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running Win98 SE with 1300Mhz processor(Durton),224 MB RAM
and about 1G free harddisk,tried to upgrade it to Win xp and getting an error message saying" this program need a newer version".I don't wanna loose WIN98 at the same time want win Xp what should I do in this case.

2006-06-23 04:15:05 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Computers & Internet Software

13 answers

OK. Here is your answer, but your HD needs to be max capacity of around 6GB.

Follow the instructions below exactly, be patient and I guarantee it will work.
Create Win98 boot if U dont have one. Search web or use link for smartdrv.exe then get it going dude.

INFO: Windows XP Clean Installation from Dos
What You Need:
* Windows XP CD
* Windows 98 Or Millennium Start-up Disk.
* Smartdrv.exe Which Can Be Downloaded HERE http://gktronics.topcities.com/smartdrv.exe If Needed.

Copy smartdrv.exe To Your Start-up Disk.

Boot With Start-up Disk And Format Your Hard Disk.

Type smartdrv.exe And Enter at The A:\> prompt.
You Must Load Smartdrv.exe or You Will Be Setting Up
For the Next 3 Days!

Type e: And Enter, assuming Your CD Drive Letter Is "E".

Now Type cd i386 And Enter, Then winnt And Enter.
Follow The Installation Instructions. It Will Look As
Though Your Computer Has Hanged, But Let It Run!

In Some Cases It Will Say It Can't Read Certain Files,
That's Ok Because Dos Can't Read The New File Types.
Hit esc Till Finished. The Files Can Be Added Later.

It Might, At Some Point Say It Can’t Find Certain Files.
That’s Because Dos Put The Installation Files In A Temp
Directory In The Beginning. Hit esc Till Done.

After XP Has Started, Click "Start" Then "Run".
Be Sure Your Windows XP CD Is Still In The Drive.
Type cmd And Enter. Now Type cd\windows\system32 And Enter.
Finally Type sfc /scanall.
The Files That Couldn't Be Copied Will Now Be Installed.

And..guess what: XP is right there in front of you - enjoy!

2006-06-29 11:57:02 · answer #1 · answered by Kewl Dude Ganda 3 · 1 1

You should be able to upgrade Win98 SE to Win XP Home. Are you trying to upgrade to Win XP Pro ? This isn't supported. The only way around this is to first upgrade 98 SE to Win 2000 and then upgrade to Pro.

The best solution if you want both Win 98 and Win XP might be to get something like System Commander. Then you can duplicate the Win 98 partition and upgrade one of the two partitions.

2006-06-23 11:22:01 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm a little confused. You say you're doing an upgrade, but at the same time you want to keep Win98 and then put on XP. You definetly will need more hard drive space if you want to keep both. At least 2GB for XP. It's a good idea to get more RAM. You can install XP with your amount of RAM, but it's better to have at least 256 MB.

2006-06-23 11:21:58 · answer #3 · answered by GJneedsanswers 5 · 0 0

Win XP runs best with, at least, 512 mb RAM. It will run with less, but then you're defeating the object of the upgrade. Like most people are saying - get a new PC, then you can keep '98 on the old one and have XP as well..... Happy days.

2006-06-30 04:24:43 · answer #4 · answered by TBone Bod 3 · 0 0

Microsoft web site reommends at least 1.5 GB free space just for the installation of XP. That doesn't include the hard drive space you'll need for programs and applications. Your processor can handle the job (Dell Inspiron1200 uses a 1.3GHz and their newer B130 uses 1.4 to 1.8 depending on price.) But you're also on the low side for RAM. Suggest a minimum 512MB, more if you can afford it.

2006-06-23 12:08:51 · answer #5 · answered by Angry C 7 · 0 0

Upgrading to XP should give you the option of saving your files so that you can downgrade if necessary.

I upgraded from 98 to XP without a hitch and your machine is better than mine. I've got a P3-600 with 256M RAM.

I'm not sure what that error means. Go to microsoft.com and search on the exact text of the error

2006-06-23 11:19:39 · answer #6 · answered by Dave R 6 · 0 0

Why you wanna both systems running? XP is good system and after few weeks you'll never wanna go back to 98. Clean your HDD from unnecessary things and install XP again.

2006-06-23 11:21:25 · answer #7 · answered by Filip 1 · 0 0

hey boga, you should try to get an installation disk of win xp professional because there are exe. files that have made the processor intact with the 98 debuger so the best way is to use win xp professional

2006-06-23 11:19:55 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Your computer is not a good host for windows XP. Your computer is too old, and not worth upgrading. Buy a new computer and keep the old hard drive so you can transfer the data.

2006-06-23 11:22:40 · answer #9 · answered by Derrick T 2 · 0 0

Buy a new computer. Upgrading yours to run XP and the cost of XP upgrade make it cost prohibitive.

2006-06-23 11:21:09 · answer #10 · answered by Craig 3 · 0 0

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