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So, we have God the father, God the son and God the holy ghost. All the 1 person right? Now mary was made pregnant by the holy ghost ( the father and the son) and she gave birth to the son ( the father and the ghost). So, Jesus was his own father and Mary was knocked up by her unborn son? Have I got that right? Must be fun at Xmas dinner at their house.

2006-06-23 05:05:46 · 47 answers · asked by Mr. Mojo Risin 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

47 answers

There is a very reasonable response. Follow this train of thought: if the Son was actually the Evil Uncle from that movie, then the Father and the Virgin (who was actually her own dead twin sister from the pilot episode, but who made it with Dr. Vic Ramora and caused him to try to revive her even though he had his own contractual disputes with the producer) were probably on the yacht the whole time, meaning that God the father must have been delivering the pizzas to the dock at the same time as the shots rang out and a body was discovered next to the dumpster in the bad part of the alley where the Holy Ghost (who doubles as Casper in the second episode, but still does the commercials on the Spanglish channel) was last seen with several unknown people, most of whom were probably related to the mystery to start with.

You see?

2006-06-23 05:13:36 · answer #1 · answered by Stuart 7 · 0 3

ok God is our father, Jesus is the son and I am not sure whom the Holy Ghost is. No Mary was made pregnant by God who gave birth to Jesus. No Jesus wasn't his own father! God is Jesus's father Mary is his mother.

Does this help you some? Maybe you need to go chat with a pastor or minister you think?

2006-06-23 05:13:29 · answer #2 · answered by Tammy C 2 · 0 0

Almighty God the Father is a person. The holy Spirit is God's finger/power/force; Luke 11:20, Matthew 12:28.

God's Son Jesus is his *son*.

Jesus disappeared from heaven as the holy spirit put him in Mary.

2 persons, one finger, all in spiritual unity, why is that so hard to understand???

2006-06-23 07:06:40 · answer #3 · answered by tina 3 · 0 0

The way I like to explain it using 'layman's terms' is that God is too big to be confined. He is infinite. So that if He chooses to take on a human body and come to earth as a human being, thereby taking on the limitations of being human, He does not thereby cease to exist and live in heaven.

Likewise, the fact that God lives in heaven or lived in a human body on this earth does not mean that He is only in heaven or only in that body. He is able to go anywhere (including taking up habitation inside a human being) and act any way He pleases. He does this by His Holy Spirit.

There is a traditional summation of this:

God the Father = God above us.
God the Son = God with us
God the Holy Spirit = God among/in us

However, in practice I normally handle this question, first of all, by noticing certain verses from the Old Testament that are quoted in the New Testament. I look at those verses in the Old Testament, noticing that in the Old Testament they clearly apply *only* to God; and then I look at how they are used in the New Testament, and see that they are applied to... Jesus. Even in some cases by Jesus Himself. Which would indeed be blasphemy, unless it were true...

The proof of the pudding, however, is in the matter of Jesus' dying and then rising again. The Bible teaches that He did both. Interestingly, the Old Testament prophet Isaiah, not to mention the Psalmist, predicted these events hundreds of years in advance. The New Testament, on the other hand, offers evidence in the gospels that He actually did die, and that He actually did rise again. Indeed, it teaches that Jesus actually had life in Himself, and that He had the authority to lay his life down, and to take it back up again.

For your convenience, I enclose the Scriptures where all of this is discussed. See below.

May God bless you

2006-06-23 05:39:40 · answer #4 · answered by songkaila 4 · 0 0

NO, God the father was the father of Jesus. Jesus is the son. The Holy Ghost (Holy Spirit) came after Jesus died on the cross for the sins of mankind. When he arose from the grave, the Holy spirit came into place.

2006-06-23 05:10:05 · answer #5 · answered by AMY L 4 · 0 0

They are all three individuals that have one goal, to save humanity. They are three in one, in purpose and will. The Bible said that the Holy Ghost came up on her and she concieved a male child, Jesus. The Holy Ghost who is an entity by himself put the male child Jesus (which is the son of God the Father) into her.

