"YOU MAY NOT POST CONTENT (or links to content, including photos):
to exploit, solicit, or harm minors.
that is violent, racist, incendiary, or otherwise objectionable.
that are abusive, threatening, slanderous, or belligerent against any individual or groups of individuals for any reason.
that violates federal, state or local law.
***that contains profane, obscene, vulgar or sexually explicit language***."
Yahoo!Answers Community Guidelines
***emphasis mine
The language was explicit, and not something I would want kids to come across. As upsetting as it was for you to experience, it would be less, but still upsetting, for young people to read it here.
Try posting it using less descriptive terms, such as changing 'he touched me on my . . ." to " He touched me in a way inappropriate for a father.'
Also, unless you asked a question, it wouldn't meet the guidelines anyway.
I'm not going to report it, but your current post, as it stands, violates the guidelines, too. It contains no question.
2006-06-24 12:35:58
answer #1
answered by LazlaHollyfeld 6
oo ok will check it out i need to write some stuff that has begin bothering me
2006-06-24 15:13:32
answer #2
answered by llac_queen 3