dieting and lifestyle changes don't fail....PEOPLE fail.
If you eat slightly less in calories than you expend, you will lose weight. It is impossible not to. People are not perpetual motion machines...they use energy to produce motion. If you take in more energy than you expend...your body stores it. It is really very simple.
Eat less, exercise more. Develop interests in something other than driving and watching TV. Try boxing, swimming, running, lifting, rowing, biking, walking, blading, martial arts, yoga, etc. Eat decent food. Cut out the crap. Get plenty of sleep. Cut down on the booze.
There is no mystery to it....only human failure to do what he or she should do....
2006-06-19 04:49:38
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Because people diet for a time, then, go back to the same way they have been living all thier lives.
When you diet, you change your life style. But, you think this is only a "short term" goal, and when you reach it, you slack off, and eat that pizza that is sooooo good, and that other piece of desert that you REALLY dont need...and thus the pounds creep up on you again and again.
When you diet, you should start and exercise program, and stay with it. This will keep the diet, or calories that you are consuming in check and will do your body a lot of good, isyou keep a routine up, as it keeps the body flexible and supple.
I wish you well..
2006-06-19 04:13:49
answer #2
answered by x 7
Not if done correctly.
I think it's more of a matter of people fail to diet long term in order to produce lasting results.
Dieting is not a short term ordeal. It's a complete change of life style.
Good luck!
2006-06-19 04:12:53
answer #3
answered by Corn_Flake 6
well; depending on what diet you did - results will last for shorter or longer period of time. The problem lies in the word DIET: Think about this:
Too much fat on your body is most often a result of a not very good lifestyle. Too little exercise, too much food eaten, or too little food eaten (yes, that may be a fact too.) If what you eat has the wrong "ingredients: too much or the wrong kind of fat or carbohydrates in your food.. And so on. Its science!
What you need to do is not to diet, but change your lifestyle - for ever. When you have reach your goal in weightloss - whatever it might be - go on with a lifestyle that fits for your body's need.
Here's what did the trick for me: Good luck on your new life!
2006-06-19 04:10:34
answer #4
answered by Tones 5
Because your body is saying," What are you doing to me(smile) When dieting, if you don't mix it with a little exercise then, the body is still gonna crave the old things that got it to the breaking point, but when you mix in a little a exercise, then the body changes its craving for actually things that are healthy for it, like water, fresh fruit and vegatables, it's amazing, how it works. Thus, producing longer lasting results.
2006-06-19 04:25:55
answer #5
answered by cacysher 1 2
Did you know that during a brain scan a certain part of a cocaine addicts brain activates when he thinks about his drug? The same part of our brain reacts the same way when we think about our favorite foods.
When we eat sugars and starch, without adequate amounts of protein and fat, we actually cause our blood sugar to drop because of an overproduction of insulin. When that blood sugar drop occurs our brain sends us a craving to get the blood sugar up. Those cravings are tough to fight especially when we know there is a bag of Oreos in the cupboard.
You really have to understand these body basics, use them everyday, and be dedicated to your goal. As soon as you give yourself a little slack you're likely to slip (as all us good addicts do).
You have to do all the things that you would do to be successful at quiting smoking, drinking or other drug. Unfortunately there is not much support out there as your weight gain and all the ailments that will eventually go with it are the bread and butter of the Pharma industry and the AMA. The producers of all the delectables we prefer wouldn't be very happy either if you ate less of their products either.
2006-06-19 05:14:37
answer #6
answered by David K 3
In order for a diet to be effecive long term, you must change not what you eat, but the way you eat. If, for instance you eat some meat, you should follow it by a veggie. If you have a snack of, say a candy bar one day, the next day it should be a fruit. It ain't a diet, it's a way of living. Good luck with your endeavors.
2006-06-19 04:12:42
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Because we as humans hate to be told "NO". And after we get down in weight we think we can go back to the same old ways and then it comes back and more. Also we have so much at hand and don't have to work hard to get something to eat. And Asian lady told me she had nothing were she had lived as a young lady. Now she lives in US and has everything and trouble keeping little because so much food. Things are better for humans and so we over do most things in our lives.
2006-06-19 04:18:33
answer #8
answered by ginger47a 1
Who told you that! Maybe if you DIET and then go back to eating garbage of course. There should be no such thing as a diet. One should just eat healthy all the time!
2006-06-19 04:11:13
answer #9
answered by royder1976 3
I know many people who have had great success with Weight Watchers. Once you 'learn' to eat better you continue to eat better.You train your mind. "Fad diets" and regular diets in general dont work because once your finished, you just go back to eating how you did before ( and gain the weight back. With weight watchers, once you learn how bad things are for you, you never really want to eat them again.( or you can once in a while, but smaller portions. You have to change your lifestyle, not just your eating habits.
2006-06-19 04:15:08
answer #10
answered by rxqueen♥ † 6