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Usually, I take bacon, onions, and mushroom, saute them and then put the spinach in it. When I was a kid, my father use to make spinach lasagna, which I hated so nothing like that please. Only good recipes. Thank you.

2006-06-18 18:09:11 · 18 answers · asked by zipperz41 2 in Food & Drink Cooking & Recipes

18 answers

Botanical Information About Spinach
Spinach, despite its physical resemblance to leafy greens such as lettuce or kale, is actually not related to either. Botanically, spinach is a member of the Chenopodiaceae family, which also contains beets, chard, quinoa, and the Mexican herb called epazote. There are three main types of spinach: Savoy, which is usually dark green and has crinkled leaves, Semi-Savoy, which is a hybrid and has partially crinkled leaves, and flat-leaf, which (unsurprisingly) has flat leaves. The flat leaf variety is the easiest to clean, and consequently, it is often used to make manufactured spinach products.

editThe Health Benefits of Spinach
Spinach is a dietary powerhouse, full of vitamins and minerals. In particular, spinach contains significant amounts of vitamins A, C, K, and folate (which is essential for pregnant women), as well as the minerals manganese and magnesium. It is also extremely high in antioxidants called carotenoids. The health benefits are particularly impressive when you consider that spinach contains only seven calories per cup (when raw). To get the greatest nutritional benefit from regular spinach consumption, it is best to alternate between eating it raw and cooked.

editWays to Prepare Spinach
It is important to wash spinach in several changes of water, as the leaves of the Savoy and Semi-Savoy varieties tend to trap sand in their folds. Raw spinach is a great base for salads, whether on its own or blended with other greens. Steaming and sautéing are both excellent ways to prepare cooked spinach. Boiling spinach should be avoided because it significantly reduces the nutritional content.

Instant Spinach Mashed Potatoes Recipe #173588
There are several recipes here using potatoes and mashing them for a similar dish but sometimes you don't have the time to make something that looks this good! Here is a quickie substitute for a taste good, looks good dish
1 (10 ounce) package frozen chopped spinach
1/4 cup water
1 teaspoon salt
1 1/3 cups water
2/3 cup 2% low-fat milk
3 tablespoons margarine
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/3 cups instant mashed potatoes
2 tablespoons cooked bacon, pieces
3 ounces cheddar cheese, shredded

In a saucepan, combine spinach, 1/4 cup of water and 1 tsp salt. Cook, covered 10 minutes or until tender.
Drain well.
In a saucepan combine 1 1/3 cups water with milk and margarine with 1/2 tsp salt.
Bring to boiling and remove from heat. Stir in potato flakes. Stir together cooked spinach, potato mixture and bacon pieces.
Turn mixture into a 1 quart baking dish. Sprinkle with cheese.
Place under broiler for 1-2 minutes or till cheese melts.

2006-06-19 02:17:39 · answer #1 · answered by sweety_roses 4 · 1 0

I make it with saute onions and mushrooms

I saute a red onion with some garlic salt add some sliced mushrooms and chipotle chilli just a lil bit to give it taste and last add the spinach let it simmer .

I put on veggie burgers cuz I'm vegetarian but u can add it to a beef one my bf loves it or u can put it on quesadillas is really good, hope u give it a try ;)

2006-06-18 21:29:40 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

spinach is very good for it's fibre and iron content, so one should use it as frequently in the diet as possible. i will give you one good receipe , an indian one, easy to prepare, yet great to taste, goes well with steaming rice, or rotis, even bread..clean and wash spinach, cut it fine. asseble 2or3 green chillies, 2 medium size onions, 1 medium size potato, some fresh green peas, cleaned and boiled, cumin seeds, oil for frying, mohari or rai that is black mustard seeds which you will get in an indian store, asphoetida, some fresh paneer,i.e.cottage cheese, some garlic, peeled. in a pan, heat 2 tablespoons of oil, put rai, jeera i.e. cumin seeds, and asphoetida, half tea-spoon and a pinch in that order, let it crackle, but not burn, then add chopped onions, green chillies slit-cut, garlic and stir till brown. add spinach and stir. do not put the lid on the pan. fry paneer cubes separately, not much, only till a little golden color. let the spinch cook for about 10 minutes, add boiled green peas, paneer cubes, and mix properly. and yes, while you have stir-fried onions earlier, add finely sliced potato and let it cook on the onion bed without water. then all the other things are to be added. in the whole process, no water is to be used, everything will cook in their own juices and on steam. serve hot by garnishing with 1 tomato sliced in circles, and some yogurt if you like. will make a great dish with nan or tandoori roti , bread , rice, anything. prepare, and let me know the results, i am sure you will start loving spinach.

2006-06-18 18:54:58 · answer #3 · answered by palador 4 · 0 0

Mango and Spinach Salad with Creamy Cashew Dressing!

I've had this soooo many times and it always come out delicious! I suggest blending the dressing with a hand-held blender, not in a blender or food processor. It's just easiest that way. You can also use nectarines in place of the mangoes if you prefer. Either way, it's great!

For the dressing:
1/2 cup unsalted roasted cashews
Zest of 1 lime
1/4 cup lime juice
1/3 cup water
2 Tbsp honey
1 tsp Dijon mustard
Salt and pepper to taste

For the salad:
5 oz. pkg. baby spinach
1 small, ripe mango, peeled and sliced

Place all ingredients for the dressing in a food processor and pulse until smooth. Place the spinach in a bowl and toss with the dressing; mound on plates and top with mango slices. Or, divide and mound the spinach, undressed, on plates, decorate with mango slices and dot the top of the salad with the creamy cashew dressing.

2006-06-18 18:24:19 · answer #4 · answered by Jetgirly 6 · 0 0

Here's a recipe for a fresh Spinach salad. It's my favorite and I hope you like it.

Spinach Mandarin Salad

Fresh Spinach
Slices of Red Onion
Mandarin Oranges (drained)
Maries' Poppy Seed dressing
Slices of Almonds
Cold slices/cubed cooked Chicken (if desired)

2006-06-18 18:18:42 · answer #5 · answered by ♪ Tony's girl ♪ 4 · 0 0

It doesn't. Cooked down...1 large bag (2 small bags) of fresh should give you probably a little more or less than one of those frozen boxes. The added bonus is that it is much more tender. For some reason (I have noticed) frozen spinach seems really stringy and tough to me.

2016-03-26 21:14:28 · answer #6 · answered by Virginia 4 · 0 0

a fusion twist i have found to please uses spinach and marinara sauce...mix them and top with gorganzola cheese...or boursin cheese for an exquisite dining experience.

try also a spinach tossed alfredo or carbonara...very ice...
the best one i know is a spinach...saute'd then tossed with lemon juice, fresh chiffonade aregano, garlic, and olive oil.

try also ranch dressing mix and unclarified butter with sauteed onions.

a bchamel is nice, but a hollandaise is better.

try a bit of soy, ginger, black bean paste and brown sugar for an asian twist

sour cream mixed with chix base can add a great taste too....experiment!

2006-06-18 18:22:45 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Spinach quiche
Spinach dip

2006-06-18 18:12:43 · answer #8 · answered by nickipettis 7 · 0 0

A spinach salad....

Some spinach
Chopped pears
warm olive oil / baslamic vinger

hmmmmm good. They serve that kind of salad at "Noodles"

2006-06-19 02:42:54 · answer #9 · answered by Biancoa 4 · 0 0

I like Chicken Florentine with alfredo. I like to dredge the chicken (lightly coat it in flour) and cook it in just enough oil to cover the bottom of the pan.

2006-06-18 20:38:57 · answer #10 · answered by LOVE2LD 4 · 0 0

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