A soul is the basic form of currency in places such as Hell, Wal-Mart, and the internet. One soul is equal to roughly a gazillion GAS dollars, and are often used to buy things such iPods, houses, jobs, and style, as well as zen.
2006-06-18 10:20:58
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
"The soul, according to many religious and philosophical traditions, is a self aware ethereal substance particular to a unique living being. In these traditions the soul is thought to incorporate the inner essence in each living being, and to be the true basis for sentience. In distinction to spirit which may or may not be eternal, souls are usually (but not always as explained below) considered to be immortal and to pre-exist their incarnation in flesh. The concept of the soul has strong links with notions of an afterlife, but opinions may vary wildly, even within a given religion, as to what happens to the soul after the death of the body. Many within these religions and philosophies see the soul as immaterial, while others consider it to possibly have a material component, and some have tried to establish the mass (weight) of the soul."
2006-06-18 17:41:12
answer #2
answered by digilook 2
What's the difference between Hell and Wal-Mart? Anyway to the real question. A soul is hard to define. It is basically the substance that keeps your body alive. If you are religious that is. If you don't believe in religion then you wouldn't believe that it is anything more then your organs, you wouldn't believe your body is your soul's vessel. As to knowing you have one this guy did a study that showed the body losses a small amount of weight immediatly after death.
2006-06-18 17:23:35
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
A soul is who you really are, the person you are when you are alone with yourself. It's what makes your body able to move and function. Without one, you wouldn't be alive. That's how you know you have one. You're alive to ask the question, you have a soul.
I believe that you soul was you before your body was you. Your soul is older then your body. When you we created by your parents, your soul was put in that body. When you die, your soul will go on. It's your spirit, your essence if you will.
2006-06-18 17:27:02
answer #4
answered by odd duck 6
In Catholic Religion you are taught that we all have a soul. And the soul leaves the body once we die. All human beings are born with a soul.
2006-06-18 17:25:16
answer #5
answered by tonij16102 2
Your soul is WHO you are, your personality, your thoughts and beliefs. The body is just a vehicle for our soul whilst we are on this earth and like our mechanical vehicles will break down and fail eventually leaving our soul (spirit) to go free.
2006-06-18 17:22:09
answer #6
answered by Tatsbabe 6
A soul is the spark of the Divine in you. It can be a religious thing or not. I believe that all living things have one. Others don't agree with me, but that's my solution. I see the light of the Divine in everything.
2006-06-18 17:22:32
answer #7
answered by Mama Otter 7
Some ppl confuse soul with life. Cancer has life, but has no soul. Soul is some abstract notion invented by humans.
2006-06-18 17:26:53
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
you can feel it.. what makes you breathe and what is inside you.. the depths of your heart.. an evil heart produces eveil things.. and a good heart that knows the lord and tries to live the right way produces good things.. good deeds...our soul when we die goes back to god who gave it, and there will come a time when we all will be accountable for our deeds here on earth.. but if we believe in the lord jesus christ and try to live the best we can.. none of us our perfect and we have all sinned and come short of the glory of god... but by the grace of god, and jesus dying on the cross we can have forgiveness of our sins and thus seek a home in heaven.....
2006-06-18 17:24:37
answer #9
answered by sanangel 6
in the book the spiritual man watchman nee a chinese martyr writes thesoul is the area bordering the spirit of man and the flesh so the soul is the basttleground betweenthe spirit the breath of god and our flesh
2006-06-18 17:23:11
answer #10
answered by Anonymous