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help me out with this pls...

2006-06-25 06:40:48 · 58 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Mental Health

can everybody just cool down dont worry i'm not goin to suicide..its for some one else..he keeps on sayin tht i'll die i'll die but he never tried i just want to helo him out n make him realise how easy it is to say n how hard it is to die..sorry tht i asked how can I..in the question if i said it before tht it was for some one else u wouldnt hav answered properly so i asked like tht

2006-06-26 01:58:07 · update #1

58 answers


It is hard to do and I hope it is the only way t gove him realization ....

You can try to make him visit hospital morgue, visit people having enduring pain ... hope he will come to know what is the bless of being alive .. and hopefully he will feel great of being alive healthy and will never think like the way you talked about...

But be very careful ... before taking any step .. having potential danger to you as well as your friend.

2006-07-08 20:55:58 · answer #1 · answered by mimi 2 · 2 0

I don't give pitty to the suicidal. Suicidal people are normally just looking for attention. So lets just get right down to it. Here are a few ways that you can kill yourself

1. Shooting yourself in the head
You dont want to just take a gun and put it to your temple and pull the trigger. It is human nature to pull away at the last moment and then you walk around screwed up for the rest of your life or as a vegetable. I would suggest filling your mouth with water and then putting the barrel under your chin when the gun goes off it will Send the water directly to the brain. IF the bullet dont kill you, the water on the brain will.

2. Slitting your wrists
While many people try few people succeed. Once the burning goes in, you wanna get some help. To bypass this I suggest doing it in a tub of warm water and keeping the wrists under the warm water. A) the water will keep the blood flowing B) the Warmth will take the edge of the sting.

3.) Jumping off a building.
This of course does work but You first have to have the nerve to do it. Most people lose their nerve at the last moment and just walk home.

4) Pills.
OD's hardly ever work you just end up with a Stomach pump and that sucks.

So there are some ways you can but most ways you wont succeed and you will just live out the rest of your life wishing you were dead and not being able to do anything because you screwed up on your first attempt. Now you will be in a wheelchair or worse and not be in control. Get some help, get some counseling and move on with your life. But if you are down right determined to do it why not go out in style. Sticks some sparklers in your but and go to the top floor of the I-95 Apartments in NYC. Open Up the Window, at 4:55PM m-f and Light the Sparklers. Then Just jump. The 27 Story Fall will kill you and you will attract all kinds of attention that you obviously never got, with your sparklers. If you are still gurgling on the ground when you hit, dont worry, I will be there at that time with my 18 Wheeler to finish you off.

2006-06-25 06:54:02 · answer #2 · answered by yarger72 2 · 0 0

OK here goes....If you're gonna try a suicide, you don't wanna screw this up and end up a paraplegic or living with a mangled face. So combine several different methods to get the job done right the first time. Preparation is the key to success!

First, obtain one fifth of Pepe Lopez tequila. You'll need this for the balls to complete the task at hand. Go to your medicine cabinet put every drug you can find in to a ziplock bag. Think of a nearby highway that you can get up to 100 MPH and be in the range of a bridge support. Buy a nice straight edge razor.

Take the razor and cut through the vinyl covering on your steering wheel to get to the airbag. Slice that sucker into pieces. We wouldn't want that pesky thing saving your life now would we? Now, start driving out towards that spot on the highway you picked out. You probably want to do this at about 4 AM as this is time of least traffic. I assume you wouldn't want to take out any innocent motorists, but in case you do, any time of day will do. You're gonna be dead, so who cares right? Start eating all the pills in the bag and chasing them down with the Pepe Lopez. The more you drink, the less you'll care and hopefully you'll eat the entire bag. Keep driving...and drinking...and swallowing those pills. Now timing is critical. From the time you start drinking the Pepe Lopez until the time you finish should be no more than 15 minutes. Otherwise you'll pass out from the alcohol and not complete your mission. If you've timed it correctly, you've finished the Pepe, the pills, and are well on your way towards that bridge support. Take out the razor and slice both wrists. Do not go across....go lengthwise several times on each wrist. You should be feeling no pain at this point. While your at it, try to get the side of your neck and go deep! You want to hit that jugular! Once thats done, increase speed to 100 MPH. It would be really cool if you are chased by cops...we might get to see you on TV one day. Last but not least...aim for that bridge support. BOOM! Your mission is complete. If the crash didn't kill you, hopefully the loss of blood would. If they were able to somehow get you to a hospital the combination of pills and tequila should finish you off before they could sew you up and figure out the toxic composition in your bloodstream. Good luck!!!

