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illegals and their pro-illegal immigrant supporters? After all, if that is what they want me to be, I CAN accomodate them! All we want is our laws enforced. Maybe becoming vigilante is what it will take.

2006-06-25 03:43:13 · 17 answers · asked by vacant 3 in Politics & Government Immigration

there IS a difference in "vigilante" and "vigilance":

vigilante- law-enforcing citizen, somebody who punishes lawbreakers personally and illegally rather than relying on the legal authorities

vigilance-watchfulness, the condition of being watchful and alert, especially to danger

The Minutemen are a 'Vigilance group', they are NOT vigilante. They call on the Border Patrol to capture illegals they find.

2006-06-25 04:12:19 · update #1


2006-06-25 04:13:23 · update #2

17 answers

Unfortunately, yeah.
What originally got me so "militant" is that my youngest daughter was born with a genetic condition that caused multiple disabilities and health issues. If anybody out there REALLY wants details, I'll list 'em all. Our little girl qualifies 100% for "Katie Beckett" Medicaid, but we have to continually fight for it because of the large number of indigent illegals locally. That was my first turning point. My second turning point was that when after I took a stand by expressing my views on illegal immigration, I was labeled "racist" and "xenophobic". I don't care about race. I don't care about country of origin. What concerns me is that there's a whole influx of people into this country that don't want to be an American, they just want America. We return you now to our regularly scheduled programming.

2006-06-25 04:04:36 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Yes I have! White Feather said it real well and so did Bucky Ruckus.

I wish there were TRUE vigilantes, who take the law into their own hands, if you know what I mean. That's just the point that I have gotten in to. I don't want to offend any Americans, sorry if I do. I am just really frustrated. We are overrun with illegal Mexicans in this town and they have turned it into a ghetto. Nobody does a damn thing about it. I'm not the only one who feels this way. I assure you. Why is there an immigration office if they refuse to do anything?

Thanks for being on the right side.

2006-06-25 15:34:02 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes I have. I was pretty neutral until the kids in Fort Worth and Dallas left school to protest the immigration laws. When they came back to school I asked a group of hispanic kids who had attended the protest who the president of Mexico was. They had no idea. I then asked them if they even knew what the protest was about and did they even know what was being voted on in congress. Of course they didn't know. It was a way to get out of school. Now I'm all for people coming to the US to make a good living for themselves. I have a big, big problem with them not legally applying for citizenship and playing by the rules of this country. They want to fly the Mexican flag, and many of them who were born here from illegal parents, have never been to Mexico. I asked a hispanic friend of mine if they had ever been there and they said no, they wouldn't go there or subject their kids to that. So yes, I am in a "vigilante" attitude now because of the protests.

2006-06-25 11:17:14 · answer #3 · answered by pamela h 2 · 0 0

I have noticed that I am not nearly as tolerant as I once was. I dont make any apology for what I write. Being attacked at every turn, being called "RACIST", evil *******, and a host of other labels on a daily basis has certainly given me a short temper and an Attitude of "I just dont give a rats a** about debating an issue", lets get em! And if you cant take a joke, well then screw you too!
Did not mean to rant, but yes, I am getting to the "Vigilante attitude" you talk about. This is still America, for however long we Americans can keep it.
Back me into a corner and see what comes out at you!

2006-06-25 11:01:51 · answer #4 · answered by renegadesho_ban 3 · 0 0

I don't like it anymore than you, but I want you to keep in mind that maybe these criminals are trying to push you into a violent act so that they can have another excuse to attempt to act superior to Americans. I personally believe that those who are trying to insite violence want a civil war, on American soil.
Me, I am a tenth generation American and I am claiming the heritage act. I am refusing to support the corruption of our own government by these illegals any longer. If your a forth generation American, or someone in your family is you have a right to claim tax exempt status. Which I have already done, my tax exempt card will be here within the next two weeks. I've advised and provided copies of the form that Americans can get from the IRS to my family and friends, that are all doing the same. We still have to pay sales tax, but no more federal, or federally imposed taxes. Just imagine how cheap my gas will be. I am encouraging others to do the same. If our government wants to continue to ignore the American citizens then, I refuse to support them any further. I say let the illegals cover my share for at least the next thirty years. That is how long I have been paying taxes used to support these criminals. And, remember these criminals have been given amnesty twice before, and they have done nothing but abuse the privilage. And, if you have a problem with my gramar, or spelling take it to another forum. This forum is for immigration questions, not a gramar class. You should not have allowed my education that was paid for by my parents to be stolen by illegals.

