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If man is made in God's image, and that man is gay. How does he burn in hell for his sins if he was made in God's image?

Side notes:

Remember, for someone to be gay, it isn't any more of a choice than YOU chose to be heterosexual or what color your eyes are. You are born one way or another, or in some cases both.

If you think it IS a choice, then that means YOU could choose to be gay, right?

Think of how hard it is for someone to "come out" and all that it entails. It is NOT a choice. If you think so, then you're stupid!!!

FYI, I am straight and married.

2006-06-17 14:23:47 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

40 answers

First off it is a choice
Second sodomy like adultery is caused by lust not love
Third if one has homosexual feelings they should repent with the help of God (No one makes you act on your lustful desires but you)

If sodomy is not a choice, then i suppose adultery, theft, believing in other Gods, lying, and murder are also not choices. So if you adhere to that belief all sins are justified because you were born to commit them.

Leviticus 18:22 NIV Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable.

Leviticus 18:22 KJV Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

2006-06-17 14:39:08 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 9 4

Most people, whether they come out and say it or not, view the Bible as sacred myth. It is impossible to live up to the expectations of the Bible, especially when you consider that the Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed not only once, but twice! That makes it impossible for any people to fulfill the commandments considering the Temple. Now, when you consider all in the Bible that contradicts itself, or is no longer relevant as written. Also, you have to take into consideration when the Bible (both Old and New Testament) was written - the main reason that homosexuality was taboo was that their weren't a lot of the people of the religion, and children where needed for the sake of inheritance. Marriage was economical and practical. However, in a society where marriage for love is rampant, and there are more then enough children to go around, and the fact that many heterosexual people choose not to have children, it is reasonable to also say the homosexuality is normal, and not a sin. If it really is a choice, then it should be respected as a choice, as not having children is a choice.

2006-06-17 15:14:12 · answer #2 · answered by Rai 1 · 0 0

Well, here's the "theological answer" ... and I have a follow-up on the idea of "gay sin" in this same post.

God made man in His own image. Man (meaning mankind) experienced the "fall" when we became less than in God's own image. Further, the "sins of the father are borne by the sons" meaning that fall and our further sins are passed down through generations. Therefore, it is possible for us to, well, commit sins.

But then how do you "burn in hell" ?? My belief is that hell is real and it can be avoided only through salvation through Christ. So therefore, how does someone "burn in hell" for their sins? By not accepting salvation.

I think you are seeking "why is salvation required?" at that point. Am I right in understanding your question?

On the subject of "gay sin" please keep in mind that while I do believe it is a sin, there are lots of other sins to. Y'see, I'm not gay and don't act in that way, but I do lie and cheat and lust and lots of other bad things. I try to stop, but I fail. My point? They are not "better or worse" than any other. It's not like "my sins aren't as bad as your sins."

And one more comment on the comment that being gay "isn't any more of a choice than YOU choose to be heterosexual" -- while I buy the argument that there are many gay people who have a disposition to being that way, sometimes it just is a choice. I know of several gay people who are gay by choice and they freely admit that. I suppose you could argue that they choose to do what they "have to do" but I just don't buy that argument to be true 100% of the time.

Back to the original question: I think it would be better worded as follows: "If man is made in God's image, and that man has committed sin. How does he require salvation for his sins if he was made in God's image?"

Please let me know if that really is your question.

2006-06-17 14:34:38 · answer #3 · answered by Paul McDonald 6 · 0 0

I agree that you're born gay, at least most gay people are. I think having bad experiences in childhood could cause a little confusion though. However, don't you think that everyone on earth has something that's troubling to them. Like a temper, depression,etc. Don't you think God might want to see whether or not you can resist being attracted to someone from the opposite sex. I know this is a bit of a stretch but look at some of the catholic priests that have been caught seducing young boys. It's something to consider.

2006-06-17 14:31:18 · answer #4 · answered by Amanda 2 · 0 0

About the choice thing:

While I do think there are some gay people who are that way because of genes, I also think there is an overwhelming amount of people who are gay because they choose to be. As an example just look at prisons, most of these guys are having sex with one another, this is a choice they make.

Regardless I could care less what a person wants to do with their life, so long as it does not cause harm on others.

2006-06-17 17:35:15 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Exactly one choose his or her sexual orientation. No one is born Gay. My brother is gay and he believes that God made him that way, but the bible says that Man and woman and preaches against Man and Man, or Woman with Woman. To think that man does not have a choice in something like this is of Satan. Free will or Freedom of Choice is a GOD GIVEN RIGHT.

2006-06-17 14:32:05 · answer #6 · answered by princezelph 4 · 0 0

Gay men are not made in God's image. That's a commonly used ploy by gay men to exploit scripture. But the image of God refers to the soul, not the outward appearance or behaviour of man. God made Adam with Eve, not Steve. Men, among themselves, cannot reproduce. Therefore, if this were right, the human race would cease to exist. This is, of course, counter-productive to human reality which is to vigorously wish to continue. That's why homosexuality is a clear abberation in the way things ought to be.

2006-06-17 14:36:59 · answer #7 · answered by toolshopjohnny 2 · 0 0

God has no problem with someone being gay. The problem is in the practice of homosexuality in acordance to Gods word. 1 Corinthians 6:9 is where the problem stands mostly.

I don't care what some ones personal choice is one way or the other.

2006-06-17 14:26:17 · answer #8 · answered by Who am I? 5 · 0 0

What is it that you are seeking? The answer that it is alright to be gay or straight and married? Christians do not believe in homosexuality no matter who's choice it is or isn't. You can look at it with a number of view points but it all boils down to the same answer. Everyone knows and understands that gayness is not a choice, or they should anyway, but does it still make it alright? Sin is all that anyone thinks about, worries about or talks about. Acceptance of "HIS" dying on the cross for us is the answer to all. If we believe that he did it for us, then we shall be forgiven & accepted for who & what we are.And with that being said, if you accept what "HE" did for us, than you accept that you can be gay, but just be celibate......A sin is not a sin until it is carried out, no matter what sin it is. Yes or no.......~p~

2006-06-17 14:42:24 · answer #9 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

So by that logics, if a person is born with a desire to molest children, it would not be a crime, because God made him that way. For a priest to molest children must be OK, because God made him that way. For a person to be an axe murdered must be OK, because God made them that way.

God give each person a choose over their moral behavior. There is not a person in the world who does not fight desires to do something that is wrong - lie, cheat, steal, do drugs...

But we have a choice whether or not to do it. So does a person with homosexual desires.

Your desires may not be your choice -- but your action based on those desires always is.

2006-06-17 14:33:01 · answer #10 · answered by dewcoons 7 · 0 0

im straight and im married and i dont think being gay is a choice i think everyone is born and through time some people get to become gay cause they have expiriences where they find love in the members of the same sex or maybe its just one member

as for the being made in gods image, we are made in gods image, but apparently the god is perfect right,

so it is us humans who sin, right

so when a man sleeps with another man its sin right?

but so is having clothing of different fiber, right? (its leviticus chapter 20 verse 19 I believe I could look it up)

so basically, homosexual sex, sin, wearing a shirt with cotton and silk, sin

according to the christianity you ask for forgiveness you go to heaven
accourding to islam you get caught having sex with someone of the same gender you get stoned

thats my take on that

and im for gay marriage, cause according to leviticus 25.44 slavery is ok, but i dont think slavery is ok

2006-06-17 14:28:52 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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