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I stopped two Christians from almost getting into a fight by saying "you're both wrong, god doesn't even exist". They had been arguing about the bible. How could atheists fight about god if we know god is not real? On the other hand, If you believe god exist, you have a better chance in fighting about it. Most Christians would die before they denounce their religion. Atheists would just lie to say what ever we have to say to save our lives. I dont think most Christians would lie about their religious beliefs to save their lives. They're more afraid that they might get sent to hell. So, they would tell the truth and get their head chopped off. How many Christians got their heads chopped off in Iraq because they were too stupid to lie and just say they're muslim

2006-06-25 07:28:00 · 26 answers · asked by Black Atheist 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

26 answers

People like you makes me wish I went to church more. Atheists stand for nothing and lack morals, even if there was no God I would rather be a Christian.

2006-06-25 07:35:37 · answer #1 · answered by Mr.Wise 6 · 1 0

Since your hypothetical war is a 100% religious war, and since Atheists by definition don't stand for anything "religious" (even though they have their own beliefs about God, the afterlife, creation, etc.), probably the Atheists. Possibly some Christians. Or Muslims. Or Buddhists. (It is interesting to me that your question does not include other groups, but is directed solely at Christians.)

There are worse things than arguing about the Bible. Much understanding comes through vigorous debate and referencing the scripture. And why do you even care if two Christians are debating something? Why should you care enough to go so far as to interfere? And you talk about "stupid" Christians who can't keep their mouths shut in Iraq??? And here you are again...not keeping your mouth shut.

As far as lying to save their heads...you are, of course, assuming there is no heaven. And you know what happens when you assume...
There is a heaven, and the Christians are spending eternity there, so they really don't care how they died. What happens in this life is nothing compared to the billions and billions of years of eternity. Everyone dies. You are going to die. Something is going to happen to you in eternity. But by denying Christ, they would be risking their salvation. So, what's your point about calling them stupid? They did not ask to be killed. They did not pull the trigger. They did not swing the sword. They were asked a question and did the moral thing by answering truthfully. The Christians chose between heaven and hell...not a hard choice.

You are promoting lying? Not a great foundation for any theological stance, even Atheism. Also not a good way to convence others that you are teaching the truth.

Your question is as offensive to Christians as me saying "How many atheists are going to hell because they were too stupid to see the truth?"

I agree with the above answerers...you seem to have a lot of hatred and bitterness about something. I don't know about your past or who you are. If a Christian ever did something to offend you, I am sorry. Christians are humans, and humans are not perfect. But that has nothing to do with God's existance. God could exist even if we didn't. But we do exist. We came from somewhere. God loves you. I hope you work it out.

2006-06-25 15:06:57 · answer #2 · answered by bwjordan 4 · 0 0

I guess it depends on which part of the world you live in. I know that here in Canada, my head would not be chopped for being atheist or agnostic. And since denouncing my Catholic upbringing, I have had a lot of support from my devout family. And some have since followed my reasonings and started to believe that religion is very mythical. This happened after many years of being told I would go to Hell if I didn't follow their rules of life. I think the smarter people get, the less religion becomes practical. And I also know that most religious people I know follow it hoping to gain rewards from a mystical person they've never met, like money and gifts. Now that's a sin.

By the way, I totally agree with what acgsk wrote about the history and how religion causes more problems than peace in this world. Way to go acgsk!

2006-06-25 14:37:03 · answer #3 · answered by NVgirl 4 · 0 0

if your statemnet is any indication, i would have to go wih none of the above. Despite being "athiest", you wear your atheism like religion. I don't believe in the tooth fairy, but I would never waste the energy to put so much effort into denouncing something i truly found ridiculous. You are so caught up in your hatred of chritianity that you disregard anything resembling logic. Perfect example:

" How many Christians got their heads chopped off in Iraq because they were too stupid to lie and just say they're muslim"

Last time I checked they were not keeping stats on that sort of thing. IF you know of any numbers other than your assumptions, please provide a source. Humans, regardless of religious beliefs tend to believe much more in self preservation than any faith when it is truly tested. I'm sure with the right torture you can make the most avowed religious fanatic confess to being Satan. This has been proven historically many times. During the inquisition and Salem witch trials people confessed to all sorts of outlandish things despite their chrisrtian background. Stating that you would not lie does not make you any more noble than a person who stuck by their beliefs. Same is true vice verse. It just indicates how strong your desire to preserve your life.

