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.. like 3 days ago. I can deal with my burnt arms and legs, but I can't on my face. It went from hot, to water blistered, to now.. dry and flaky. I don't care how red it looks. I want the dryness gone! What should I do? Please help. I can't even eat because of the tightness!!

2006-06-21 03:44:43 · 18 answers · asked by ♥ Jen ♥ 2 in Health General Health Care First Aid

18 answers

you need to keep it moisturised

2006-06-21 03:46:11 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My neice had a horrid burn like that. . .mix almond oil and melalucca (tea tree) oil - find them both in a health food store.

She went to bed pain free the same night. This was a blistered burn. The burn turned to a tan the next day. The oil also takes care of the dryness. I'm telling you from tons of experience, THIS WORKS.

2006-06-21 03:47:50 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It hurts because it remains burning. Please attempt this: Pour some vinegar right into a bowl. blend it with an equivalent area of cool water. Soak a washcloth contained in the answer, and then lay the moist washcloth on your sore elements. leave some seconds, and then pull off. Wring out the "warmth" that is pulled out of your skin (into the sink). Then, do it back and back until eventually the nice and cozy temperature is pulled out. Act rapidly, there is truly a small window of chance right here. then you could do the flaws all and distinctive else shows: Aloe Vera, etc. etc. also - once you've any Epsom salts laying round (maximum folk do not, yet i presumed i might want to factor out it) genuinely take a funky Epsom salt bathtub! The salts "pull" pollutants and issues out of the exterior. sturdy luck and with somewhat of luck you experience more advantageous effective the following day!

2016-10-20 11:12:26 · answer #3 · answered by louder 4 · 0 0

Aloe gel is your best bet I think. It will soothe the burn on your face and body and help to moisturize at the same time. You should definitely use sunblock in the future. You can cause serious skin damage. You will notice that the same area on your face will burn much more easily from now on. A similar fate occurred with my good friend. She was able to go out without block all her life, but she got a bad burn on her face in Venezuela and since then she burns easily and gets bumps in her skin if she doesn't use 45+ sunblock.

2006-06-21 03:52:22 · answer #4 · answered by Kya 3 · 0 0

I would use a major moisturizing lotion, go to your local drug store and find a healing moisture lotion and use that. Also If you are blistering you should see the doctor, my husband got sunburned really bad last year and he had blisters and his legs, the doctor gave him some great lotion that was a perscription and I helped tremondously. His legs healed, but he scared a litttle bit and now has a million freckles on his legs.

I would go see a doctor.

2006-06-21 03:49:53 · answer #5 · answered by lissa7903 3 · 0 0

Use Aloe Vera gel. It will relieve the dryness and also help with the flakiness.

2006-06-21 03:46:25 · answer #6 · answered by kalsmom 5 · 0 0

vasoline or petrolium jelly will just keep in the heat. with lotion, find one that is not sented...it will burn other wise...cocoa butter will work but again it's sented and may burn. aloe vera with help but dry the skin. you best bet is to find a non-sented lotion with extra moisterizer and apply as much as you need. at then end of the day, wash your face with cool water and very mild non-sented soap. re-apply the lotion befor you go to be and repeat the wash in the morning. i have been burned too many time to count...i'm always in the sun and that's how i took care of my face last year.

2006-06-21 03:53:25 · answer #7 · answered by pixie 1 · 0 0

Go to the drugstore and buy sterile vazeline. Keep the skin moist all the time with this thick and protective substance.

lotion is the least moisture-giving
cream is not enough moisturizing

vazeline both keep moisure in the skin and it protects it from air and other dry-out effects.

2006-06-21 03:46:16 · answer #8 · answered by Tones 5 · 0 0

You need to drink plenty of water to hydrate the skin. Do not put anything on your face, and see your doctor straightaway.

Do not self treat this, and in future it maybe a good idea to put some sun factor on your skin. This is how some people manage to get skin cancer.

2006-06-21 03:51:05 · answer #9 · answered by trackie1 4 · 0 0

try mouthwash or vinegar, it will take the heat out of the skin, also put no oils on the skin, tht only makes it worse, there are also special lotions you can buy for being sunburnt.

2006-06-22 13:25:18 · answer #10 · answered by macey301 2 · 0 0

put moisturizer on it and when in the shower use a facial scrub and scrub really hard with a washcloth....

2006-06-21 04:08:46 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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