2006-06-23 05:14:01 · answer #6 · answered by Damian 5 · 0 0

No, not one person; one God. Mary conceived from the Holy Ghost, and gave birth to the Son; Jesus. They are one God, but three separate persons. Really seems strange, but they are not humans bound by our kind of restrictions.

2006-06-23 05:11:06 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Let me first go over the terminology and then try to answer your question.

First of all, God is spirit (wind) and God is holy, hence the term Holy Spirit.

The concept of the Holy Trinity states that God has three aspects: Father, Son and Holy Spirit (who descended on the Apostles in Jerusalem). This is what Jesus asked his disciples to wait for when he left them.

Here is a simple fact, translation from Hebrew or Greek into English is not a one for one concept. But let me give you some quick verses and I will leave you with some websites for you to consider. Please be patience while I do a quick word study of the concepts, all the verses cited use the phrase Holy Spirit, NIV translation.

Let me start with Psalm 51:11 (first occurrence of Holy Spirit NIV translation). In Hebrew phrase is uruch (and-spirit) qdshk (holy-of-you). There are other verses, but this should be a good starting place.

Now to Matthew 1:18 (first occurance of Holy Spirit in the New Testament, again NIV translation talking about the birth of Jesus) pneuma (of-spirit (blow-effect)) hagios (holy). Because the case, this phrase means through the holy spirit and is consistent with Psalm 51:11.

Now to Matthew 3:11 (this is Holy Spirit that John foretold and Jesus promised the apostles) en (in) pneuma (spirit) hagios (holy) kai (and) pur (fire).

Now we come to your answer: Is the holy spirit the same? We know that the Matthew 1:18 is referring to the same term as in Psalm 5:11, but what about Matthew 3:11?

Background: As Christianity moved from its Jewish roots into a polytheist culture, the nature of Jesus was examined: Is Jesus God only, is Jesus both God and man, or is Jesus just a man. Depending how you answer Jesus' nature, the interpretation of Matthew 1:18 and Matthew 3:11 changes. If Jesus is only a man, then Matthew 3:11 refers to God as defined in Psalm 5:11. If Jesus is both man and God, you have Matthew 3:11 refers to the Holy Spirit as the third person in the Holy Trinity. If Jesus is only God, then we have a number of explanations found in the Gnostic gospels.

Christian doctrine assumes that Jesus is both God and man and that Matthew 3:11 refers to the third person of the Holy Trinity. It also states that this is belief (revealed) and cannot be understood by logical argument; it is a matter of faith.

Now based on the Christian bible (New Testament) Mary was made pregnant of (not by) the Holy Spirit. In other words, God (the father) will it and it was done. (Again a belief). She gave birth to Jesus (both God and man--second person (aspect) of the Holy Trinity) not the first and second persons. (Again this is belief). This is what the text says if you believe that Jesus is God and man.

If you believe that Jesus was a man, the all holy spirit refer to God (God the father and God alone).

I apologize for the lengthy explanation, but I wanted you not to have to post this question again. You have the language and you have the assumptions (beliefs if you will), now you need to examine your beliefs and how they fit into this explanation.

Who is this God (who is spirit (wind) and holy) who descended from on high, and what does it mean to you (if any thing).

2006-06-23 06:33:35 · answer #8 · answered by J. 7 · 0 0

God the Son Had to be made flesh so He could die on the cross for our sins. Since God did not think that anyone was suitable to take the sin of the whole world. God the son Had to go thru Human (Mary) to make it unatural, He was of a virgin's birth. Any more questions? Hope this is clear to you. if not, post another question and i will be sure to help you understand.

2006-06-23 05:15:36 · answer #9 · answered by showgirl 2 · 0 0

That is a pretty funny look at it. I guess think of it as God being the last name of the family that has 3 members: Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit?? This was always an interesting subject in Catholic school. The teachers never gave you a striaght answer. :)

2006-06-23 05:10:09 · answer #10 · answered by blink182fan117 4 · 0 0

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