"If you believe god exist, you have a better chance in fighting about it"

the fact that yopu made this post along with the countless other athiest denouncing christian posts indicates that you are more than willing to fight about a god you do not believe exists. before denoucning christians, you might want to look in the mirror

2006-06-25 14:51:10 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

God has told people to fight before. So I would say if God says fight we fight. No point in lying about being a christian. 1 if there is no God than you might live another 60 years and 2 if there is a God you will have lost eternity.

an Atheist would stop it first

2006-06-25 14:37:37 · answer #5 · answered by Stand 4 somthing Please! 6 · 0 0

Well I don't see why Atheists would want to prevent a religious war, because it obviously does not involve them. But if there was a choice between the two, I guess I would say Atheists because Christians would fight for what they believe in at any cost, and of course I don't mean all of the people who dress up and go to Church to feel better about themselves on Sunday, I mean true Christians who live and breathe Christ and go to Church because they thoroughly enjoy worshipping their God in fellowship.

2006-06-25 14:40:51 · answer #6 · answered by Cantrelle 3 · 0 0

stopping a war has more to do with a commitment to peace. That said, however, if other christians really followed Jesus' teaching, the question would be a moot point. The problem is that some christians are not spiritual, but only religious. they might belong to a religion, but may not be a true follow of Christ.

however, Atheists have another problem. According to what you said, you would not stand up for what is right. I hope that I have enough faith to stand true to what I believe in in the face of death. I am not talking about causing war, only about being true to myself.

2006-06-25 14:40:18 · answer #7 · answered by Vic 3 · 0 0

Since christians and other religious nuts are responsible for many deaths in our history, I would have to say the atheists, agnostics, and other non religious people are more than likely to be peace keepers.

With the fall of the Roman Empire, the librarian of Alexandria was pulled off her carriage and skinned alive. Literacy dropped. Even the Pope had to have the Bible read to him. In the first crusade, Christians killed tens of thousands of people they called "infidels". The Children's Crusade (1212) caused the deaths of nearly 50,000 children. Preachers sentenced to death and executed thousands during the Inquisition (1233-1834) for heresy and witchcraft. There were the the Salem witch trials (1692) in America. The 17th Century Thirty Years War (Catholics v. protestants) wiped out tens of millions in Europe. In the Taiping Rebellion in China in the 1850's a Christian cult started a war that resulted in the slaughter of twenty million people. In the Holocaust six million Jews were murdered. Muslims and Christians in Bosnia reached a death toll of over 250,000.

2006-06-25 14:36:44 · answer #8 · answered by acgsk 5 · 0 0

Well first, atheism is knowing that God doesn't exist and in order to know this you have to be all-knowing, which I'm sorry to say no one is, so really all "atheists" are really agnostic, which means you don't know. And in answer to your question, Atheists are probably more likely to prevent a religious war because they don't believe in it. Christians have given their lives to God because He loves us, so we would do anything for Him. I'm not saying that Christians will kill you if you don't believe the same thing, I'm saying Christians will use non-violent tactics to show disbelievers the truth.

2006-06-25 14:38:20 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I would say Atheist, as many of them seem to be more "Humanist" than anything.
And the argument that they keep telling people God is not real. What would you do if suddenly half of your town started saying that there are really Unicorns and the lead Unicorn is going to save them? And fought over the idea. Someone outside of that would have to step in, don't you think? Not so much to stop the belief, but to curb the violence that the belief is causing in the people.

2006-06-25 14:32:26 · answer #10 · answered by Kithy 6 · 0 0

Obviously the atheists. The Christians have Crusade instincts flowing through their veins. And obviously if it's a religious war, the Christians would try to fight it instead of preventing it. No one likes to look weak before their gods.

2006-06-25 14:37:34 · answer #11 · answered by Redeemer,Savior,Deliverer-MARINE 3 · 0 0

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