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I had a bad time these days with my emotion. On top of that, when I am being scolded by my parent, I really want to cried in front of them like what i did when I was a kid, but I didn't (or couldn't do so). I know they don't mean or don't think I am taking their word seriously, but their words do really hurt. I couldn't say a word in front of them, than I went back to my room, and while alone, I couldn't help but tears started to drop. Then I forced myself not to cry, in case anyone would notice, but I felt terrible. As a guy, others will say like stop being a cry baby or like thats gay. Sometimes I really want to cry like a kid. Girls can go to a guy and cry all they want and no one cares, but why do guys have to hide or control their emotions. I feel like I am gona explode. Isn't it just so hard to keep how you feel inside to yourself?

2006-06-25 04:36:11 · 6 answers · asked by Skys 3 in Family & Relationships Family

6 answers

Skyler --
It IS okay for a man to cry, especially to express his emotions. It is also healthier to do so when it needs to be done. Do not put this off until later. If it is okay to laugh when you are happy, then it okay to cry when you are sad.

If you do not want to appear as a crybaby, then do not cry like a baby, with loud sobbing and blubbering. If you do not want to appear to be a whiner, then learn to cry without whining.

There is never anything wrong with allowing the tears to flow. But if you want to look masculine doing it, do so silently (a little nose sniffling is okay, so is blowing your nose if that is needed). Just let the tears fall, do not draw attention to them by continuing to wipe them away. Take deep breaths, fill your lungs, hold the air slightly before you exhale and cry.

Emotions are meant to be expressed. When you try to hold them inside, you are doing yourself harm (that is why you feel like you are going to explode). When you express your emotions honestly, you have nothing to be ashamed about.

One of my favorite verses from the Bible is also one of the shortest. It reads: "Jesus wept."

2006-06-25 08:08:27 · answer #1 · answered by Richard 7 · 72 1

First of all I truly believe that any man that feels comfortable enough with it should cry. Maybe if more men cried the world would have happier women. Men that don't cry have a hard time expressing themselves. They become batterers because they have no way of expressing what they feel because society says men are not supposed to cry. If men don't cry then how do they vent. So my young friend I say let your tears fall and be happy that you can let yourself cry. Stopping yourself from crying is only setting you up for a world of heart ache. You learn to just keep all your emotions locked inside of you. Imagine 20 years from now and you have not shed 1 single tear..........someone makes you extremely angry or sad..........how do you think you will respond? Well take it from the master of internal emotions. It comes out as sheer violence. Violence that can't be controlled. So please cry cry cry until your little heart is content.
Best of luck.

2006-06-25 04:54:30 · answer #2 · answered by loveycatsfish 1 · 0 0

For most men, crying is more intimate than sex. It's seen as a moment of vulnerability or weakness. We're not raised to be strong sometimes and weak sometimes. We're raised to be strong all of the time.

When I was in the service, my friend and I were getting ripped into by our squadron commander. My friend Bob was the most masculine, hardcore dude I knew. He had a heart like an icebox.

Well, the commander was yelling at us about something stupid we'd done and I've got my eyes locked forward taking it like a man. But the commander stops his tirade and says "What the Hell is the matter with you? Pull yourself together for Christ's sake!". I'm baffled as Hell and chance a sideways glance. My friend Bob is staring straight ahead at attention like me, only his face is red and tears are streaming down his face and he's silently sobbing. The commander chews us a little more and tosses us out of his office.

On the way home, Bob says that since he was a kid, he cries when a man yells at him. It had something to do with his dad but he wouldn't go into it anymore except to say that if I ever told anyone about it, he'd kill me in my sleep.

But you're right that it's sometimes hard to keep it inside. But you can't always let it out when you want to so you wait until it's safe.

Just make sure not to take it out on the wrong people, alright dudes?

2006-06-25 04:50:08 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's alright to cry and feel your emotions. If you do it a lot or feel depressed. You may have a chemical in-balance and need to see a doctor. Some men stuff there feelings and it comes out in other ways. That are not healthy. You should try speaking up for your self. Tell those people. I don't like that or that hurts my feelings. It gets easier the more you do it. You are who you are. It's your right as a human being to have feelings. Don't be ashamed.

2006-06-25 05:25:32 · answer #4 · answered by wiseone 2 · 0 0

Go ahead and cry if that is what you feel like doing. It is healthy.
Then, when your done, go and do something that you like to do by yourself like a bike ride, video game, shoot hoops, or go to the store.
Then go and do something with someone you like to be with.
Then go and talk to your parents about your feeling sad.

And to answer your question: Sometimes it is okay to show our emotions. Sometimes it is better we hold our emotions in. Yes it can be hard to do the latter at times.

Keep your self-honesty strong and Good Luck.

2006-06-26 13:01:40 · answer #5 · answered by hyperactivesleep 3 · 0 0

You shouldn't hold back your emotions, it's most natural to have them. You should really talk to your parent and tell them how it is affecting you. They must not realize it. Crying is good for the soul. Good luck to you.

2006-06-25 04:53:16 · answer #6 · answered by doglady 5 · 0 0

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