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I have seen many questions as why I don`t belive, but God has failed on 3 occasions : 1) his own angels turned against him 2) Adam and Eve didn`t listen to him, 3) no one followed Jesus. How many more chances does God need ?

2006-06-25 01:10:30 · 20 answers · asked by greengunge 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

20 answers

You assume the game is over. Luscifer still exists so he/she/it can turn back. Adam and Eve repented and Many do follow Jesus. I say Love wins but since the game is not over we can't throw the victory party.

PSSSST God makes the rules so God is a shooe in as winner.

2006-06-25 01:14:42 · answer #1 · answered by mike g 4 · 0 1

God is never a failure. In those three occasions that u mentioned, how can you say that his own angels turned against Him? I don't recall any topic that stated that they turned their back on Him. When Adam and Eve sinned, God was really sad. He gave strict instructions not to touch that specific fruit but as said in Genesis chapter1 a serpent (namely Satan) came to Eve and told her how much the fruit can offer and she fell for it. In the second number i have to agree with you, but the third number is something in w/c i cannot. Even when God didn't show Himself in the old testament (in the Bible), many still followed Him because He spoke to them in many ways, like a burning bush, a group of angels, and so on. In the new testament many continued to follow Him, namely His disciples, apostles, and other people as well. Actually, if you read the Bible and search the story of how He was able to feed 5000+ people, you would be amazed. Imagine this, in that span of time alone Jesus had more than 5000+ followers who believed in Him and plus since He traveled around surely many would want to hear His word. God is not a failure. He works in many ways we cannot even see and we wont even know He's already working in us. He doesn't leave His children to just wander around so He guides them (and us) to safety.

sorry if it had to be long...i somewhat get challenged whenever questions like this come around... : )

2006-06-25 08:33:29 · answer #2 · answered by !~dA pRinCeSs~! 1 · 0 0

no. God doesn't make mistakes, and He's not a failure. 1) satan wasn't an angel, angels don't have free choice, so your 1st example is wrong. 2) adam and eve were human, given free choice, they chose to FAIL the test God gave them (by eating the fruit, and disobeying God) (2nd question is void) 3) some people follow Jesus, but make the mistake of taking him as a partner along w/ God. Jesus is NOT God, nor is he the son of God. he was Sent by God to teach the people how to worship God. Therefore, i think your question is null and void.

2006-06-25 09:03:14 · answer #3 · answered by who cares! 3 · 0 0

GOD is real. 1&2) He let them have their own opinions(like us)
3) Their u are wrong two people went with Jesus the day he died on the cross. The reason the angels turned dose not matter what maters is the fact He wants a peacefull palace for all those who deserves it! Many of my prayers have been answered!
The reason that there is no peace on earth is not everyone wants it they just want power Like our Father in heaven ! But the few who do Have good morals and values even in this dredfull world.

2006-06-25 08:31:27 · answer #4 · answered by broken 1 · 0 0

I'm not debating whether or not God exists, but there is a key phrase here - "Free Will" You and only you can determine success or failure. Do we not have the Free Will to decide what is morally right or wrong?

I do not believe people are born into sin. Does that mean everyone is bad until some point in life they are turned into good? Naw, people are born pure and then develop their own Free Will to turn evil.

I think people chose to fail and then try to blame God or Satan for their own decisions. Life is the ability to change that failure into a success.

2006-06-25 08:24:29 · answer #5 · answered by Newt 4 · 0 0

God is not a failure, we have failed to meet with His expectations. 1) His angels or Lucifer and his gang turned against him coz they were too greedy for power and wanted all the glory, so they conspired against their Creator, not submitting themselves.
2) Well, greed can blind some of us, Eve was blindly deceived to eat the fruit, coz she was doubtful of what God told her and her eyes, i.e. her flesh longed or was giving into temptation. God silently watched to see whether they would obey him or not. God gave them a chance to recall and think, well , they thought and they suffered the consequences. God made manking as free thinking people and not as machines programmed to obey. If we were programmed, I guess you would not have written this question.
c) There are million who follow Jesus, have followed Jesus and will follow Jesus.
I think you need another chance !

2006-06-25 08:20:12 · answer #6 · answered by bstil 2 · 0 0

People may wonder why, if God exists, He doesn’t wave a magic wand and fix things, making or at least influencing everyone so that they do exactly what they ‘should’ do. But God never takes away anyone’s freedom of choice. God’s wisdom is to recognize and respect each soul’s individual identity, freedom and inherent goodness. God shares knowledge – a profound understanding of the dualities and dilemmas of love and hatred, happiness and sorrow, victory and defeat, etc. – but He does not make our choices for us. The soul is free to choose ‘to be or not to be’, ‘to love or not to love’. God’s love strengthens the soul’s will to free itself from the distresses caused by vices such as selfish desire, anger, fear, ego and attachment. God’s power helps the soul to recognize its highest potential and to aim for perfection by practising the art of simple living and high thinking. Such practice by a significant number of souls eventually brings about positive change in the whole of humanity.
When you learn to tune your mind in meditation to the mind of God, then whatever the situation, you always have a source of help and strength to draw upon – an infinite reservoir of power and virtues that is only a thought away

2006-06-25 13:03:34 · answer #7 · answered by iforeveryone 4 · 0 0

God isn't the failure...man is. He gave us free will...the right to choose. We've just made lots of bad choices...so did those angels, Adam and Eve and those who didn't follow Jesus. Rather cunning of him to give us free will...it's a rope to save ourselves with...or hang ourselves with.

2006-06-25 08:16:06 · answer #8 · answered by J Somethingorother 6 · 0 0

seriously, if u dont change ur attitude, u cud be going to the deepest part of HELL. just comes to show who the real failure is, dont it?

and who said anything about angels disobeying God? they dont hav free will. they are bound to God's orders. they cannot disobey or choose. they do wat they are ordered to do, no more, no less.

Adam and Eve were human beings. they chose to giv in to their temptations and listened to satan instead. they were at fault. but it wasnt against God's plan. it was destiny. so God succeeded, really.

and about the bit about Jesus (PBUH). Muslims believe in the same God as Jesus (PBUH) did. its just that the ppl after Jesus changed the religion. thats y God sent to mankind another prophet and messenger, Muhammad (PBUH) [PBUH stands for Peace Be Upon Him].

i hope that answers ur question.

2006-06-25 08:16:34 · answer #9 · answered by webcreeper2002 2 · 0 0

All three instances you listed are all free will and choice of others. God does not fail us, WE fail God. One of His greatest gifts bestowed upon us is choice....and the minute we make the wrong choice, we blame Him! These are the three things you need to follow to live a good life:
1. Respect for self
2. Respect for others
3. (and this is the biggie) Responsibility for one's one actions.
These three R's are from the Dali Lama....

God does not get the blame for boneheaded moves on the choice of humans....humans need to take more responsibility for themselves and their own choices. God loves us unconditionally, and He put us on this earth to succeed!

2006-06-25 08:23:13 · answer #10 · answered by auntcookie84 6 · 0 0

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