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plz give me some advice for bringing labour pian

2006-06-18 09:43:43 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

27 answers

Walking, lots and lots of walking

2006-06-18 09:47:13 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Number 1 - DON'T for heavens sake take caistor oil - its been proved that it can harm the baby and cause unnatural contractions
Number 2 - Both my kids were late - the first was 42 and 1/2 weeks and the second was 41 weeks
Number 3 - If your doctor felt that anything was wrong he would have said something

The best way i've found for inducing labour - as gross as this sounds - get your partner/husband/other half to put 2 fingers in you until he can't go no further and do a sweeping circle motion - its known proffessionally as a membrane sweep - you'll know if he's done it right as there is a little spotting of blood after followed hopefully by contractions - workrd on both my pregnancies - but of course - there is others to try such as

really hot food
go for a jog/gentle run
take a hot bath but not too hot that it burns
walking a flight of stairs

the top and bottom line is that it is a baby you are carrying - it'll come when its ready

Good luck

2006-06-18 17:26:06 · answer #2 · answered by colletteukuk 3 · 0 0

Well at 40 weeks you should be seeing your Dr. every week if not sooner. Some doc's will let a woman go as far as 42 weeks before inducing. Inducing is not pleasant as it can bring on massive contractions very quickly and sometimes it does not leave time for and epidural. As far as labor pains go, or sings of labor, you may already be dilated to 1 or 2 cm. A nother good indication is a little blood indication that you are dilating. My Dr. told me when I was due to take a little Castor oil orally. This will help cleans out your bowls and may help get things moving along. I'm sure it will not be long for you now. Good luck and congratulations.

(p.s if you are truly concerned go to the E.R or birthing center, they may be more helpful than your Dr)

2006-06-18 17:04:11 · answer #3 · answered by Kayce H 2 · 0 0

First of all - how sure are you of your due date? You didn't say if you had begun to efface of dilate yet.
The average pregnancy lasts 40 weeks, but some go a week or so longer, especially if it's your first pregnancy. You should be seeing you doctor weekly now, with a pelvic exam each visit. If you are sure of your dates, it's best not to go over 42 weeks since the placenta begins to degenerate about that time, compromising the blood supply to the baby.
There are losts of "old wives tales" about how to induce labor on your own - most don't work, and some can be dangerous, both to you and the baby.
Try to relax and allow nature to take it's course. The reward of a healthy baby is well worth the wait.

2006-06-18 16:57:33 · answer #4 · answered by kids and cats 5 · 0 0

Please do not take the castor oil or any other laxative. If you take it your unborn child also takes it. Meconium, the first black, sticky, tar-like bowl movement a baby has can occur before birth and your child actually die or at least be very ill. DO NOT RELY ON OTHER PEOPLE FOR MEDICAL ADVICE! That is why you are seeing a doctor. When your child is ready to be born your body will respond. If for some reason you don't go into labor your doctor will determine when to induce your labor. Your doctor isn't nearly as concerned about you not going into labor just yet as you are, Doctors see many, many pregnancies and get used to all of the different things that happen and often forget that the pregnant women don't know these things and forget to go into detail to ease their worries. The best thing to do is be very honest and ask your doctor to SIT down and talk to you about your concerns. Good Luck and God Bless you and your child!

2006-07-01 02:06:03 · answer #5 · answered by Lets_see... 1 · 0 0

I haven't really heard much about castor oil or cohosh, but while I was going to pre-natal classes we were told by the public health nurse to aviod chamomile as it can bring on contrations. I went to 40 weeks with my son, my OBGYN said that both her kids were just as late and not to worry about it. A friend told my husband to go home and have sex with me to start labor, it was a good laugh, but didn't work at all. I would think that spicy food will just give you indigestion. Walking is good but from personal experience it only helps if you are already starting into labor. I spent my last 6 weeks at 2 cm dialated and never went any further until I was induced at the hospital, that was done on monday evening I had more tuesday morning then was sent back home again, I started into labor right after that at home, went in a few hours later after getting a little to eat, had a hard labor from about 3pm-3am the next morning.

If you are concerned and your dr isn't listening to you, see if you can talk to someone at the hospital that you are going to deliver at or go to a walk-in clinic in your area and just talk to a dr.

All the best of luck to you.

2006-06-18 18:08:00 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It is not unusual for a doctor to go over about two weeks after your due date, if it is longer than this I would get another doctor. However if you cant feel the baby move you need to seek medical attention now. To bring on the labor, trying walking, having more sex, and doing things that you think your body can handle. Dont try to push yourself, it will happen when it is the right time.

2006-06-29 03:02:04 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Your body will know when it is time to deliver. Your doctor will be watching the babys weight and he will induce labor when he thinks he needs too.
What can you do? Have sex, walk alot, eat a pizza,
Your doctor won't let you be prego too long.
If he isn't saying anything. Ask him a direct question........" will you induce labor if I don't go into labor soon, and what day will that be"
I know how hard it is to wait. Before you know it that child will be giving you a grandchild. Such is the cycle of life. It is wonderful!

2006-06-28 23:07:47 · answer #8 · answered by clcalifornia 7 · 0 0

Amen to that. With my oldest daughter, I tried walking, sex, spicy food, you name it, I did it. I went 41 weeks, and my idiot doctor FINALLY induced my labor. At 7 am, I started feeling contractions. 9 hours and 4 epidurals later, I had a 9 lb, 5 oz baby girl. Trust me, when that baby's ready to come out, it will. It may take getting the salad spoons ahold of it, but it will be born.

Also, maybe you should get a second opinion. It's not always good for a pregnancy to go 40 weeks. If your doctor isn't helping, try talking to one of his or her associates. Somebody will listen to you.

2006-06-18 16:56:06 · answer #9 · answered by tinkerbell24 4 · 0 0

A normal pregnancy lasts 37-42 weeks. So just relax, and let nature take it's course!! If this is your first pregnancy it is very likely you will go overdue. Your baby will come when your baby wants to come! Good luck, and congrats!

2006-06-18 16:51:13 · answer #10 · answered by Allana R 2 · 0 0

If it is your first baby, then don't worrier about it to much.
The first can come early or up to a month late.
You may be off on your dates.
Ask your Dr. for a ultra sound.It will make you feel better.
And will give you both a better date to look forward to.

2006-06-18 16:52:02 · answer #11 · answered by raven 3 · 0 0

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