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19 answers

Last time I checked, you said "No".

2006-06-25 16:00:15 · answer #1 · answered by ikwya 3 · 0 3

The fact that a few Christian Extremists are vocal about their belief in creationism should not be taken as a sign that most Christians believe as they do.

The majority of Christians do not think so. I attended a Christian High School and a Christian University where I was taught that evolution was correct. Granted, I was also told that at some point in the evolutionary chain, God touched mankind and granted each of us a soul.

Even Pope John Paul II said that evolution is more than mere theory. Catholicism represents over half of the Christians in the world.

2006-06-25 10:33:28 · answer #2 · answered by Ranto 7 · 0 0

Let's assume for a minute that God does exist. Let's also assume that the earth as we know it couldn't possibly be produced in 7 days, according to the very laws of nature to which we are bound.

1) Why couldn't God have prompted evolution to occur?
2) If these "laws of nature" DO exist, perhaps God wove them in after creating the earth in one week. You CANNOT cool a liquid ball of MAGMA in one week and suddenly have plants and animals on it. There isn't just evidence that the earth was once a ball of magma - it's a given just like it's a given that it is raining outside (hmm, where does lava come from during a volcano? From the center of the earth where the remaining uncooled magma resides - if you want to call it hell go for it). The laws of nature and Creationism directly contradict one another.
3) If God created "everything" as we know it, can't we give him some credit people? I feel like some religious zealots end up sounding ignorant (yes, I just said it) and don't give God enough credit as being intelligent...

...God very well might have had a hand in creating all of us, but whose to say that it was 7 days and not 7 million years? Oh right - that dude who wrote the bible 500 years after Jesus died...you know, back when they still thought the earth was flat.

As long as you don't reject God altogether, but are merely seeking out a new version of truth, with no malice in you heart, I don't see how God could think you're "evil."

Bottom line: whilst living on this planet we will NEVER know the absolute truth about anything. End of story. Many people will say that they do, and these people are arrogant and aren't worth talking to anyways. Best you can do it embrace the brain God gave you and use it!

2006-06-25 09:52:09 · answer #3 · answered by G_Elisabeth 5 · 0 0

As a Muslim, I believe on evolution of mankind (eg: seed, womb, infant, child, adult, mother/father, different colors/sizes of human beings due to their atmosphere)

Do I believe on the theory of men coming from other creatures (eg: monkey)? No.

There is a misconception in people these days that science have FOUND proofs that says we have evolved from other creatures but the fun fact is, this is still an ongoing quest to prove this theory to be right or wrong.
There have been many times where "supposed scientists" have found the "proof" of human evolution but at the end, they tests showed them to be proven cons. There is a museum in England that is dedicated to those con artists, I can't recall the name of it.

When we look at the theories (especially on-going ones), we need to keep in mind that it could be right and it could be wrong. Just because one contradicts itself with other doesn't make it right, you need to ask question and find answers, which we are still working on.

The skeletons we have found of our "ancestors" (oldest one I believe is Lucy) which most people think was somewhat ape and somewhat human is because many Darwinism followers have manipulated the images of what it looked like when it had flesh on it but when you read the fine print you will see the word "supposed" in it, which means, for all we know, it was just another human being.

Fact: Apes still exists, the theory of evolution is when one creature evolves from another, either first one goes out of existent or continues to produce the next or in-between reformation. We don't have a single case where an ape produced a human or an ancestor of human.

Fact: There is no DNA evidence that links us to any other creature. You will think after all the scientific resources, we would have stepped on at least one example. Yet no luck.

On the other hand, science has followed many religious scriptures and found many scientific facts in them, that have been only 200-400 years ago.
I am not saying that the scriptures are books of science, I am saying they are books of signs which lead us to a supreme being, many call it God, Allah, Ram and so on.

I say science is not eliminating the God but is actually helping human being eliminating the idols of God and is leading us to a one true supreme being, I call Allah (an Arabic word for God Almighty)

2006-06-25 10:28:19 · answer #4 · answered by Mesum 4 · 0 0

I would not say that the belief in evolution is a sin before the Lord.

HOWEVER, the TEACHING of evolution is!

I do not blame the student for learning what he or she is taught, but the Bible is very clear that teachers will be held to a higher standard. Countless people have lost their faith due to the teaching of evolution, some concepts of which are known to be either incorrect assumptions or downright lies. Yet these lies are continued to be taught because the evolutionists want to push their agenda.

Yes, teachers are held to a much higher standard in the eyes of God.

2006-06-25 10:05:24 · answer #5 · answered by Paul McDonald 6 · 0 0

It all comes down to your definition of evolution. There are two types, micro and macro. Micro evolutin, the adaptation of a species with in it's own kind, is scientifically proven over and over. Animals change color, they grow longer hair, they have longer legs, or darker skin pigment.

You are obviously talking about macro evolution, which is the monkey to man belief. You actually need more faith to believe in this than in any other religion. There is truly no scientific proof that there is any link between one species and another. The dinosaur-bird link was disproved (those supposed feathers were really scales) and as for a transtitional form, one species actually in the process of changing to another, that has not been found yet. If you know of one that is true, I would love to see it, and not just an excavatin covering 3 square miles of land that happened to find some bones and cobble them together.

