I think that's fair. It may not be right, but it's fair. A woman should have a choice, but she should know that her choice does come with consequences.
2006-06-18 12:16:33
answer #1
answered by ♥Melissa♥ 4
My husband and I pay child support for a child he had in another relationship 16 years ago - and whom he has never met. He was very clear that he did not want children at that time and she went off the Pill without telling him - bingo, 18 years of child support! They broke up soon after but the payments go on. I don't think this is fair, and neither does my husband, but there is nothing to be done about it at least here in Canada. The ex in question has a good career and is not short of money, but my husband and I have been through hard times. Yet we had to pay that bill before anything else because otherwise his wages would be garnisheed and his possessions could be sold to pay the back payments. Fair? Hell No.
I certainly don't think guys should get off the hook completely if they knock up a girl, even by accident, but in a case where the girl totally fooled the guy or deceived him into thinking she was using protection, he should be able to charge her with fraud or something and not have to pay for the baby she chooses to keep and raise. This is really true in cases where the mother earns as much or more that the sperm donor (I hesitate to say "father" because in our case at least, he never had a chance to be one). There definitely need to be some changes made.
2006-06-18 13:44:25
answer #2
answered by Samlet 4
I will not address whether a woman has a right to choose to abort; only whether the man's opinion matters. I believe it does not. He has the right to talk to the woman and give his opinion, but NOT to make her have an abortion if she does not want to. Think of it this way--if a man wants to have sex, and the woman doesn't, does the man have the right to make her? NO! That's rape and the man would go to jail. Now, an abortion can be even more traumatic to a woman than rape... no one has a right to force her to go through that. As for the child support argument; money should NOT be a deciding factor. If the guy didnt want to pay child support, he should have kept it in his pants. THAT was when he made his choice.
2006-06-18 12:55:39
answer #3
answered by cartmansmom 4
When I had my first child, he was an "accident" baby, and the father chose not to be a part of the childs life. He was not ready for a child, and I was. I chose to keep the baby and raise him, and I do not take a cent of child support, nor do i want it. I could have aborted, or had the child adopted out, but it was MY CHOICE.
Now, if we'd sat down and planned out a life together, or lived together and planned to be married before i got pregnant, i would have hauled his *** over the coals and taken what money I could. As it was we were just dating,only a short while, and accidents happen, a fault on BOTH our parts. He made the choice not to be a father, and i chose to be a mother.
I didn't see why my choice should affect him for 18 years, so i raised the baby myself, emotionally and financially.
My child see's his grandparents and aunts and uncles from his fathers side often, and we often see his father at their family gatherings, and hes always polite. He now has 2 more children, and my son has play dates with those kids, as its only fair he knows his half siblings.
Forcing someone to be a parent is a cruel thing to do. And taking their money is worse. Take half the blame yourself. It takes 2 to tango.
2006-06-18 16:28:28
answer #4
answered by mandy n 3
I'm pro-choice and a woman should be able to choose what she wants. But i would never have a baby just because i wanted to if my boyfriend didnt want to have a baby, then i wouldn't. I heard that same case and i think it's fair too as long he didn't agree to have a baby in the first place. If a guy wants a baby and the girl has it he needs to take care of it. But if he didn't want a baby in the first place and she had it anyways then she was just stubborn and wanted a baby.
2006-06-18 12:17:56
answer #5
answered by sunfire_prinzes 3
This is one of the most important issues regarding abortion, I think.
Abortion is not, and should not be used for, birth control. Men and/or women who do not want children should make CERTAIN that their actions do not result in a pregnancy.
It is selfish and incredibly irresponsible to start a pregnancy, and then say, Oh, no! I don't want that!
You know what? It's TOO LATE NOW.
Once you are either the Father or the Mother of a new life, it is too late. The responsibility is on you until the new life you created reaches independent adulthood, or until you have placed the baby with a reputable agency for adoption.
It is morally wrong for a woman to deceive a man, and become pregnant against his wishes, married or not.
It is morally wrong for a man to abandon his child, regardless of his feelings, or lack thereof, for the mother.
It is criminally irresponsible to indulge one's sexual needs without regard to the long-ranging and far-reaching effects it may have on one's own life, the life of one's partner, and the baby one creates.
If you are not mature, sane, and responsible enough to face these choices, and make these decisions, you should not be having sex - no matter what your age.
Sex is not a toy or a passtime. It is a biological fact of great power.
I am definitely pro-choice, but abortion is not a quick, convenient solution to one's foolish, selfish irresponsibility.
If you do not want children USE BIRTH CONTROL. See a doctor to find out what the best options are for you. Men and women BOTH.
Women who become pregnant against their partner's wishes are on their own financially, in my opinion - and they had better be ready for that BEFORE they make the decision, AND offer the man the option of becoming involved or not.
That is my opinion.
2006-06-18 12:31:51
answer #6
answered by zen 7
I think every woman has a choice but I don;t beleive in using Abortion as a means of birthcontrol, that i do find wrong.
I do agree though if the man dosn;t want the child he should be able to sign something from the outset that allows him to not have to pay maintaince.
I am not sure where you are but here in Australia there is a choice as to weather to have the babie/s fathers name on the birth certificate. If it isn;t signed by him it is not allowed on there but can be added at a later date.
2006-06-18 12:19:11
answer #7
answered by ozi_nut 5
I dont think its fair, next thing you know all a man is going to have to do to avoid paying child support is say "I didnt want the baby" My dad didnt want me when i was born either, he paid 18 years of child support. Bottom line, if you dont want a baby keep your D*ck in your pants and your legs closed. I dont and have never, had sex with someone who if I happened to get pregnant I wouldnt want them to be the father of my child. Im 20 years old and I have only had sex with 1 person who i am now engaged to. we discussed the pregnancy thing and we both have said that its not something we are going to try to make happen now and I do use birth control, things happen, babies do happen unexpectantly and we both have agreed that if something did happen we would both be happy, why? because we are in love with eachother, and thats how it is supposed to be.
2006-06-18 12:22:47
answer #8
answered by E 5
WELL, I that is hard to debate. But, it stills goes to the side that is PRO LIFE because the baby has a right to be born alive. I am Pro life.
You have the opportunity to buy condoms and use them. You have the opportunity to abstain. You have the opportunity and the responsibility to do much more than just have sex; and if she gets pregnant decide that you want to sue so that you will not have to take responsibilities for your actions.
2006-06-18 13:07:47
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Hell no I don't think that it is fair to the mother or the child b/c she didn't make the child by herself. What a SORRY piece of S**T. But he will pay for that in the long run!
2006-06-18 13:23:00
answer #10
answered by lovely lady 2
I don't think it is fair, unless she raped him.
Otherwise, he chose to have sex, and like I keep saying:
He shouldn't be surprised she ended up pregnant if he did the act that is specifically intended for making that baby. Therefore he knew the consequences before hand.
2006-06-18 14:12:01
answer #11
answered by Queen D 3