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People reject 1000 of evidence in evolution but believe creationism regardless of any clue, I just need some clues in favor of god creating us (If we can't understand something we cant hope its divine.........Ages ago people thought moon as a God because they couldn't understand it)......Please some convincing clues

2006-06-25 06:09:45 · 11 answers · asked by indrakeerthi 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

11 answers

I myself am an evolutionist, but I can tell you that the book "The Case for a Creator" by Lee Strobel is the most convincing creationist propaganda that I've ever read.

2006-06-25 06:18:10 · answer #1 · answered by GVG 4 · 0 0

This is a very good question,and would take a long time to answer. First,go to the only source we have about God. Read the bible,and ask God to give you help in understanding it. One thing I want to point out about the evolution theory. If we evolved out of the primordial soup some want you to believe,the odds have been figured by that happening at 76 followed by 36 zeros. Then it doubles if you figure that male and female did it at the same time. With that aside I believe the bible,because of the prophesies that came through. Isaiah told600 years before Jesus was born all the things that would happen. Daniel told things 2300 years that would happen,and they did to the very year. Also,in Revelation all the things that would happen near the time of the end are happening. Have you noticed all the earthquakes,weather records broken every year both hot and cold,wars going on all over.But, you may not believe where the last great prophesy of Revelation will come from. Our cup is almost full,and I advise you to read the Bible. If you want more I am tandforsumr@yahoo.com

2006-06-25 06:31:37 · answer #2 · answered by sumrtanman 5 · 0 0

Sometime in your young life, I presume you are young, take a few moments of your time and go outside and sit down alone, near a body of water or a hill, or a mountain if one is near.
Maybe later in life, travel to those kinds of places. Look out from a top of a mouintain. Here in USA or a foreign country.
LOOK, really look, and SEE. LISTEN, really listen. FEEL the earth beneath you, really feel, with your hands. TASTE cool water from a mountain stream, REALLY taste. SMELL the odors in a forest, odors of nature, really smell and inhale.

Look around at the flowers. Listen to the birds singing.
Think for a moment of your heart. An organ that will beat a billion times, or more, in your lifetime. Think of the hearts of all the animals, maybe you read of the death of a 176 year old turtle.

Think of a favorite pet and the unconditional love that is given to you freely. No strings. Yes, they want love in return and will do anything to please.
Realize that the world will never run out of water. Oh, yes, man pollutes it, but it will never disppear or diminish. We have the same amount as in the beginning. If we stopped polluting, can you not see where it would return to it's original state?

I could go on and on, but, do you really think all this, and much more, was an accident? That it is still here after all our abuse, after all the billions of years. Can you think of one thing that was made by man, that has remained in it's original state for longer than a few years.

If not soon someday you will see it. And you will just know. There will come a time when you will not just "Believe". You will KNOW!

2006-06-25 06:35:31 · answer #3 · answered by ed 7 · 0 0

Actually while still considered a theory, there is more than ample evidence to support evolution as a fact.

However, creationism, ID or anything similar are purely faith based. By definition that means they cannot be proven or disproven, so they don't even fall into the category of scientific theory.

So while such faith-bathed thoughts can be taught appropriately in a philosophy class, they have no place in a science classrom

The Flying Spaghetti Monster lives!

2006-06-25 06:13:33 · answer #4 · answered by Lori A 6 · 0 0

I actually think that God created everything, but that Evolution was part of his creation. Otherwise, how would we explain dinosaurs and the close relationships between man and ape. God created the world and it evolved as evolution suggests, The writers of the Bible were men and could have very easily left out things to prove their superiority over other beasts.

2006-06-25 06:16:21 · answer #5 · answered by elliecow 3 · 0 0

Here is the main flaw of the Creationism argument.

They argue that because A (evolution) is not true, then B (Creationism) MUST be true.

Unfortunately, they forget if A is not true, then the answer could also be C,D, E...ad infinitum.

2006-06-25 06:14:27 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

When it comes to evolution you can not match a man to a monkey.
When it can to God, you can not say exist, not he does not exist.
It is like a vicious circle no winners.

2006-06-25 06:13:47 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I dont reject the evidence...I know it all fits into Gods paln..ur just interpreting the evidence wrong..to fit ur agenda

2006-06-25 06:13:41 · answer #8 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

Apparently you don't have a clue.

2006-06-25 06:14:01 · answer #9 · answered by Rollover Mikey 6 · 0 0

As far as evidence goes ,there isn't any .It is a faith that is beleived and kept insiside one self.Only time can tell................

2006-06-25 06:19:45 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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