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34 answers

its ok
if they have an original thought they can ask for forgiveness

2006-06-25 01:02:15 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 4

Made some Christians think?

Sorry, but I did not personally feel there to be anything particularly unique or insightful about any of your prior questions.

If I may advise you on how to proceed in future - your questions appear to proceed from only a faint familiarity with the Christian religion - in particular, the question detail in which you say, "So we can now sin all we want cos (sic) Jesus has paid our fine." This should indicate to you that you'd need a much better understanding of Christian soteriology if you want to have any hope of challenging any of Yahoo Answer's sharper christians to "think."

Since your other question (which wasn't really a question) indicates you are out of questions for the day, perhaps you should take the intervening time to read Luther's Small Catechism and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

If you become familiar with those explanations of protestant and catholic faith, perhaps then you will understand the religion well enough to have a passing chance at actually undermining it.

2006-06-25 01:19:43 · answer #2 · answered by evolver 6 · 0 0

Yes, good! I hope you get your point across. But dont be too serious!

"Life is completely absurd. Every particle of it would move you toward some experience or other, and yet all experience conceals the ultimate message of the necessity for transcendence or freedom from experience. That one must attain freedom from something that is unnecessary to begin with is utterly absurd. Why bother with it to begin with?

Enlightenment is to Awaken from the seriousness of experience. It is not to despair or to destroy oneself. Despair is serious, and so is suicide. Self-indulgence is serious, stressful effort is serious, discipline is serious, interest is serious, knowledge is serious, death, sex, food, everything is completely serious. This movement or tendency to survive, to continue in independent form, is profoundly serious, and it is also absurd because it must be transcended. Enlightenment is to be restored to Divine humor, to realize that nothing is necessary. No experience is necessary. You can either become distracted by experience and repeat it, or you can transcend it. One or the other. If you have transcended experience, then it is no longer necessary. In that case, whether or not experience continues makes not the slightest bit of difference to you. Experience will come to an end with death in any case.

We are under the incredibly absurd illusion that there is an objective world "outside" Consciousness. There is not a shred of truth in this presumption. There is no world independent of Consciousness. The world is a modification of Consciousness, a play on Consciousness. It has no independent reality and no necessity. It is just possibility. What Consciousness does in terms of possibility in any moment is the drama of the seriousness of existence. When it Awakens to its true Position, which is senior to phenomena, then it is full of humor and there is no necessity to any experience. There is only Enlightenment, Divine Freedom."------Adi Da Samraj----www.adidam.com

2006-06-25 01:02:55 · answer #3 · answered by soulsearcher 5 · 0 0

It seems to me from most your questions, that the most reasonable answer to give, is that you need to realise that you are not important. Now being the most important person in your life.. it's hard to let that go. (Maybe you have other loved ones, but really, you probably rank up there).. It's hard to believe that god would create someone who is destined to be the one not saved. To be the one with a cold heart, who sins again and again, and to then be cast aside like a traitor. Like it was his fault. It's just part of god's plan. And, You're just an insignificant piece of the puzzle. No escaping it, that's a fact as far as christians are concerned. And excepting that you are unimportant is a major importance in accepting that fact. But, like i said, that's hard to get by.. when you know yourself so well.

2006-06-25 01:05:29 · answer #4 · answered by kerbourchardalan 2 · 0 0

Brother, I'm a Christian, and I'm ALWAYS thinking. In fact, right now I'm thinking that you might want to study The Bible a bit -- you know, the whole "know your enemy" strategy.

The book I'm referring to specifically is Proverbs, which encourages the seeking of truth, knowlege, enlightment -- whatever you care to call it.

Are you annoying? Are children who play the "repeat everything you say" game annoying? Of course -- both ridiculous and annoying.

However, we have another name for those who have nothing better to do with their time than attack God through his children, and attempt to mislead the easily confused. And I'll just bet you know exactly what that name is, and whom you serve.

This answer isn't for you -- you seem happy enough (for now) to be doing your master's work. It's for those who choose to follow him through you -- with a prayer that God will open their eyes to your deceit.

For all of you easily confused and amused -- skip to the last chapter of The Book -- because the one you follow is defeated, finally and completely, by my God. How much "fun" will it be to find yourself on the losing side then?

2006-06-25 01:25:45 · answer #5 · answered by mother_jazz 2 · 0 0

I am glad you asked the question. And want to add further that Christians do sin and I thank God that I have the best defense attorney there is. When I sin and ask forgiveness Jesus stands before God for me. While Satan is the accuser of the brethren, Jesus is my defense attorney and the Judge is His Father. I'm gonna be of and that's a good thing to know.

2006-06-25 01:14:54 · answer #6 · answered by cathyhewed1946 4 · 0 0

I say, we are allowed to make our own free choices - to think and to rationalize our own actions. No, you are not annoying, but definitely enquiring!! A christian is given instructions for the betterment like how a parent would instruct a child. No parent would want their baby to touch a hot flame, but if the child refuses to obey, whoops, the lil one gets burnt. Some of us get burnt when we refuse to listen and choose our way.

2006-06-25 01:02:07 · answer #7 · answered by bstil 2 · 0 0

No you are not annoying. Thought provoking, yes. I have become very intrigued with your questions, and the answers that you are receiving. Wow, some people (including me) do not like to be challenged. Not to mention taken from there realm of safety. I will give heart felt, thought about answers to you from now on, unless, that is, your question goes beyond my comfort zone. Deal?

2006-06-26 09:44:29 · answer #8 · answered by 4mom 4 · 0 0

Annoyed - who me never, I love this keep them coming I can do this all day - I love God. Nothing you say will change that, but maybe something I will say will allow someone who is reading all of this a chance to know the peace and joy I know. Thank you for giving me the chance to reach people that would have never listened to me talking about Jesus and God through answering you, God is using you to build His church.

2006-06-25 01:03:27 · answer #9 · answered by sfinva 3 · 0 0

I am a Christian. You don't annoy me. I take it that you have questions that you would like to have answers to. If I am not sure of the answer I don't try to answer it.
While I don't agree with your beliefs, I do respect you for what you believe.
In the end no matter what you believe, evolution, Allah, Jesus, Hindu, Mother earth. We are still one big family.

2006-06-25 01:04:40 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

christians are trained not to even think about what they believe in.

just accept it by "faith"

9 times out of 10, things they pray for dont happen, but they say, its all gods will. he has something better in store.

Im not saying god doesnt exist. But Frued thought that God was created by man to be everything man wished he had and/or lacked.

when man felt guilty, theres someone to confess too

when man is hurt, theres someone to talk to

when man needs comfort, hes a comforter

when man needs love, he loves them very much

when people offend you, he is a burning fire

when you offend people, he is a sacrificial lamb.

when u need love, he is your bridegroom.

when you need siblings, he is your brother.

when you need protection, he is your shield.

Everything man lacks, happens to be god. hmmm. idealistic or intentional creation.

the texts have been bastardized by ministers who want to push thier own views.

you see, this was translated out of ancient greek, meaning, god loves you, which in the original hebrew means sex. meaning god is your lover. and so on they bastardize and manipulate these texts

2006-06-25 01:05:37 · answer #11 · answered by ! 3 · 0 0

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