Next time you meet a girl, istead of discussing your involvement in football talk about your intellectual interests, quantum physics, politics, etc.
2006-06-23 03:57:18
answer #1
answered by absynthian 6
if a girl thinks that u are that, then they are judgeing u. it is wrong ti do that. the guy i like is really quiet. all my friends are like eww he is way too quiet. but i never listen to them. u will find a girl that will treat u right and look at u and know who u really r. not just a football playing jock! if u r asking this questiuon, that shows that u have arent what people think! good luck!
2006-06-23 03:58:27
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I think Absynthian is right. Tell her everything else that you do (I'm pretty sure you do much more than just playing football), what your interests in life are, and then tell her that you ALSO play football, as if it was something not too important. What I would advice against is trying to pretend something that you are not 'cause you're gonna get caught easily. Don't try to talk about politics if you don't know anything about it, or don't talk about art as well if you know nothing about it. Just be yourself, and don't underscore your football playing too much, as simple as that!
2006-06-23 04:02:23
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I'm not in high school anymore (if that is what you play football for), but when I was in high school (I only graduated in 2002) I personally didn't think that football players were dumb jocks. I think it all depends on how you act with your football buddies in front of other people. If there is one girl or girls that you are eying, just act like yourself in front of them. Don't act like a barrel of monkies with your teamates or friends in front of them. Because if the girl or girls sees that, that is what they are going to think your intelligence level is. Heck if you have to, ask a girl out and act like yourself around her and go from there. If they don't like you after that, then that is their problem, not yours. Good luck!
2006-06-23 04:01:00
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Theres plenty of those- I love football players. I don't think they're dumb jocks at all.
2006-06-23 03:55:27
answer #5
answered by HE'S NOT INTO ME 4
well if you act like a dumb jacka$$ thats how theyll label you...but if you act mature and present yourself as smart then that what people impression about you will be...not all athletes are dumb thats sterotypical lifetime channel crap.You dont have to be a smarty pants or showoff but dont act inmature in serious situations its okay to be silly sometimes but at the right time...And if a chick thinks your stupid for being a football player she is just as stupid...Ima cheerleader for my highschool and this is my first year cheering(my mom made me try out)...i always thougt cheerleaders were dumb sluts...but i was watching to many lifetime movies and (most) cheerleaders i knew were smart,down to earth non stuckup normal chicks....good luck....its not how your labeled its how you present yourself
2006-06-23 04:03:21
answer #6
answered by scarletcutiecajunqueen 2
finding a girl that dont believe that u r a dumb joke and appreciate what u r doing is something that u should find easy.
try to look around u and u will find here just beside u giving u a sweet smile every time she see u, she will be one of ur biggest fans so dont turn ur back on her and u will find her just beside ur right shoulder :) and good luck
2006-06-23 03:58:18
answer #7
answered by Dr.Tee 3
You can find them anywhere. There are also women that plays football. They might be interested in you.
Maybe you can find them when you go to the park or go to the football field to pracitce.
I hope that my answer helps you
2006-06-23 04:01:19
answer #8
answered by Xue Ling 1
i don't...but there's many other girl out there who's actually like the guy that play football. for my answer, i think the place where there is football game on..
2006-06-23 03:59:57
answer #9
answered by Honey Gee 3
usually, you don't try to find them, it just comes...a friend, a seatmate,'ll just feel it. When you can be totally comfortable with that person, then i guess thats doesn't matter what dilemma you are in, its all just the same...finding the right girl is hard...the best thing that you can do is to try communicating, that way you'll be able to show a side of you that you find no one really pays attention to....
2006-06-23 04:04:51
answer #10
answered by drewnky 1