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I ask my mom for some money to get clothes and grocreys and she goes crazy! I don't see why because when i wanted to move out she said you are still my responsibilty because you are 17 but she doesn't want to take care of her responsibility! My boyfriend has payed for everything in the past 7 months! i spend my money on my baby and i don't have any thing for myself! My mom gets a social security check for me but says she pays my car note and insurance with it but i know she has money left over! The social security office told me that she is supposed to use it for food shelter and clothing for me but she doesn't. only the shelter part but i know she has money!!! she has 3 jobs and gets a check from my dad each month!!!! what should i do because i need clothes too!

2006-06-25 03:18:16 · 25 answers · asked by Mrs.Dennis 3 in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

25 answers

Shop at Goodwill...It's great!

2006-06-25 03:24:15 · answer #1 · answered by gcbtrading 7 · 0 0

GET A JOB. If you want money for clothes and stuff you probably don't need, then you should get a job. If you chose to move out of your mothers house, no matter how old you are, then you are saying that you are old enough to take on all the responsibilities of living on your own. If you have a child of your own, then you need to stop depending on your mother for everything. She is a grandmother now, and deserves to have a break from being responsible for you. I am sure she had to do whatever it took t get as far as she got, so that it what you have to do. Maybe you should have thought about this before you moved out. You should have asked your mother if it was going to be hard. She would have been able to prepare you for all of this a little better. It would be a good idea to start making some changes in your life so you can start getting somewhere without having to beg your mother for help and argue with her. Your mother works three jobs, that's why she has money. Since she is the one working those jobs, it's her money. Your state check is most likly not very much. I am sure that it is very little considering what your mother has to do for you. I would try thanking her for what she is doing, and get a job so you can contribute to the life that you want for yourself and family. Do you want your baby comeing to you when you're older and asking for money all the time?

2006-06-25 03:35:36 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Child support is really not that much. I don't understand why she would be getting social security for you as well. Usually, one gets that if the father has passed away.

You are 17, you have a baby, you have a boyfriend. It seems that you felt you were adult enough to become a mother. It is time for you and the boyfriend to learn to stand on your own two feet. You are not paying rent, electric, water, phone, car note, or car insurance. Have any clue just how much money that adds up to? Even just your portion of it?

She is working three jobs!!!! Three!! Just how high on the hog do you suppose she is living??? Do you think that if she had enough money to support all of the household needs with the child support, the SS and one job that she would be killing herself with three jobs?

Go to Goodwill and get some clothes if you don't have anything to wear. Get a good job. Take some courses to enable you to earn enough to support your own responsibilities. Start being a part of the answer instead of one of the problems. And your mother is right, at 17 you are still her responsibility. She has to keep a roof over your head, but she is not required to provide you with the latest fashions.

I am sorry I sound so tough, but believe me, when you are finally out on your own, and you are the responsible one... your whole attitude will undergo a major turn around.

2006-06-25 03:29:45 · answer #3 · answered by diane_b_33594 4 · 0 0

how long till you turn eighteen? Once that happens social security would go to you not her. It sounds like your mom is having a hard time.. but that doesn't mean she isn't spending her money irresponsibly. With three jobs and two extra checks coming in she should be able to make ends meet and have a twenty bucks left over here and there for extras like clothing. But, that all depends on how many hours she works total, what she makes, and where you guys live. For now, there is not much you can do about it, you could go try to live on your own, but from the sounds of it, you would have to do without alot more than new clothing. Talk to your mom about why you need several specific items... clothes sounds frivolous, tell her you need a new pair of jeans because... (these have huge holes in them or i can't button them up anymore) She might be more willing to hand the money over if she thinks you are not going to waste it.

2006-06-25 03:26:01 · answer #4 · answered by manderstwin1 3 · 0 0

If your mother is working 3 jobs!! How many jobs are you working? True, SS payments are supposed to be used for your needs. So tell me, how much of the income she receives from her 3 jobs goes to support you and your child? How would you feel if she decided that she would ONLY use the SS check and child support check to pay for you and your child's needs? That wouldn't be much. How about if she gave you both checks and you were then responisble for your car payment and insurance, all your child's needs, your share and your child's share of the utilities, groceries, rent/mortgage payment, household repairs and annual taxes? What's your Mom's email address? I think that this should be suggested to her. Based on what you have said, I feel that you are being very ungrateful for just what your mother does for you AND your child. Your mother has a legal responsibility to provide clothing, shelter, medical care, food and an education to you. That is it. She doesn't even have to love you. And here you hand her another child to take care of. You have a car, do you have a job? If you have a young baby and don't want to put him/her in daycare, I understand that, but maybe you could be a nanny or work in a day care center yourself so that you are there with your child. Maybe instead of being mad at your mother you could sit down with her and get her to show you a list of all the bills versus her total income. I bet you would be surprised to see how much it really takes to live a decent life. Try going to thrift stores or yard sales for your clothes and clothes for your baby. That will save quite a bit of money.

