If so, do you also believe in Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, ghosts, Rudolph, Elf's, Never Never Land, Winnie the Pooh, and the loch ness monster?
14 answers
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Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
You can't prove Santa doesn't exist. Maybe he's hiding. Hell no one has seen god either.
09:24:16 ·
update #1
You realize that the sun getting dark for 3 hours in the middle of the day isn't a huge deal. Weathermen predict this kind of thing all the time. Could be a storm front, could be an eclipse... oh my god, dark in the middle of the day.
09:25:12 ·
update #2
An explosion that created the universe is a stupid idea but a divine magical figure who snapped his fingers and did isn't?
Welcome to reality my friend.
09:27:11 ·
update #3
Well id have to say im one of those people that has to see to believe but yes i do believe in god
2006-06-20 09:10:15
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
In that day . . . I will make the sun go down at noon, and I will darken the earth in broad daylight (NKJV). Amos 8:9
From the sixth hour [noon] until the ninth hour [3 pm] there was darkness over all the land (NKJV). Matt. 27:45
What a remarkable prophecy! The sun will darken at noon during broad daylight. Amos predicted this somewhere between 760 and 753 B.C. The sky would darken and it did happen during Jesus' death. Not only do the gospels say it actually happened but secular scientists and historians knew it occurred and sought a natural physical explanation. This is a significant prophecy.
2006-06-20 09:09:55
answer #2
answered by ? 3
um santa can be proven to be nonexistent and the rest are ridiculous as well. according to tradition santa clause is a man who lives @ the north pole on planet earth. Explorers and satellite images have failed to detect the dwelling place of santa clause so we can be fairly certain that he does not exist. since the polar ice cap is likely to melt within the next 100 years we will have further evidence that nobody actually lives at the north pole. God is invisible, how can you disprove him when he lives in a different universe?
2006-06-20 09:11:11
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I am a christian, and proud to be one. The odds of millions of cells forming together to produce a human, is 3,865,907,200 to 1.
Second of all, Researchers have found what appears to be an "ARK"! It is located in the mountain tops near Russia.
The whole idea that an explosion happened in the universe, is just stupid. To sum it up, Gog created the universe.
2006-06-20 09:22:18
answer #4
answered by Brandon B 1
No. I believe in God because there has to be an answer where we came from. What exactly that God is, I don't know. I'll wait till I die to find out before saying that I know definitely what God or the afterlife is.
2006-06-21 01:27:04
answer #5
answered by FaerieWhings 7
No, I'm one of those people who believes in God because of the change he has made in my life and because no one else, in heaven or on earth, could have seen me sanely through some of the stuff I've been through.
2006-06-20 09:11:31
answer #6
answered by Peaches 3
I dont believe in God because it doesnt make sense to me and never did. I dont think religion is bad though. Many people need it in order to have controlled lives. It is good to believe in something, unfortunately I can't : (
2006-06-20 09:11:44
answer #7
answered by Nrassm 3
god does exist cause if he doesnt u wouldnot be here asking this question.if would be so sure as u are trying to be u would have never asked or even bothered about god .so yhis proves that even u are one of them who believe god exists!!
2006-06-20 09:12:52
answer #8
answered by cute girl 1
You can't prove something doesn't exist, it's impossible. But I don't believe God exists.
2006-06-20 09:09:04
answer #9
answered by Existence 3
I believe nothing! So why to believe in some god(s), ghosts, elf's, etc.?
2006-06-20 09:13:01
answer #10
answered by soubassakis 6