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I'm interested in a trip around Australia, and need to know how long it would take roughly driving all day, but not nights, then can adjust that answer to days off etc! Thanks!

2006-06-24 13:31:56 · 9 answers · asked by Dawn 1 in Travel Australia Other - Australia

9 answers

OK the circumference of Australia is over 10,000 miles!!!
From LA to NY is 2460 miles so its the equivalent of making the trip 4 times.
If you were driving 8 hours a day at 55 mph that would be 440 miles per day and the number of days required for the trip would be 22.5 days

(I love stuff like this))

2006-06-24 13:48:21 · answer #1 · answered by eddie9551 5 · 1 2

Eddie is overstating things by a little, but not a lot.

This a route that roughly circles Australia;
Sydney - Melbourne - Adelaide - Perth - Darwin - Cairns -
Brisbane - Sydney

Sydney - Melbourne998 km
Melbourne - Perth 3472 km
Perth - Darwin4113 km
Darwin - Cairns2845 km
Cairns - Sydney2722 km

Total Distance: 14140 km (8766 miles)
Roughly three times the distance from New York to LA.

Given that some of the roads in Western Australia and Northern Territory are pretty rough, your average should be around 350 - 400 miles a day. I would set aside a month.

2006-06-26 05:07:08 · answer #2 · answered by parrotjohn2001 7 · 2 0

Australia is approximately the size of the continental US.

It would take weeks, years or decades, depending upon what you want to see and for how long.

2006-06-24 20:55:09 · answer #3 · answered by andrew f 3 · 0 1

Takes too long...cause you have to stop and feed the Crocs and Kangaroos.

2006-06-24 13:36:24 · answer #4 · answered by sunshine25 7 · 0 0

7 yers

2006-06-24 13:34:55 · answer #5 · answered by firedemonedge 2 · 0 0

your dum you cant drive to australia but if u fly it would take about a day

2006-06-24 13:36:16 · answer #6 · answered by Lori K 2 · 0 2

a long trip but if you drive anticlockwise it is shorter trip

2006-06-24 18:10:45 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Take the train!!!

2006-06-29 08:25:04 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Google will tell ya ;)

2006-06-24 13:36:03 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0