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2006-06-20 15:07:52 · 10 answers · asked by roybabygurl69 1 in Health Mental Health

10 answers

take 6 months off and file for SSD.

2006-06-20 15:10:17 · answer #1 · answered by pickle head 6 · 0 0

I'm manic-depressive myself and it's frustrating. It's an invisible illness- as most of us appear perfectly normal most of the time. This means that people don't understand why we're not just earning a living and having the life they have. Many manage to work. I did for years. But one little thing can spiral everything out of control.

I spent years working my way through school, got a master's degree and paid for every dime except the first $100 from the Kiwanis. I always worked, but I did change jobs a lot... no real noticable problems. When I got my bachelor's I started teaching- but I was way too distractible. That didn't work. I got my master's the idea of working one on one with people. But every teacher out there has a master's- or so it seemed. Everyone was waiting for that one opening that would get them out of the classroom. I went to work in the mental health field- had the best support system at work! Loved my work. But I didn't make enough to live on. It was supposed to get me licensed as a therapist and then I could earn more- I did it for the 5 years required then applied to the state for the license. Red tape! My degree didn't match my supervisor's, the ed. requirements changed- and I couldn't keep working for $6/hr. forever and I couldn't start over- I was going to lose my house. So I picked up and moved to another state.....

It was downhill from there. The pendulum started to swing! Took years to get my stable again and meanwhile I was homeless several times. Finally got disability but it's not enough to live on (was better off at $6/hr.). Once you end up more or less permanently homeless, it gets pretty well impossible to work your way off the streets- 'cause the stress keeps you down and keeps the symptoms of the illness out of control.

Ever try finding work while living out of your truck? (wrinkled clothes, no shower...) With gaps in your employment history, no current references, over-educated-. And of course the stress means you end up with all the illnesses of age- which most get in the 60's but you get in your 40's.

But let yourself find a way to take a shower and put on clean clothes and then- well, why aren't you out there earning a living??????? You look fine to me-

Sorry- did that answer your question?

Check the bipolar forums on NAMI.org and About.com. Hang on to any support system you might have- 'cause you'll need them.

2006-06-20 23:11:03 · answer #2 · answered by niteowl 3 · 0 0

Social Security office doesn't seem to have a problem giving disability to those who don't need it.

I'm bipolar and have a good job. Honestly I think it's just an excuse to be lazy.

2006-06-20 22:10:46 · answer #3 · answered by real_sweetheart_76 5 · 0 0

Go on disability until you are treated correctly by a physician and can go back to work with some meds. check out more than one doctor. if you dont have health insurance then try a free communtiy clinic alot of the time you can get free meds.

2006-06-20 22:16:25 · answer #4 · answered by need2know 1 · 0 0

i have the same problem. what i am being told so i get can get ssi is to go to a thrapist who diagnoses me and then go to the social security office. it doesnt mean ur lazy. i have this and i lost a job and i am broke and i have to do something as well.

2006-06-20 23:48:12 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Go to a psychiratrist

2006-06-20 22:10:13 · answer #6 · answered by Alias Anarchist 3 · 0 0

as long as a doc says you can't work, apply for disability benefits.

2006-06-20 22:11:18 · answer #7 · answered by charlieandallison@verizon.net 2 · 0 0

Smoke pot, you won't care anymore.

2006-06-20 22:11:49 · answer #8 · answered by noirsolaris 2 · 0 0

suck it up, like the rest of us working people do every day.........

2006-06-20 22:11:37 · answer #9 · answered by truthteller 5 · 0 0

sure you can ...be a telemarketer

2006-06-20 22:10:01 · answer #10 · answered by The Whopper 5 · 0 0

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