2006-06-25 03:57:06 · answer #5 · answered by Redneck-n-happy 3 · 0 0

The social security check is for YOU and YOUR CHILD not her and her needs... you should check the mail around the time the check gets in and deposit it into your account..

Also if you are old enough to have a kid your mother should see that you are old enough to move out on your own... If you have a job you should try looking for another job that will pay you a bit more..

or you could just wait until you turn 18 and move out and take the check with you and your new home and use that money for you and your family

2006-06-25 08:40:40 · answer #6 · answered by nikkig813 3 · 0 0

If you moved out and have a family of your own it's not your mothers responsibility. If she chooses to help you then she does. Try to get emancipated and then you can get the social security checks...I dont know if having a baby at 17 emancipates you but look into that. Also, try getting a job, even if it's part time. If you're adult enough to have sex, get pregnant and have baby then you should be able to get a job and take care of youself. This may seem harsh but I was 17 when I got pregnant with my son. I got my own apt, worked, went to college, my sons dad and b/f at the time (husband now) joined the air force to have another income. You could try getting assistance like food stamps or something to at least help with some costs. Don't depend on your mom though. Whether or not she said that you were her responsibility sounds like you're really not anymore. You'll figure it out. I did

2006-06-25 03:28:34 · answer #7 · answered by ktpb 4 · 0 0

You are a spoiled brat. Get off you butt and get yourself a job. She is using the SS check to give you a place to live. If you don't have a job, then why the hell do you have a car? You don't need to go anywhere except stay at home and take care of your baby. She had three jobs just to be able to take care of things? Do the grown up thing and become a responsible adult. I can't wait until your child is old enough to start hounding you like you're doing to your mom.

2006-06-25 03:33:58 · answer #8 · answered by pamela_d_99 5 · 0 0

All I can say is, hang in there until you're eighteen. You can move in with your boyfriend or a friend at that point and have your SS check forwarded over there. Look around for a job so you can earn money for clothes and other items you need to look and feel your best. You need to also try to go to school once you get settled in, at any cost. AN EDUCATION IS EVERYTHING.

2006-06-25 16:30:02 · answer #9 · answered by snapessxy 4 · 0 0

Of course same as most answers you need a job! The car note and insurance for your age can easily eat up what little social security $$ is left. You could always move out but again you need a JOB, getting money from others is not the answer you need to establish your independence as a young woman and mother, she will loose the $ form your dad very shortly and you've added another person to the mix. Your boyfriend is doing what he needs to do as a man and father and I really commend him on this, allot of young women are left on their own. You will learn irregardless of age many parents make allot of sacrifices themselves to make sure their children are taken care of. Welcome to the adult world, now act like one.

2006-06-25 04:20:52 · answer #10 · answered by badmikey4 4 · 0 0

You need to realize that it's NOT all about you anymore!!!!If you still wanted to be treated like a child, you should not have messed around and gotten pregnant. I got pregnant at 17, moved out on my 18th birthday and my fiance and I have taken care of our baby since!!!! What do you want your mom to do, stop payihg for your car and insurance? Then you can whine about not having a car to drive. Your mom does NOT owe you anything. You live in HER home, eat HER food, shower with water that SHE pays for, and you, and your child live in a home that SHE pays for. Quit whining about not getting new clothes and grow up!!!

Let me add something up for you
car payment-502.00
life insurance-22.00
medical insurance-80.00
that equals nearly $2000 bucks. This is what we were paying monthly when we moved out. I think your mom should let you move out. You'll be begging to go back home. I haven't bought myself new clothes in a year because my fiance and I have 2 kids now and THEY get provided for first. You need to grow up and quit blaming your mom. You're lucky she lets you live with her!!!

2006-06-25 03:35:05 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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