If you have to ask the question then you don't love them. Just don't hate her. And be nice.
2006-06-22 08:43:57
answer #1
answered by Minders 2
All Gemenis are 2face
2006-06-22 15:46:24
answer #2
answered by Daniel W 1
You don't. You don't have to love anyone. You can choose to love someone. Love is a choice.
If this person is 2-faced, then don't give them ANY personal information about yourself. She obviously doesn't cherish your feelings so don't give her any.
One of the top reasons for divorce is in-laws, can you believe it?!! It's a much bigger problem than i think most people realize.
But the reality is that in-laws exist. The best thing to do is set boundaries for yourself with your husband's family. And, he has to respect them, period. He may resist at first but you must stick with it. Trust me. If you bend and do things you don't want to do or allow yourself to be treated in a manner that you know is disrespectful by your in-laws, you will only grow resentlful and find yourself with a big problem. So first, take care of yourself by NOT divulging yourself to her. second, don't bring that up to your husband but do figure out what kind of space you need from your in-laws and then communicate that to your husband. You don't (and shouldn't) have to go on and on about why, guys hate that, just be specific about what you want and then be consistent in getting it.
Husbands and wives HAVE to respect personal boundaries.
2006-06-22 15:57:15
answer #3
answered by Dr. Phil-lys 4
You're not obligated to love anyone.Just be civil and honest with her so that you can resolve this issue and move on. Don't forget you are probably not escaping her 2 faced ways either!
2006-06-22 15:48:47
answer #4
answered by lcsotter 4
My sister-in-law and my aunt are the same way! It is annoying but you just have to keep trying. Just be very careful what you say or do around them. Try no to take anything they say too serious!
2006-06-22 18:25:43
answer #5
answered by Suzanne 5
You might have to love her because she is a relative but that does not mean you have to like her. Be cautious of what you say to her and remember that "you love her, you just don't like her".
2006-06-22 15:46:35
answer #6
answered by jessica 4
People like them, you ignore, cause God will deal with him in his time. But you still love them anyways, just ignore them.
2006-06-22 15:45:15
answer #7
answered by baby_luv 5
I have this in my family as well. just sort of suck it up and assume they are always lying. pretty sad.
2006-06-22 16:42:38
answer #8
answered by briarsmum 1
i dont think it's love it's just obsession
2006-06-22 15:44:51
answer #9
answered by garfieldrulz2591 2
very very carefullyu but at least you know that she is what she is
2006-06-22 15:44:58
answer #10
answered by glenda d 2