2006-06-25 09:47:22 · answer #6 · answered by bairland 3 · 0 0

That "what's isn't a sin" answer was a good one!

I think God expected man to evolve and wanted man to evolve, but without the concept of good and evil.

No where in the Bible does it say God created other men, so therefore we must assume that whites, blacks, browns, blonds, red heads, blue eyes were all a part of the evolutionary process.

The more interesting debate is the Randomist theory vs the theory of a fixed plan. Einstein once said (of the Randomist/Quantumists) God doesn't play craps. Which means God doesn't gamble with the universe.

Yet, in every woman there a dozens of different egg cells with differnt "partial plans of life" and in every man there are millions of sperm cells with an even wider variety of these "partial plans."

Why did God create so many variables if a somewhat Random mix (much like how we select Lotto winners) was not intended?

I mean if God had a totally fixed plan there wouldn't be so many combinations.

God picks the individual Sperm (maybe)? Maybe that's why some couples have a hard time conceiving.

God picks Sperm and Eggs which produce what we call "special children" in our Politically Correct world. Those who are blind, mute, savants or of limited capabilities.

Scientists say homosexuality can be linked to Genome elements. Does God then pick who will be homosexual and is it for a reason?

Is it random and does God then want to see how we handle it?

Is it all a test to see which of us are Good (not Evil)? To see how "good" we are?

If God made so many different variables in each human, then God is expecting to see both physical, mental, emotional and spiritual evolution.

Man was originally supposed to evolve in the confines of Eden, without being judgemental by having knowledge of good or evil (does this mean man would never spit out anything they eat or taste and go: "Yecch!?"). This didn't pan out so God cast us out and said: Go, do as you want, for you seem to want to do that anyway! Let's see what happens to you!

This gets us back to Free Will. God said: Don't. Man (or woman) exercised free will and did.

So I guess you have free will to beleive as you want to. God simply said don't put other God's before me, so believe in evolution, maybe you can, say that Darwin is right, that seems to violate the 10 Commandements and becomes a sin. Darwin may be a smart man, but is he smater than God, greater than God?

Finally, Jesus said "everything is fixed and can't be changed" if this just applies to his situation or to everything is open to another debate.

Some believe in predestination, which means a given person will rape, murder, be kind, loving, hateful, gay, straight, passive or violent.

It is also said, by this token, that God may award "get out of jail free" cards because of this, so Adolph Hitler or Charles Manson could end up in heaven, because they had no free will, God predestined what they would do in life. They were pawns in the great plan of things. Again, why is this so? Another test?

If everything is fixed and can't be changed and Peter beared false witness (a volation of the 10 Commandments) then he may have gotten a get out of jail card for being a pawn in the process. If not, then a sinner of the nTH order founded the Catholic chuch. A man who willingly, three times, broke one of the 10 commandments goes out and founds a church of God! Does that make him a false prophet? We are told not to follow false prophets.

This gets us back to free will vs predestination. Which does play a part in the concept of evolution. Extinction is a part of the plan. Man can try and play God, make zoos, labs, keep the species alive for a while, but bring the Dinosaurs back?

I guess, for random evolution not to exist, we have to acknowledge the fact that God has been keeping the Cubs from winning the world series all these years. That is predestination.

God sits up there in heaven and plays an active role in EVERY aspect of human and natural life on a second to second basis.

Yet, evolution still comes into play, as man reacts to these things as either being good or evil. We spit out the fruit and go "Yeccch!"

We know this can't be totally true, because if such detailed PREDESTINATION occurs, then GOD made us EAT the APPLE. It was not free will or diobediance. It was God's plan that we eat the apple. Therefore man has no real sin, he just followed the computer program.

Hence, predestination may be a limited thing (the Genome proves some existance of predestination or inclination as programmed in the gene maxtrix that makes your hair turn white on a given date, determines your eye color, etc.) and the remainder is natural flow or what is often termed evolution....

What will be, will be.

2006-06-25 10:12:21 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Darwinism is an evil education many have believed. It contradicts all that is God. God created all. NOt evolutionary theories thrown in by people convinced by the very devil to throw it in as a discovery fro the Galapagos island and what not.

Darwinism is out to reroute God's people to stray away from truth. Its jsut put in a way that people will believe it.

2006-06-25 09:46:28 · answer #8 · answered by noteparece? 4 · 0 0

The God that loves does not judge or use sin. You must be speaking of the "dark god of retribution" that was created by religious dogma centuries ago to control through ignorance and destruction. The same god that is being used by warring factions to kill each other in the name of their "god".
No sin exists in unconditional love.

2006-06-25 10:24:06 · answer #9 · answered by oh.brother 1 · 0 0

Good question, the belief in God is based on faith, the belife on evelution is based on scientific fact. Each person's believe will dictate wether it is a sin to believe.

2006-06-25 09:43:37 · answer #10 · answered by Jason N 2 · 0 0

I am a Christian, but I believe in evolution. I believe that I have evolved into a mature, God-loving, righteous dude who loves mankind and believes that even you have a shot at redemption.

2006-06-25 09:47:22 · answer #11 · answered by Modest intellect 4 · 0 0

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