does though talk about us being sinners and that we've fallen short of God's glory and that we need Christ.

Like you said, we're by no means perfect, which means that just because we're christians doesn't mean that we have the joy and peace and love all the time, and it simply sound like your friend is in a "slump" with God right now. Talk to her about it some and the best you can do right now is pray for her and that she'll get back into God and want to have him more. Not wanting to praise God is a simple part of being human...just like you don't always want to have to make the bed in the morning, or go to work, or have to get groceries...it's all part of being human. Pray for her.

2006-06-25 08:45:47 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It.s not a matter of desire, it is a matter of must.
I don't always feel a tremendous desire to love my wife and children but I know that I must love my wife and children.
Because if I don't love my wife and children just because I don't have the desire then I could really screw up a wonderful and necessary relationship with them.
It's called maturity, I do what I must to keep the ship afloat. The desires will come when necessary but they are not constant.

Desire is created by need. I need the love of my family and if I ever felt that they did not love me I would generate a tremendous desire for them to love me.

Do what you are required to do even if you don't feel like doing it. Like going to work in the morning.

Also, the Christian life is a life of growth towards maturity. All Christians are on a different level of growth. The best thing you can do for your friend is pray for her need to grow through prayer, worship, meditation, fellowship, etc. You may be praying for them the rest of your life but it will be worth it to you and them.

2006-06-25 08:42:14 · answer #5 · answered by BP 4 · 0 0

I think you all cling to your Bible's too much. I just put mine back on the book shelf after answering a question showing how it's fallible (look at the first couple chapters of genesis, in the first one god makes (after some other stuff) animals, then both man and woman at once. then in the second chapter he puts adam in eden, sees that he's lonely, creates all the animals and birds and what not, then takes his rib and makes eve.

I think you should make your own beliefs, instead of believing EXACTLY what everybody else believes because they say the Bible can't be wrong, read the Bible, decide what you think is actually true and what isn't for yourself. Your friend is on her own spiritual journey, she is making her own personal beliefs and deciding what is true and what is not for herself rather than being one more of the same person in a long line.

Individuality, it's a wonderful gift.

2006-06-25 08:51:19 · answer #6 · answered by Joe Shmoe 4 · 0 1

God is a jealous God. We sing his praise. He has given existence. He heals, His love is tremendous. His mercy is unfailing and his love endures continually. His grace washes over me. He who understand no sin grew to change into sin for us on the bypass. Jesus took all the undesirable issues in our lives and positioned his sinless perfect existence into our account. that we'd change into the righteousness of him. He gave the present of himself and an invite to stay continually with him in a narrative which will by no skill ever end. i will worship the God All. All it skill is God does no longer favor you worshiping the different God..... because he on my own is God.... No Gods less than or above. You worship yet another God and God heavily isn't delighted and the jealousy is meant as an instance that he needs you to entice close the single and real God!!

2016-11-15 06:04:56 · answer #7 · answered by tatsuta 4 · 0 0

Why quote scripture. It says to seek God and find that He is sweeter than honey in the honey-comb. Sounds to me like God wants folks to look for Him in life, in the scriptures, in the heavens and in one another. A bit of "thinking" about who it is we seek might be as good as sitting on a bench quoting Bible verses we neither understand nor care about. Scripture is a tool, as is fellowship. Getting to know someone is a quest. We need more folks on a quest.

2006-06-25 08:38:58 · answer #8 · answered by Devil'sFoot37@sbcglobal.net 2 · 0 0

That person is struggling, like we all do. I have been there also.
If she gets back into reading the bible, and talking to God in her own way, God will make sure she will not go far.
remember, Jesus thanked his Father, Jehovah, saying to him, that not one, will be lost that his Father gave to him.
If she has really gave herself to Jah, then...she wont go far.
she needs to do this without pressure, but thru love.
preaching at her, may not be the way to go....love, and prayer, will be the best bet.

her focus: her life, her death, her judgement from God.
is she in His book of Life? or not....

attached is a online bible link...no matter what her 'religion brand name is'...
its still the Word of God...

2006-06-25 08:44:33 · answer #9 · answered by danlaws 1 · 0 0

A true Christian desires to worship God in every way. Sometimes Christians are on the "downslide" and lose their desire, but through prayer and good deeds, they can regain their ground and take a stand for Chrisianity, in spite of the world....)(

2006-06-25 08:39:40 · answer #10 · answered by MissKathleen 6 · 0 0

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