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i have tried to exercise and lost weight several times. but i always lost my determination n selfconfidence that i can do it. i am 25 yrs gal and want to lost 15kg in 3 mths. i going to attend exercise classes in abt 2 weeks time. but i am worried i will leave it halfway. how can i gain by self confidence n determination that i can do it. whats wrong wif me?

2006-06-25 01:27:21 · 6 answers · asked by Violet Calla 2 in Health Diet & Fitness

6 answers

Been there, done that! :-)

Do you keep a journal? I recommend that! I stay more motivated when I write everything down. When I start to feel like I'm slipping, I go back and read the journal. I see what I've accomplished, and my fear of falling back on my goal keeps me motivated!

Also, there a few magazines that have success stories in them (Fitness, Shape, etc). Those keep me motivated too. Especially when I come across success stories of others my age, or height & weight. I figure, if others can do it....so can I!

But mostly, I need to keep focused on why I decided to lose the weight and get in shape. I think about how I felt when I made the decision. Even if I had a bad week, I have to remember the other good weeks. And if they're all bad weeks, I need to remember that quitting just means I have to start all over again, so why lose all the good work I did...just keep going.

Also, set up little non-food rewards for yourself. Treat yourself to a movie after you worked out for 2 weeks. Buy a new piece of jewlery or shoes after losing every 5 or 10 lbs.

Don't wait for the exercise classes to get started. If you've got your doctor's ok, get out and talk little walks now. Not only will it give you a jump on losing weight, but you'll be in even better shape when you start the classes. Sometimes it's frustrating when you can't keep up with others in the class. BUT DON'T QUIT THE CLASS. Everyone there wasn't able to keep up at first. So just do your best and congratulate yourself just for going and trying everytime!!!

Good luck and have fun!!!

2006-06-25 02:30:35 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I have been in a similar situation before. I always expect my weight to drop immediatly after Ive jogged or exercised for maybe a week. Initally, I was really down, I kept stopping in between. And Il gain back more sometimes! But recently, I saw my friend lose weight through diet and exercise and I was thinking that if she could do it, I can too. So I totally cut down on sugar intake to a minimum, eat whole meal bread instead of white bread and no junk food. And I started exercising. Just 1 hr 3 times a week initially, and after 2 months, Ive started to hear compliments and now I think Im almost reaching my target weight. Dont let anyone put you down! Ive let that happen to me so many times that I went into depression. Now, Im trying to ignore people who do that. Why mix with people who will only pull you down. And everytime you exercise, keep telling yourself, one more month and you'll see a difference. dont expect huge differences at 1st, but gradually, people will start noticing! Exercise and diet is important! I hope you continue and dont get discouraged before you even start your programme! Give yourself a chance. And plus, atleast you didnt give up. you can do it =)

2006-06-25 08:56:56 · answer #2 · answered by hUNnEy 1 · 0 0

Hi there...first of all, think about why are you trying to lose weight?
If you are losing weight to please other people or make others happy, the attempts are not going to succeed. Sit down and put on paper the reasons that you want to shed those pounds (e.g. health, increased self-esteem, wearing cloths you want). Keep those INTERNAL motivators in mind when you go to the gym. And do not focus on the numbers of kg's per month (you are planning to lose too much in a short time = unrealistic goal). A realistic goal is about 8 kgs in 3 month (i.e. one pound per week).
It is best to achieve long lasting results if you set realistic goals.
good luck :-)

2006-06-25 08:34:48 · answer #3 · answered by hava 1 · 0 0

Exercising brings overall benefit to the body. Not only does it lose weight but also makes you feel stronger and more alert. It also can ease stress. Exercising regularly helps to strengthen your body and your mind. Feeling healthy is more important than being thin. Focus on being healthy rather than losing weight. A positive attitude builds up your confidence. Do not lose heart!

2006-06-25 10:21:24 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I get the same way. I get discouraged so easily, but what i try to do is not pay attention to the weight I'm losing, just concentrate on exercising and think of it in terms of trying to feel better. Also, i don't weigh myself, i only go by how my clothes fit.
If you go by your weight you could get really discouraged, especially if you gain --it could mean you are losing fat but gaining muscle!

2006-06-25 08:37:34 · answer #5 · answered by mamabunny 4 · 0 0

I think that just asking this question that you are serious about excerising and loosing the weight. Many times in life we think of ourselves second and others first. This is the time where you have to think about yourself first. You can do it. Just think about how great you will look afterwards. Just think about who you want to be. Accept no less of yourself.

2006-06-25 08:43:00 · answer #6 · answered by Ashlay D 3 · 0 0

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