Which first--beasts or man?
GEN 1:25 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
GEN 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
GEN 2:18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.
GEN 2:19 And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.
2006-06-17 12:53:59
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You make the assumption that the Bible has to explicity say something for it to be true. For some Christians this assumption will hold up. However, for the majority of Christians and for the majority of Christendom through time (the majority being in Catholic) the Bible has implicit truths along with explicit. And even then the Bible is NOT the sole rule of faith. It is equal to and on the level with the Teaching Authority of the Church (the authority that put the Bible together) and also with Apostolic Tradition or the traditions of God sustained in the Catholic Church.
It is only a minority of Christians that take the Bible literally at every verse. Most of these Christians are in the USA and are quite determined to convert the rest of Christianity and the world to their new doctrines.
However, the Bible is a collection of stories that are written at times to convey a literal truth and at times to convey a figuarative or religious truth. The Bible is entirely a religious account and only at times a historical account.
Genesis is true, but not entirely literal. God did create everything. The details describe religious truths that teach us about our faith. They are not to teach us the history of the world literally.
Therefore, I do not need to demonstrate that I as a Christian can agree (to a point) with evolution based on the Bible. I would tell you to read the entire book of Genesis and recognize that Christianity in the majority finds it not to be literal and thus has no qualms with evolution (to a point). That point is evolution does not explain how we as humans have a soul. Evolution also does not explain how life began. Evolution is not a rock solid theory.
God used evolution as a divine and willed process of Creation. It is unfortunate, but you see the repeptition on life and conclude that there is no will behind it. It is a dead cycle waxing and waning. I and my religion on the otherhand see evolution and its repetition and change as a lifefilled and willed process that is sustained by God who created it.
I'll ask you now to explain how you can not believe in God and evolution using relevant scientific literature.
2006-06-17 20:11:04
answer #2
answered by velvet 3
If you use a book to help you define what is right or wrong, wrap your eyes with a cloth and walk around a crime-ridden neighborhood asking for directions to the bank where you do business and have your life savings and you'll get unsummoned assistance by a lot of saints.
However, if you speak to the Biblical God, ask yourself why nothing is ever answered when you pray to Him.
Then, look at where Christianity was born, which (by the way) is the same place where the war has been waging for millenia - and all your answers will soon come to terms with Evolution and some book passed on from generation to generation by those who could afford to financially pass such a book from to and fro. Obviously, slaves were unable to transport, keep, and safeguard anything, cause they had no pockets, printers, parchment or - for that matter - faith in any God born out of Palestine.
2006-06-17 19:58:21
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
The Old Testament creation story (Genesis, Chapter 1) is a blueprint for evolution. Notice that it says that the Universe, the Earth and the various forms of life were not created all at once, but in a specific order -- one that matches closely the order that science tells us actually happened. The only conflicts are (1) whether you interpret the Bibile's six days of creation as six 24-hour days rather than a metaphor for six much longer periods and (2) whether you believe that God had a guiding role in the development of the stars and planets and forms of life or instead believe that all of these things formed in a completely random process.
2006-06-17 20:04:20
answer #4
answered by screque 1
What in the world makes you think the bible is proof of anything??are you so brain washed as to believe the writings of this man or that is definitive word of anything? And the bible you read is not the bible, but someone's translation of the original, and sorry to tell you this, but your bible is one fallaciously edited, picked over book...any scrolls that didn't agree with the people doing the picking chucked them out. You have no idea what was written, and as far as I know, God doesn't use a computer or a pencil. If you want to present an arguement, learn how to do it.
2006-06-17 19:56:16
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
My heart is with the bible and everythig in Gods creation. But I believe we are constantly evolving as living things. Here's a question back at you. Why is it that all living creatures from Asia have the same facial characteristics in particular the slanting eyes ? This is quite obvious in both animals and humans. Was there more than 1 Adam and Eve . Was there a man and woman placed on different areas of the planet so as they would evolve as their own race ?
2006-06-17 19:59:06
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Tell you what. I'm an Atheist, but I'll look up Biblical passages for Evolution if you can find me biblical passages for The Fundamental Theorem of Line Integrals.
I eagerly await your response.
FYI, If you want to try this is the Theorem:
(Or perhaps this will show that not everything that is true will be found in the bible?)
2006-06-17 20:02:27
answer #7
answered by eigelhorn 4
Thank you Bill-they can not.
Some liberal Christians try to make room for bad science to fit into their weak theology. I have been studying this subject for about 4 years. It does not help when people like Hugh Ross, John Ankerberg, and the Pope try to tell us that all this bad science is correct. If it weren't for all those scientist who believe in creation , I may could understand some people accepting evolution, but there is too much debate within science on this subject.
2006-06-17 20:02:09
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I don't believe that there is a single book in the Bible that touches on evolution; the concept of evolution didn't exist when the current Bible was compiled.
2006-06-17 19:53:09
answer #9
answered by Iamnotarobot (former believer) 6
One day, a very smart person will propose a new theory, that will refute Darwin. And then Christians will debate with them for several centuries. And then someone will refute that theory, and Christians will debate with them for several centuries. Do you see a pattern here?
The conflict, is in the hyposthesis, not the theory.
Some people are more than animals. Some don't want to be.
2006-06-17 20:11:08
answer #10
answered by Dragonladygold 4
You can't have evolution and the bible
Its either or can't have both
And it is the Bible not evolution
2006-06-17 19:57:03
answer #11
answered by Nick 4