I'm not sure how I'm gonna answer this, but here goes.
Let's see: God created Lucifer (now known as Satan) as His second in command. Lucifer then saw how much better than all the other angels he was and thought to himself, "If I'm so much better than them, why can't I be better than God himself?" No one knows where this thought came from, seeing how God only makes perfect creations. The only logical place that it could have came from is freedom of choice that God gave them when He created the Angels. This freedom also explains why 1/3 of the Angels chose to follow Lucifer in his rebellion against God. After Lucifer and his demons (fallen angels) were cast out of Heaven, God seperated His angels so far away from Lucifer's that the demons know that they can never get back. Lucifer is free to come and go as he pleases in God's throneroom (as evidenced in the first chapter of Job), but he can never return to what he once was. This fact has angered him so much over the millenia that he's esentially declared war on humanity, God's most prized creation. The first battle in this war was waged on the day of Adam and Eve's temptation and fall away from God when Satan successfully decieved them to eat of the tree that God explicitly said not to eat from. The victory was prophesied not even a day later when the Spirit of the Lord walked through the Garden looking for Adam and Eve to felowship with them as He normally did, only to find them hiding from them, dressed in fig leaves. God asked them why they were ashamed of themselves, and then they went through the whole "it's his/her fault" routine, blaming each other for what one did. When the truth finally did come out (not like God didn't already know), God pronounced consequences on humanity (a series of hardships which can be read in Genesis 3), and cursed the serpent (as this was the creature Satan used to decieve Adam and Eve). The curse on the serpent also held hope for the redemption of Mankind, as it fortold of the defeat of Satan through the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The war was over before it begun!
So, to answer your question: Yes, Satan invented the concept of sin. He then successfully marketed this concept to himself, his demons, and ultimately to humanity. He even tried to get Jesus to sin, but since Jesus is God in the flesh (and God is perfect), he couldn't do it. Jesus was the only man who ever lived here on earth that lead a perfect life, one completely without sinning.
2006-06-23 16:37:58
answer #1
answered by God's Honest Truth 3
Actually, whether or not Satan is actually evil depends on which part of the Bible you are looking at and how you interpret it. According to ancient Jewish beliefs linked to the book of Job, Satan isn't actually an evil fallen angel. In fact, Satan isn't even the name of a being - its a job title given to an angel by God.
The "office" of Satan is a job given to various angels at different times by God, and its job description is to tempt and test men - just as Satan was doing to Job in the book of Job. If you read the book of Job, you will notice that Satan is wandering around in Heaven amongst all the other angels - completely freely. This would be kind of odd behavior for someone that was God's sworn enemy.
God DID invent sin because he created the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. God created the rule that no one could eat from that tree. If God had not created the tree, or the rule, then sin could not have existed. In fact, God created the concept of sin when he came up with a little thing called "free will".
A lot of the beliefs about Satan being an evil fallen angel named Lucifer are due to misinterpretations of Isaiah 14:12-15. At one point in the history of the church, no one really knew what these verses were talking about and they ended coming up with an elaborate story about a fallen angel that rebelled against God due to his pride. However, archaeologists have located ancient writings that make it obvious that these verses are referring to the Babylonian king, Nebuchadnezzar- not to any "fallen angel".
The whole idea of Lucifer being the name of Satan originated when an ancient Catholic scholar named Jerome, interpreted the phrase "Morning Star" in the verses in Isaiah using the name of the Roman god of the planet Venus in its morning phase - which was Lucifer. In the original text, the name Lucifer does not appear. This is just an example of spurious Christian mythology based on misinterpretation an ignorance.
2006-06-23 15:26:13
answer #2
answered by ericwnorton 1
"Sin" was invented when religion was. How can you ever be expected to follow pre-set "rules" without some fear of what will happen if you don't?
You skip school, you get grounded.
You sin, you go to Hell.
It's really pretty simple. There was no real "Satan." It's a character in a book that, while a good source of history, is little more than a fictionalized account of what might have maybe happened probably back in history sometime. Make sense?
2006-06-23 15:10:31
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Neither God nor Satan invented sin. It's like light and darkness. God created light but he never said "Let there be darkness". Darkness is inheratly present in the absense of light. Just like that Sin simply exists anywhere God's law is not. Everything God created was good and anywhere his perfect creation or will is violated, sin exists. So sin didnt have to be created.
2006-06-23 15:37:53
answer #4
answered by RT777 2
There is debate over the existance of both god and satan but for the purposes of your question, we have to assume both in fact do exist. Otherwise the entire question would be fundamentally flawed.
Full disclosure, I in fact do believe in the existance of both of the above concepts (God and Satan) so bare with me.
You have to reevalute your definition of "god". God is not god unless he (I use the word "he" to make communication easier, god is not gender specific) is in fact the creator of ALL things.
Hold onto whatever implications that above idea might have, you also have to evaluate your definition of "sin". Sin is an act committed by a person or group of people which is deemed contrary to god's wishes. Operating on the premise God granted humanity the ability to go against his wishes (ie free will), then we can say "God allows humans to sin".
Sin is a verb, not a noun, so it doesn't necessarily need a creator so to speak. So neither God nor Satan in fact "invented" sin, simply God defined what sin is, and then gave humans the choice to do and do not.
2006-06-23 15:25:04
answer #5
answered by hturt eht wonk i 1
First of all, God admits he is jealous, and if God created Satan, and Satan is sin....
2+2=4 2+x=4 what does x equal?
2006-06-23 15:29:58
answer #6
answered by Joe Shmoe 4
Satan is not the creator of sin.
You might say that Satan was an instigator of sin, but in no way did he create sin.
Sin --
A transgression of a religious or moral law, especially when deliberate.
Deliberate disobedience to the known will of God.
A condition of estrangement from God resulting from such disobedience.
Something regarded as being shameful, deplorable, or utterly wrong.
2006-06-23 15:10:07
answer #7
answered by columpro25 2
This is one of those eternal questions of Theology, What is SAtan's job? Is it to cause man to sin, to lure him down the path of darkness? Or is it to draw out from man the innate sin that already resdies within him? Satan was the tepmter, he did tempt Eve into eating from the tree of Knowledge, but she did it of her own, not beacuse satan made her do it. In this way you may say he indirectly helped to create sin. What Satan really invent was Free will. By making Eve eat of the Tree of Knowledge, he gave her and Adam the ability to decide their lives, and not dociley follow the Lord. But all this is pointless if your not Chriistain ; )
2006-06-24 03:52:29
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Satan masterminds sin. He did not create sin. He coaxes humans by getting funny ideas in the heads of humans and through his machinations the humans commit sin. This is the prayer he was granted by Almighty God when he threw Satan as an outcast.
2006-06-23 15:13:48
answer #9
answered by bashah1939 4
What is a Sin?
For example
Lying is called a sin right?
But according to the myth, god was the one who lied first. (Genesis 2:17)
Adam and Eve did not die in the day they eated the fruit. Adam lived 930 years. (Genesis 5:5)
Adam and Eve did not live for ever only because they were chased away from the Tree of Life. (Genesis 3:22)
The Serpent did not lie. (Genesis 3:4,5) (Genesis3::22)
You may not agree with me, but those are what the myth you believe in said.
2006-06-23 15:46:43
answer #10
answered by T 2
I think sin was always there waiting for someone to use it. I mean committing a sin is committing an action. Actions include everything from breathing to loving to murdering.
Think of actions being stored in a bank of possibilities. One day, someone decided to take some sin out of the bank, pair with a gift certificate for an apple and there ya go.
2006-06-23 15:10:20
answer #11
answered by kitt 4