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I mean why could'nt He of just created us up there with Him?And why would He want us here where we can get hurt and suffer?

2006-06-22 17:49:25 · 34 answers · asked by Ramen Lover!!! 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Dragonfly,why would He want us to be like Him?

2006-06-22 18:02:38 · update #1

34 answers

God did create the perfect place ...The Garden of Eden. God did not want us to suffer. We can thank all of that on Eve, that b****, every month I curse her. Just grab a bible and start with Genesis1:1 and read on........

2006-06-22 17:55:28 · answer #1 · answered by Elizabeth P 3 · 0 3

The parable of the Wheat and Darnel explains this so well. They were talking about this in a discussion group on ewtn tonight and it related so well to this story - it hit me like a rock. Some of the commentaries below this are from what people said on television that I am repeating here.

24 Jesus gave them another parable: "The Kingdom of heaven is like this story. A farmer planted high quality wheat seed in his field. 25 But, as everyone slept, an enemy of the farmer quietly approached, planted weeds in the wheat field, and escaped. 26 When the wheat plants sprouted and showed new grain, so did the weeds. 27 The workers in charge of the field said to the farmer, "Sir, you planted quality seed in the field, didn't you? Where did the weeds come from?" 28 "An enemy did this, " the farmer replied. "Do you want us to pull the weeds?" the workers asked. 29 "No, " said the farmer, "when you pull the weeds, you might pull the wheat out at the same time. 30 Let them grow together until harvest time. Then I will tell the harvest workers, 'First, pull the weeds. Then, tie them into bundles so they can be burned. But, put all the wheat together in the my barn.'"


So God did not plan for evil. The enemy put it there. Yet God does not want to pull up all the weeds because the wheat will be destroyed too. He has faith in the wheat. Don't make an early harvest - in other wards - don't pull the weeds your self or wish for God to pull them up. The harvest will come when the Lord wills it. Just prepare yourself so that you make it to the barn with the rest of the wheat and not to be burned with the darnel. There are weeds among us. Yet we grow stronger because of them.

2006-06-22 18:15:07 · answer #2 · answered by Think.for.your.self 7 · 0 0

Here is the TRUTH! YOU were created to REPLACE SATAN and his DEMONS and RULE THIS PLANET and eventually the UNIVERSE as a ROYAL SON OF GOD!!! Read the first 3 chapters of Revelation! Beyond the suffering is VERY GOOD NEWS! And even the suffering produces good results! THINK!: WHY is Satan still around? I'll tell you WHY! GOD is showing us that Satan's way of getting/selfishness NEVER WORKS! But once we come to Nuclear World War 3 and find we CANNOT escape THIS war--GOD will STOP by overwhelming FORCE all EVIL forever! THEN we will have to admit GOD's way of love,mercy,forgiveness,and giving WORKS! GOD is a loving Father! But He will NOT tolerate another Satan again! Satan will soon be TAKEN OUT and replaced by God's Son--Christ,and His Saints who will RULE as the Royal Family of GOD! THAT is the TRUTH and that is the GOOD NEWS beyond the BAD! You can count on it! Prince David/Ambassador For The Most High

2006-06-22 18:09:57 · answer #3 · answered by snoopyyoukingcaptain 4 · 0 0

He created us because he wants us to be tested on our faith. Think about life like a practice before we go into the real world which is heaven, and he loves us. He loves us so much that he gives the decision to us. to trust him back or not believe in him at all, but he does warn us about the paths we choose to take. Weather it's wrong or right decisions. What more can you ask for. God gave us The Bible, The ten commandments, All the story's to let us not to do the same mistake that thoughs have done in the past, and he gave us Jesus who died for us on the cross. All that God ask in return is his love, learn his teachings. Now how hard is that?

2006-06-22 18:28:16 · answer #4 · answered by Dragonpack 3 · 0 0

All these answers, and not one Christian thought to look to their own Bible. Do they actually READ the darn thing??

Gen. 2:15 (KJV) And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.

There you have it in a nutshell--God created a purty garden and he just needed someone to take care of it. I supposed he created a big, metal shed with gardening tools, also...I mean, he surely wouldn't have expected Adam to use sticks and rocks.

Of course, there's also Gen. 1:26, in which God declares that humans are to fill the earth and subdue it. He never says that he wants fellowship with them, or wants to be their friend, or loves them. The word "love" isn't even mentioned until 22 chapters into Genesis--and it's about Abraham loving Isaac!

So, according to the very first book of the Bible--precisely where you would expect to find the purpose of human existence--God created humans to have a lot of sex, make a lot of babies, dominate the planet, and look after his garden. Well, we're doing the first three, but unfortunately, he destroyed his own garden in the flood, so we can't help him out there.

