Order your credit reports and see if the collection agency is listed. If it is, use the info that they list on the report to send them a debt validation letter. Send it certified mail return receipt (CMRRR).
Send a dispute to the credit reporting agency's concerning the tradeline that the collection ageny has placed on your reports after you receive the CMRRR green card back.
Check the statute of limitations (SOL) in your state to see if this debt is still within the limits.
When you get proper validation back, and it is still in SOL and you want to pay, send a pay for delete letter. Send it CMRRR
Make sure you send everything in writing. Make sure that you include in the letter that they will delete the tradeline they have placed on your reports after payment, that they will not continue to collect the debt, that they will not sell the debt or the remainder of the debt if you have an agreement with them to pay only a percentage of the amount.
If you find that the account is out of SOL, you are within your rights to send them a SOL letter and not pay. Send it CMRRR
2006-06-22 19:25:16
answer #1
answered by echo 7
If you owe money to a collection agency how did you become aware of the bill ? Was it a phone call, a letter ?. If you have a collection, truly, it will be reporting on your credit report.
You can obtain free copies of your reports on-line at http://www.annualcreditreport.com . The creditor information will be on your report. If it is not, than ignore the collection agency.
The next time the agency contacts you, ask them for an address to send your payment to. Than, instead of a payment, mail them a letter similar to this one:
Name of collection agency
To whom it may concern.
After consulting with the Attorney General’s office and a private attorney, I have been advised to put you on notice.
In regards to CASE NUMBER: *******:
I contacted your office to resolve this matter and was treated to abusive language. As a direct result of my contact with your office, I was sent a letter by your office threatening legal action. I have also received numerous phone calls with intent to harass.
Under state collection agency laws (RCW 19.16) and The Fair Debt Collections Act (15 USC 1692) your office is in violation.
I do not wish any further contact from your office.
Your name
They cannot ever contact you again...end of story.
2006-06-22 19:44:43
answer #2
answered by David H 3
First of all, you don't owe money to the colletion agencies.
You owe it to a creditor and you have the legal right to ask for the original bill, in order to ensure it is valid.
Once you ask the collection agency for the creditor information, just call them and ask for the payment address.
You don't need a bill to be able to make a payment, but it helps to try to have your account number.
2006-06-22 18:42:49
answer #3
answered by markmywordz 5
You don't have to pay it to them. They are given these to collect because they are trying to get something back, as the original owner of the account might have wrote it off as a lost and sent it to them get something back.
Best thing is to pay the business you own this money to, and ignore collection agencies.
2006-06-22 17:38:45
answer #4
answered by olfireoneret 1
Don't worry, they'll get a hold of you. They are the scum of the earth and they make people's lives unbearable. Good luck with your bill problems and your finances. I would seriously recommend Dave Ramsey to you. God bless you.
2006-06-22 17:37:38
answer #5
answered by McReynolds 3
contact the original creditors or just look up your credit online for free and then use the lists
2006-06-22 17:36:10
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
When they call again tomorrow, just ask them at that time.
2006-06-22 18:15:05
answer #7
answered by Anonymous