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You know, the part where he was praying so hard that blood was coming out of his pores.

2006-06-17 19:23:02 · 16 answers · asked by WillyINCALI 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Also, should I just go to church and except the trinity.. even though common sense tells me that they are seperate people?

2006-06-17 19:30:36 · update #1

One more thing... Thanks for all the great answers... but when the bible says that jesus and god are of one mind... Couldn't it mean that they are, "Like minded" Jesus does the will of his father and knows his purpose which is to do the will of his father, God?

2006-06-17 20:15:51 · update #2

I really appriciate the people who are trying to explain this, because it does bother me quite a bit. Maybe it shouldn't.. I should just keep my mind on God and not let this set me back.

2006-06-17 20:17:36 · update #3

16 answers

Jesus and God the Father are seperate individuals, and Jesus was made a little less than God the Father. No one can fully understand the Trinity until the Kingdom of Heaven is setup, then Jesus will explain. Remember no one knows the Father except the Son.

2006-06-17 19:27:26 · answer #1 · answered by jp_poolplayer 1 · 0 0

Ok, unless you are the Pope, or an Xtreme follower of Christ, which i don't think any one of those groups completely understands either, DO NOT TRY TO UNDERSTAND THE HOLY TRINITY!

It is way to complicated, and thought of by a Higher Being that it escapes our Limited Minds. I know someone who has been studing the Holy Trinty since he was 16 (aka next door neighebor, he is like 85) and he can barely grasp the concept.

See to put it in some form that may help
Jesus knew he had to Die for the worlds sins
it was Part of GODS plan.
But since Jesus was God he already knew what was to be.
But at the same time, Jesus was completly navie of what was to come.
Jesus was 100% man
Jesus was 100% God

I doubt that helped
but you are NOT going to get a clear Answer from anyone

2006-06-18 02:31:12 · answer #2 · answered by beachbum040489 2 · 0 0

Excellent questions, I think they kind of go hand in hand.
The idea of a triune God takes time and study to come to an understanding you can live with. There are many mysteries about god but He has given us enough information and His Spirit to guide us into all truth. God chose to reveal Himself to us in a family setting, a community if you will of /Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In John 17 Jesus prayed that we would be one with Him as He is one with the Father. They are one in heart and purpose and have the same goal to restore Eden.

To address you initial question. When the creator, Jesus< became a part of His creation He forever gave up two of His God attributes. His omnipresence (being everywhere at once) and His omniscience (all knowing) So as Jesus was made to experience the guilt of all of our sins it was pressing the life out of Him.
He told His desciples that He was sorrowful to the point of death.
Jesus asked His father if there was any way for this "cup" to pass from Him. If we look at Revelation we see what is in this "cup" it's the wrath of God poured out on the ungodliness and unrighteousness of man. Jesus endured the seperation from God that our sin causes and lived his life in constant communion with His Father through the Holy Spirit. Remember when He was baptised? the heavens opend up and the Holy spirit came upon hHim in the form of a dove and the Father spoke and said "This is my beloved Son in Whom I am well Pleased"

2006-06-18 03:05:53 · answer #3 · answered by juddzey 2 · 0 0

God sent his son to die for our sins. When Jesus was on the cross yes he suffered, but he suffered for you and I to have everlasting life. So because of that suffering, he prayed and cried out for God to help him, but that doesn't mean the trinity isn't real. How the Trinity works is complicated yes, but most things in religion are. Science can't explain it but thats just how it is. You can't think anything in religion can be explained with common sense, because religion and Jesus aren't common things.

2006-06-18 02:44:41 · answer #4 · answered by Listenup 1 · 0 0

Good. Your intelligence will get you to the truth. Please continue pondering...
Islam has been telling all along what you are logically thinking. Jesus(PBUH) is not God or son Of God but one of the chosen Prophets of God. He is a human being. You are right, no intelligent/logical mind can accept the concept of trinity- three in one or one in three which ever way you look at it. They all are three seperate entities. Does that mean three gods?
For further authentic details about Jesus (PBUH) read the Quran.

2006-06-18 02:39:49 · answer #5 · answered by religion 2 · 0 0

I am a Mormon. We Believe that God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost are Seperate Beings but One in Purpose.

2006-06-18 02:28:15 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because Jesus was still a man, he was God in human form. He knew only what a man would know, things that had been shown or taught/revealed to him. That is also why not even Jesus knew when the rapture was.

2006-06-18 02:27:32 · answer #7 · answered by Lion's Blessing 2 · 0 0

Firstly, Thank you for allowing me to respond to this Question.

secondly, with reguard to your Question. you may be asking because you are in doubt. which is completely normal.

because if you go to anyone and ask them to explain to you the trinity, they will not be able to give you an adequete answer.

Never once did Jesus (peace be upon him) claim to be God. If you look into the bible, if you have a red lettered one that highlights supposedly what Jesus has said, than never once will you find that he told his people to worship him. On the contrary, he said "Worship Thy Father Alone" i.e. worship God Alone.

Third of All, In Islam we believe in Jesus as a highly respected Prophet of Allah (God). just like Moses, Adam, Abraham, Noah, etc.

They All came with the same message : To worship the creator Alone.

Indeed, it is very blasphemous to say that Jesus Is God.
#1. Jesus was A human, and everyone will agree upon that. meaning he ate, slept, used the bathroom, etc. Things that Muslims Believe are not attributes fit for the Lord of the Universe, because he is free of all needs.

#2. The Christians believed that Jesus died on the Cross. How can God Die? if that were the case, than how can it be that he would be on the cross saying "Why have you forsaken me" to the one who is in heaven, if they were one in the same. and how is it that He knew he would die, but didnt know at the same time?

and if he died for 3 days, who was God during those 3 days?

nothing makes sense.

but everything in Islam Makes sense. wouldnt it be more logical that he were a Righteous Prophet of God, rather than God himself?

If you believe
1. that there is no object worthy of worship but Allah (God)
2. you believe in the angles
3. Heaven and hell
4. The Books that came before (the Old testament, Gospels, Quran)
5. you believe in the all the Prophets of God starting from Adam, including Moses, Jesus, Abraham, Noah, and Muhammad peace be upon all of them)
and finally
6. Divine decree.

than welcome to Islam.

Finally, if you do not wish to listen to anything i've said, at least do one thing which you have nothing to lose.

Seek guidance from God himself to guide you on the strait path, and see where it leads you.

I Swear by Allah, that if you Sincerely and whole-heartedly ask Him for Guidance to the truth. He will lead you to it.

you have nothing you lose.

I ask God to guide you all to the truth. ameen.

2006-06-19 22:04:46 · answer #8 · answered by Shirien 2 · 0 0

according to the bible, Jesus and God are not the same, Jesus is the son of God. He was asking his FATHER if there was another way. Jesus is often referred as the savior, perhaps you mixed them up, or got false information. or misinterpreted something you were told or read?

2006-06-18 02:29:53 · answer #9 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

I believe Jesus had to be fully man (and God, but on to my point) to trully say he experienced the pain of being human and conquered it. It's not beyond God to split himself up for a short time.

2006-06-18 02:26:49 · answer #10 · answered by JG 3 · 0 0

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