2006-06-22 18:13:04 · answer #5 · answered by Antique Silver Buttons 5 · 0 0

Because we're another sort of creature that can appreciate and worship him. Also, he didn't want us "down here where we could get hurt." Getting hurt wasn't his idea, he just allowed us to make a bad choice that ended up with us hurting ourselves. Which he right then put into place a plan to correct our mistake. Even before we made it, he had a way for us come back to him. Thoughtful. But he has Jesus and the Angels in Heaven, Humans on Earth. Wonder what else?

2006-06-22 17:56:07 · answer #6 · answered by AdamKadmon 7 · 0 0

He created us to have a relationship with Him. The Bible says that in the cool of the day, He would come and talk to Adam and Eve. He had created us in Eden. We got ourselves kicked out, through disobedience, which is the reason for the pain and suffering. But- you can ask for forgiveness of your sin, believe that Jesus was the Son of God, and died for your sins, and you can have a relationship with Him, even in 2006. I know, sounds a little spectacular. Well, it is. He is an Awesome God. My best friend, My Father, My Jehovah, Creator of the Universe. And He will walk with you. In spirit.

2006-06-22 18:04:35 · answer #7 · answered by savannah 3 · 0 0

K so here's my thing on God. I think its kinda funny.
So God was sitting up in heaven with Jesus and the Holy spirit. Years went by and God found that talking to them was like talking to himself. How boring right.... go figure. So after great debate with them or him.....hmmmm.....he decided that he wanted some new fellowship and so he made us and that in my opinion is what happened....don't think its such a bad idea.....God does have the best sense of humour.
And with the hurt and suffering we shouldn't dwell on that too much there's always a reason for it whether we are supposed to learn something or we are just going threw a time of pruning. That is when we are supposed to rely on god the most. Our reward for passing the tests will be great in heaven. Just be patient.

2006-06-22 18:02:53 · answer #8 · answered by elizabeth 2 · 0 0

I'm paraphrasing someone...

We are on Earth for two reasons: to know and love God and to help others to know and love Him.

As to why we undergo suffering, we fell with Adam and Eve for their sin.

As to why we aren't "up there," we are tried here "refined like gold in the fire" so that we may choose Him rather than death. In His Divine Presence, we would be unable to sin and would thereby lack free will - and what merit is there in doing something that we are compelled to do?

Hope this answers your questions.

2006-06-22 17:57:15 · answer #9 · answered by eagle5953 3 · 0 0

God didn't create anything. Earth life was engineered by extraterrestrials. They were decent programmers but there are certainly better ones out there. They did it for same reason humans make video games, simply because it can be done.

2006-06-22 17:55:49 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

God created the heavens and the earth, and so on and so forth then created ADAM AND EVE. Now, there are 2 tree's - tree of life and tree of good and evil. Keep in mind we are talking about a God that created everything perfect in the beggining and COMPLETE. God knows WHAT good and EVIL is, however with 'Satan' DECIEVING eve while ADAM WAS PRESENT, sin (not listening to Gods word aka his commandment not to eat of the fruit) entered the WORLD through adam and eve knowing of both GOOD AND EVIL.
With that being said, adam was perfect in the beggining. Sin entered the world and ENTROPY (LAW OF ENTROPY) has taken place; the GROUND we live on HAS BEEN cursed. We as adam decendents were seperated from GODS Spirit because of this and that seperation permanent death from out god.
This life is NOT LINEAR BUT CICLICAL (circular) evidence but just about everything in NATURE. He plans for us to follow him and REDEEM US. God's PLAN AS STATED COUNTLESS TIMES IN THE BIBLE is to choose the TREE of LIFE and (HIS WORD AND COMMANDENTS) and to come back to his SPIRIT so we do not die with eternal seperation from God.

God is the only 'being' if you will that creates. Man can only form and shape and mold of what is present in his environment.

TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTION: God created us because it was pleasing and good to him, life and obiedance is good to god! everything was perfect and complete - good in his eyes until sin entered in the world. (Read Genesis carefully and read this evidence) God already knows the end as from the beggining as stated in the bible. I don't know if you have children, but it's my personal opinion and observation that it works like this. I know what is good and what is bad for my daughter, I know that drinking hazardeous cleaning goods is bad. Perhaps it was the same way with sin. Sin = no life. If you kill someone that person dies. If you steal then someone else goes without and the act only leads to an eventual downfall, so on and so forth.

I could go on and on about this subject but im getting tired of writing and trying to stay awake. I hope I touched some part of this subject. Thanks!!!

2006-06-22 18:23:02 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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