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No one is perfect. Mexicans are great people. Color nationality doesn’t make any one better than any one. Everyone should be treated the same. Illegal have done wrong but it was never meant to hurt anyone. They just want a better life. Instead of fighting by insulting others we should work and together focus on the truth behind politicians and mostly the government. Differences are what compile hatred. Please let’s all respect each other and finally fight for the real freedom, not for what they want us to believe. Don’t u see it ,the war, why is it here. Is it really because 911 or was it here long ago but we couldn’t see it. Open ur minds , don’t be blinded by lies.

2006-06-25 07:59:34 · 11 answers · asked by dn_reen 2 in Politics & Government Immigration

yeah like i said everyone gets treated like they deserve. some people take it off the limit with they're insults. i read what you wrote being americans it gives them a right to be racist, that is wrong. but the bottom line is if we would work together these issues wouldn't be where they are now.

2006-06-25 08:18:51 · update #1

.the princess is on crack!!!!!!!!!!
LMAO what ever you say genius. And there are all nationalities in the welfare office. I don’t know, BUT YOU SURE KNOW,because you’re generalizing. you must be involved in it right? Stop your hatred you poisons snake. I’ll leave you alone with your poison, because you’re a waist of time. good luck getting a brain

2006-06-25 09:10:33 · update #2

i am a woman

2006-06-25 09:24:20 · update #3

11 answers

Thank you for the intelligent question....

Its very hard to take someone serious when they make sweeping, ignorant statements about a group of people.

This debate will never gain ground as long as we have bigots screaming their politics's of hate and fear.

I agree its a problem. And I don't think it is going away anytime soon. I see it everyday here on the border. But to attack these people just for sheer fun is just stupid. Nothing will ever get resolved this way....

2006-06-25 08:06:37 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Mutual respect is all good and fine, and if we had that, Mexicans would live in Mexico, and we'd have thriving trade, and the country of Mexico would be jumping up and down on their own criminals instead of exporting them to the United States. Since that doesn't seem to be the case, hence the tensions. No offense, but you kind of sound like an apologist from where I sit,
this whole mess is costing the United States billions annually in legal costs, and the in-flows of people and drugs and god knows what else are staggering. We don't hate mexicans. What we want is some kind of guarantee that Mexicos' going to be a good border partner, and so far, we're not seeing it. Instead they hand out MAPS of how to circumnavigate our border patrols, didya hear about the beheadings? I think Mexico's going downhill fast, and nobody's being honest about it....

2006-06-25 08:40:42 · answer #2 · answered by gokart121 6 · 0 0

You would take that stance. You don't care about my country. We are getting tired of hearing that same old tired crap, "they just want a better life." You know what? So do we. They are taking away the American dream and they don't even have a right to be here, for the most part. How many times do we have to say it...this is not a racial thing! We just want the laws enforced. Their "better life" is taking away from American kids who are legal here! It is not up to the U.S. to save the entire world.

And you...of all people, telling us not to be insulting? What a hypocrite! How many people have you swore out on this site? One time you called me a really bad name (that does not apply to me) and then you tell us to respect you? Yeah, right....that's typical but not how it works pal.

You put words in my mouth.. I NEVER said being American gives you the right to be racist. If you are going to quote me, get it right! You insult America and Americans all the time but I bet you don't insult the people at the welfare office do you? You have pretty much said you are illegal, GET OUT OR GET LEGAL.
If you are going to tell me to get a brain, learn how to spell "waste" of time. The other way you spelled it is a body part. (since you are trying to be smart)

2006-06-25 08:14:42 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

We just can't afford so many. It reached the point after the 1986 amnesty that there are just way too many poor immigrants we subsidize in schools and services that now cannot serve our own people. When it comes to whether my tax dollars will buy my children the decent education our schools used to provide or will subsidize ESL programs for those who came illegally, I'm always going to be for my kids first. This is a HUGE issue in schools in our border states, and lately in interior communities in the US where illegals concentrate as well.

In a vacuum I'm in favor of poeple having a better life. However, the reality is that we are paying for it, and our children are paying the biggest price. We just can't afford them.

2006-06-25 10:51:09 · answer #4 · answered by DAR 7 · 0 0

If you think Mexicans are great people, get your *** over to Mexico and get to living with them. LEAVE MY COUNTRY DO IT NOW WHILE YOU STILL CAN.
You claim Americans are racist. fine. I claim the right to be racist. You are other people like you are what is part of the problem. American law needs to be enforced. Criminal trespassers and traitorous dumbasses need to be deported or left in ditches. You don't like my government? Become a citizen and vote! If you won't do that SHUT UP while you are a GUEST in my country. You are the lie. You are the one who is blinded. Get your skinny *** back to Argentina. You have shown that you don't respect women. Now go back.

2006-06-25 08:47:41 · answer #5 · answered by renegadesho_ban 3 · 0 0

There is no hate for race, it is merley they are illegal aliens, they need to go back home and fight for thier rights there.
3 million marching on Mexico City may make things change.

So yes, let us close our border, send all of the illegal aliens home no matter what thier race. And set up a fair an equal system for people to enter the nation no matter what thier race

2006-06-25 08:06:50 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Whatever. Truth of the matter is, if you live by the sword you will surely die by it. Hate begets hate, etc.
But really, it's true. For whatever reason, you may not like someone but if you want to get along and not kill the goose that laid the golden egg, you have to respect others.
For me, it's hard to respect someone who steals into your country and (whether they mean to or not), does damage to your country, it's system and your own interests as a member of that country.
My view is that anyone who comes here illegally is not respecting me or the USA. There is much evidence of their disrespect such as, working for less (competing with American labor), not having car insurance (damage up the Kazoo that Amer. Ins Co. and Americans have to shoulder and pay for), social/medical welfare drains, etc. You all know the arguements about this.
My personal experience around illegals is that they do not respect our country or system and see it as a way to get ahead for themselves, mostly at our expense. And I sense they know this. They are frequently child like in their immaturity about the issue of respect and how they conduct themselves around others. That is why we need for them to come here legally, wherein they take classes and so on and learn to speak English etc. so that they come to know what respect is and how they should conduct themselves here in this country.
At least in the ideal, it is what the US is about.
Truly hate and racism get us nowhere except lost. But neither does ignoring the problem of those who would come here and disrespect our system and country. We need to respect ourselves and our lives here as US citzens, by not letting child like ignorance/criminal behavior gain the upperhand in matters of immigration. It's high time for a "Time Out" on illegal immigration. You illegal folks, go to your room (your own country) and don't come out until you can respect those of us whom you would like to join (apply for legal immigration status). Bien Venido and Bueno Suerte!

2006-06-25 08:32:24 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yeah right, I guess everyone should be treated with respect no matter what "color" they are. but that's never going to happen people are to prejudice and racist everyone is in some form or way. it's already in us i mean hate is not something your born with it's something that your taught.

2006-06-25 08:34:52 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

people wont accept that we are all equals as long as they see any differences with their own 2 eyes they will always be against others that dont look the same that is the real truth maybe it is true the truth is too much to handle

2006-06-25 08:04:55 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

its not be a racist, to be fed up with these mexicans freeloading.we pay taxes, we arent allowed to break the law, what gives them the right. they came here we didnt go to their country, expecting them to cater to us. get over it, these people need to be punished for breaking the law.

2006-06-25 08:16:13 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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