Verruca (Verruca Pedis) are very common and are warts that are found on the foot. There are different types of verruca all caused by a virus infection (Human Papilloma virus).
Verruca are highly vascular so easily bleed, the black dots you see are tiny blood capillaries. They can become very painful and are often covered with callus. They can be found singly or in clusters. Verruca(e) are extremely contagious and can easily be passed from person to person or spread to different parts of your body – always wash your hands thoroughly after touching a verruca or wart.
Verruca may simply disappear on their own as your body builds up a natural immunity against the virus. However if they cause discomfort or interfere with your sport or lifestyle they can be treated with a special ointment which destroy the verruca by gentle destruction. Your chiropodist will pare the callus over the verruca then apply the appropriate ointment for your type of verruca. Tea Tree Essential Oil can also be used to treat verruca, especially on children.
The healing process varies from person to person. Depending on the quantity and size of warts and your immune system, warts will be eliminated in 2 to 6 weeks.
2006-06-24 16:54:00
answer #1
answered by sswan007 3
Verruca On Toe
2016-09-30 11:09:50
answer #2
answered by buddemeyer 4
Plantar warts (verrucæ pedis; VP - also commonly referred to as a verruca) are warts caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV).
Many different treatments have been tried, and several are in common use - but none are 100% effective. The most comprehensive medical review found that no treatment method was more than 75% effective, and using a placebo had a 30% success rate.
One of my classmates had Plantar warts for over a year.
2006-06-24 08:38:58
answer #3
answered by williegod 6
Verrucae are caused by the Human Papilloma virus, they are highly vascular and bleed easily the black dots that you see are tiny blood capillaries.
Verruca spores may disappear on their own as your body builds a natural immunity against the virus.
These can be treated by a Podiatrist/Chiropodist but can be an ongoing concern.
Tea Tree oil can be used to treat verruca, this is especially good for children.
2006-06-26 02:19:21
answer #4
answered by Drfoot 2
This is a wart growing on a weight-bearing part of your foot. Follow your doctor's advice. Sometimes warts are stubborn. Wash your hands well after touching it, to help avoid spreading.
2006-06-24 08:42:11
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
if you use the cream as you are ment to probably a week or so. I got mine frozen off at the Dr's before when I was young and it went away in a few days
2006-06-24 08:39:23
answer #6
answered by Showaddywaddy 5
2017-03-01 02:14:06
answer #7
answered by ? 3
i don't know what a verruca is
2006-06-24 08:35:21
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
wats a verruca
2006-06-24 08:34:13
answer #9
answered by Kunal 2
big toes are with you as long as you live
2006-06-24 08:35:26
answer #10
answered by paddy bom 2