from one credit to junkie to what may be another, save yourself! cut up your cards, all but one. if you make minimum payments, a 5000 card turns into a 30 year, almost 25000 debt, a huge profit for the card company. Please don't get more!
If you really need more credit, there are numerous places to apply on the Internet. just answer a few surveys and then you get a few free gifts as well as an application. Best of luck to you.
2006-06-19 00:16:20
answer #1
answered by nik named mom 5
Why on earth would you want more credit???? I'm a student nurse too and I'm struggling to live on the bursery, so i went out and got a job.
It's hard working and studying, bit at least when I qualify, all that lovely money will be mine!!!
2006-06-19 00:15:11
answer #2
answered by star 2
Don't do it. If you have problems paying off your debt see the CAB. Consolidate your debt, make an agreement to pay it off week by week. You can get out of this without digging yourself deeper into debt.
2006-06-19 00:14:47
answer #3
answered by Emily 3
You can probably get another one as long as you are making payments on your current debts. Credit card companies love people like you! They are probably, or will be sending you offers like free refills at the diner.
2006-06-19 00:11:12
answer #4
answered by Fun and Games 4
Why its so easy.
Go to one of those debt agencies and consolidate all of your debts into one easy monthly payment.
Your life will be turned around. You will feel a sense of euphoria that would only otherwise be achieved using highly illegal substances.
Yeah right.
2006-06-19 00:31:20
answer #5
answered by Halucinagenic 2
Are you insane? Why do you want more credit? Pay off what you have now, before you are drowning in debt.
2006-06-19 00:10:08
answer #6
answered by Jack 5
you don't need anymore credit card. get a pair of scissors and cut all your cards. otherwise you will be in debt out of your nose and ears and everywhere else.
2006-06-19 00:14:17
answer #7
answered by pianist 4
Yes do not get anymore or else you will find yoyrself spiralling into debt with no way out!!
2006-06-19 00:10:27
answer #8
answered by wombat 3
Can't you get a part-time job for after school, to help make your bills more manageable?
2006-06-19 00:21:06
answer #9
answered by ontario ashley 4
Have a look here.
2006-06-25 08:07:38
answer #10
answered by Anonymous