Now a much simpler way is to obtain a handgun and conceal it. Walk into your local police station. Find an area full of police officers and start firing random shots past their heads. It shouldn't take any more than 30 seconds before you are a pile of hamburger. You'll definitely get on the news and we'll know you succeeded!

2006-06-25 07:22:10 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

When's the last time you saw your family doctor? Are you currently taking anything for your depression? Are you currently involved with a psychologist or a counselor? If you answered no to the 2nd and 3rd question, I strongly suggest you seek help. Many things in life can cause humans to feel the way you do. Depression can cause us to feel hopeless and helpless and make us think about suicide.

Do some investigative work. Make a list of all the people and things that make you feel sad, depressed and down right unhappy.

Then make a list of all the people and things that make you smile and feel good and happy.

Acknowledge your accomplishments in life!! Feel good about them!!

Acknowledge your downfalls or shortcomings in life and learn to work with them.

Take all your information to your doctor and tell him or her how you've been feeling and why. Between your doctor and you, he or she will be able to recommend who you can see for this problem.

Half the battle is won, by admitting your good points and all your accomplishments as well as admitting your bad points and disappointments.

Good luck to you and I hope I was some what helpful!

2006-06-25 07:35:07 · answer #4 · answered by Lyndee 4 · 0 0

Well....there are many ways to die...but I'm sure your friend is already dying inside. When people want to die it's because they hurt so much inside. They have generally given everything they have got just to survive. They get to a point where they have what we call 'tunnel vision' and the only way they can stop the pain is to kill themselves and they it won't hurt anymore. They don't think that there are any other options available to them. What friends can do is convince them to talk to someone...anyone...but it has to be someone who will listen and definately someone who will care...whether it be an aunt or uncle, the gym teacher or even a professional. Don't let your friend go this alone...help them...listen to them...if they won't talk to someone...then you make a private report to a person who you think can best help your friend. I hope your friend does okay because this is a tough cruel world and you don't want to go it alone. I hope this helps you...and take care of yourself as well.

2006-07-09 06:16:39 · answer #5 · answered by claudeward49 3 · 0 0

Your question was really difficult to read and understand. There are a lot of different ways to die. The best way is to die for someone you love, I think. If you or your friend are thinking of suicide, contact an adult, 911, or the Suicide Hotline NOW!!!! It is NOT the answer! This is a temporary problem and suicide is not reversible.

Other ways to die: carbon monoxide, arsenic, an explosion, a collapse, falling rocks, falling piano, etc.

2006-07-08 04:43:09 · answer #6 · answered by Strives to be Something 3 · 0 0

Call your best friend or your parents RIGHT NOW. Don't let yourself be alone until you have been evaluated by a professional. If you can't think of anyone to call, call 911 and explain how you feel - they are very nice and will help you get some help. I know this is scary, I have been there; but there is life after depression; I have seen it. Good Luck. and God Bless.

PS If you can't bring yourself to get help, at least put this off until tomorrow - you can always kill yourself (if you still want to) then, but you can't bring yourself back to life.

2006-06-25 10:08:29 · answer #7 · answered by Jeanne- LEAVES Military Ministry 3 · 0 0

The way I would like to die is by a jealous husband at the age of 75

2006-07-08 15:20:32 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you develop an illness like Cancer or get exposed to an Virus and cannot build up an immunity to it. But if you are having suicidal thoughts get your mind on something else!. Like a game or TV maybe go for a walk or eat something.

2006-06-25 07:46:14 · answer #9 · answered by Golden Ivy 7 · 0 0

I hope This answer get to you before you get your 46th answer
Life s eternal, love is immoral and death is only an horizon, and an horizon is only the limit of our sight, This body is my house it is not I Triumphant in this faith I live and die, A wish is a desire without to attain end. LIFE IS HARD,BY BY THE YARD, BUT BY THE INCH, LIFE'S A CINCH, OUT OF THE SEED IS THE FLOWER, OUT OF THE FLOWER IS THE SEED OUT OF THE NEED THE POWER OUT OF THE POWER THE DEED DO NT BE AFRAID TO BE AFRAID

2006-07-07 16:45:53 · answer #10 · answered by boy_jam_arch 6 · 0 0

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