2006-06-25 12:32:04 · answer #5 · answered by Spirited1 2 · 0 0

I happen to agree with you in that illegals and pro illegals have pushed the American public to the limit. The Minutemen are a vigilante group, and there are more to come.

Pro illegals complain about the Minutemen but they fail to mention how many Mexican lives have been saved by the Minutemen. Pro illegals don't want you to know this.

2006-06-25 10:52:02 · answer #6 · answered by Made in America 7 · 0 0

People should be vigilant in all aspects of their lives. Vigilante didn't use to be a dirty word. Citizens have powers of arrest just like the police do. Police merely have special dispensation to do certain things in the pursuit of justice.

Just make sure that if you're going to arrest someone that you've got the evidence to back up your arrest. Because, just like the police, there is a world of civil and criminal liability waiting for someone who falsely arrests someone.

Also remember that in vigilance, there is a *huge* difference between helping to enforce laws that are being violated and driving by a group of day workers, calling them wetbacks and telling them to get the Hell back across the Rio Grande.

2006-06-25 11:01:45 · answer #7 · answered by slagathor238 5 · 0 0

Ist of all figure out what your upset at no document workers or the fact that your goverment lied to you about your history and you just found out now you should be mad at the school system for misleading you and your kids too about american history and you should demand a change and some one answer for this deseption to the american public.
Theres no pro legal immigrant supporters attacking you theres only one guy teaching people who are bashing all mexican people a little american history that you should have already known.

2006-06-25 11:31:24 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think a lot of mexicans are out to pick a fight, basically walking down the street looking for someone to start trouble with, someone to knock the chip off their shoulder, so to speak, and the time has come for some no-bullshit 'go home' legislation...
we've been BEYOND tolerant with Mexico's crap, it's time for them to pull their socks up, be men and women, and enact the kind of civil reforms in THEIR country that will provide for the welfare and well-being of their own damn people...America's carried these people for long enough, we're not the goddamn global welfare office, and the reason that we've been played that way is because our own politicians are too greedy, short-sighted, stupid, weak-kneed, whatever you want to call it, to prevent such things from going on. Well, although we are patient, and relatively laid-back compared to some, americans aren't stupid, nor infinitely tolerant of others' bullshit stories. It's time to call a 'halt' to the slo-mo welfare invasion, and straighten things out. It's also kind of one of those 'now or never' decision-lines, and if Bush and the rest of the GOP are going to be all up in arms about protecting the homeland, they can start by tossing out the freeloaders. Squash the welfare program, there's PLENTY of jobs out there 'that americans will do', but first the global welfare office thing has to stop...other people in other countries aren't stupid, but they WILL milk the United States for every red cent they can get, and some are doing a superlative job of seeing to it that this country never runs 'in the black' again, as they do their level best to lead our representation and our business leaders down the garden path to hell...and us along with em. Conserve your gas, get out and vote, make it to your next city council meeting even if you don't speak at it, just make sure you get there, and we'll nip this garbage in the bud and by being a good neighbor, help Mexico to become the same...sometimes good neighbors remind each other to pick up their garbage and not park in front of each other's driveway etc...

2006-06-25 11:06:07 · answer #9 · answered by gokart121 6 · 0 0

I have to be honest here. Everytime, these days, that I see a mexican do something like run a red light, or spit on the sidewalk, or sitting on the corner drinking beer with his "crew", I automatically think "f'n illegals!". I can't help it, I think it is because we have become so overrun with illegals and have witnessed their blatant disrespect for our home here in the US, that if a mexican does something like that I assume they are illegal. That might not answer your question, but at the same time it is a change in attitude that I have had lately.

2006-06-26 13:44:59 · answer #10 · answered by hisgirl_2455 2 · 0 0

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