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2006-06-17 11:58:06 · 16 answers · asked by idspudnik 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

Can't think of anymore, I think I'm the only one answering that agrees with u, lol. There good though covered all the reasons i don't believe. Oh wait think I've got one if there is a heaven where do the animals go? They can't sin (or at least don't understand their doing it) so u can't send them to hell, but they can't pray, worship or believe in God so they can't go to heaven. That and what happens to all the people who where alive before Jesus? They were never told about God and Jesus hadn't been born so do they automatically go to hell? If they do God can't be that great of a being. You can't punish someone for a crime that wasn't a crime when they committed it.

2006-06-17 12:31:15 · answer #1 · answered by bobatemydog 4 · 2 1

I've only read the first one and I can refute it. This author says that the prayer of asking for cancer to be eradicated is a selfless prayer. And God answers selfless prayers, right?

However, the intent of that prayer is not to eradicate cancer it is to be demonstrated that prayer works. It is a selfish prayer. The author would only pray it so that he/she could prove God wrong if it weren't answered. The prayer is prideful and desires acclaim for oneself even if it is superficially dressed up in a clean humble selfless sentence. God knows the heart and sees past the farce.

You must be able to see the difference? The prayer is not ultimately sincere even if the author DID really really want Cancer eradicated. The author is only prompted to ask for this by his/her base pride. Proverbally, it is a glorious and beautiful house built on sand.

And I made the mistake of reading another one. #25 in which the author makes quite a large and untrue assumption: "The interesting thing to understand is that when you accept evolution, what you are automatically doing is rejecting the concept of a soul. Here is why: As soon as you accept that evolution is true, you also accept that the creation story in the Bible is false."

Unfortunately, that may be a logical argument for how some make inferences from the Bible. But my faith and religion believes the book of Genesis and the creation story is a religious and not a historical story. It was meant to convey a picture or understanding about God and life, which is true in spirit. I am not refuting Creation. I do believe God created the world and everything in it. However, I don't believe He meant Genesis as the account of that Creation process. He meant it as a succint lesson in learning His authority and what our sin really is.

I'm sorry, but this website is just terrible and I will tell you why. The author has defined religion by his/her own rules. The author forces religions to be what they are not entirely. The assumptions are partly correct and partly incorrect. Thereby the author's conclusions cannot be valid in refuting the assertions of any religion.

I do respect your opinion on the matter. I will not disrespect you because you do not agree with me. However, these arguments on this website just can't be reasonable because they do not meet religion where it stands. It makes its base at a point where the author defines what religion is and how the religious interpret each of these proofs and then refutes them.

It is like me telling you that YOU believe Evolution to be complete and adequate and rock solid. (You most likely do not believe this). Then I set out to disprove you by showing the scientific evidence that while the theory is good and works in many ways, there are holes that need to be figured out and defined.

I just told you what you believed and then refuted it. But that is bogus. I set it up the only way I knew I could knock it down. This website does the same exact thing even with all the Biblical quotes and such. The inferences the author makes from them is not entirely what religions would make of them. The crux upon which these proofs work are lies intended to present a weak argument that is easily and logically negated.

I know much better websites out there for you. Ones with a bit better logic. Certainly, as a Christian I am welllll aware that I blindly accept 1 thing as a mystery (God), but in doing so I make all other things understandable. You, on the other hand, rationally try to make 1 thing understandable (the world), and end up making all of it a mystery. Your rationality is, indeed, irrational, but you can argue that and it would mean a lot more than that ridiculous website.

2006-06-17 12:06:32 · answer #2 · answered by velvet 3 · 0 0

1 and 2. prayer works but don't expect every prayer to be answered instantly because it might upset the balance of nature and the laws of what people are destined to recieve. Prayer works if you pray for knowledge of something.
3, 5, 6, 20, 33, 38, 44. I ain't christian... you don't have to be christian to believe in God!!
4. science is more evident that there is a God. The laws of physics would not work in such perfect balance if there was no God. DNA would not be a perfect transcribed code if there was no God. Science doesn't disprove that there is no God either.
7. I don't believe the mormon story but the islamic story came from an illiterate who could not have read this from anywhere, with all it's numeric codes and rhyming, and could not write without help from God. Also, the last story is a part of the second story.
8. Maybe this is how God intended the human to be, so that they realise that he exists after this reaction.
9. your cancer analogy is that is could be a coincidence and this is true, it could be. We haven't evolved scientifically to determine what cured cancer. This doesn't disprove God's existence though.
10. I ain't Christian
11. You are looking for direct miracles, or what you consider miracles. You need to look deeper than this to understand the mystery of God.
12. Actually, the muslim faith contained no magic prophet. He was an ordinary person which is why he is so special. Everyone expected a magic prophet which is why so many people thought he was a fake. Angels are a different dimension and that's another debate.
13. although i'm not christian, slaves in the bible means servants. Like a butler, you'd pay him, give him accomodation, feed him. Some people like this lifestyle.
14. The reason why these miracles can't be studied is because they were miracles ffs. They were out of this world. Also, I don't believe Jesus was God, just a prophet that could perform miracles.
15. Don't believe in the resurrection or crusifiction.
16. The Bible contradicts itself a lot, I won't lie, but the Qu'ran doesn't.
17. So now you're saying leprechauns don't exist? jk... but this doesn't prove anything if you think about it. People who say God exists because you can't disprove it, ignore them. This is not why God exists and yes, people should look for answers.
18. This person talks to the wrong people. I only had to read a few sentences of that story to realise the person s/he is talking to is reciting something weird. Again, I ain't christian.
19. In this day and age, what posessions do you really need? Why do you need so much money? All the money I have is to live on and that's fine. I agree, there are so many poor people in the world today who do not have any food. My internet costs me about £6 a month. Big deal. Money isn't worshipped by me but I still want a semi decent lifestyle to get by. There is no reason why people can't have money, just don't worship it.
21. This is not Jesus' message. Stop lying. Christians don't really know Jesus' true message anymore because the bible has been translated and altered too many times..
22. I would kill just to have a day off, nevermind someone kill me for not taking the day off. Enough said about this.
23. Not christian.
24. If religion causes problem, it does not disprove God. Religion is the main act of society, so really it's just issues in society. Anyway, it doesn't show that God doesn't exist, it's just people being moronic. There would be wars even if there weren't any religion.
25. study evolution and you will see it cannot be proved. As much as it can not be disproved, it is just a theory and nobody knows enough about it yet to use it against religion. Besides, it doesn't go against religion, it could prove to go in the direction of religion if they discover more of it, I think. Like the relation of pigs and apes to human, could be deevolution imo. I know it sounds weird, but it's JUST A THEORY of mine
26. Not christian. But by the title, neither Jesus or God wrote the bible so...
27. ever seen the simpsons where they're in sunday school and they're asking stuff like if i cut off my arm, will I see it in heaven. That is what the author of this website is doing.
28. God and Allah are the same. Therefore, it's 3.4 billion people that believe in God. That's more than half the population in the world. I have looked into other religions by the way, but I don't believe them.
29. Not christian.
30. In christianity there is sexism. In other religions such as islam, there is equality and that is taught.
31. The tragedies you named are all man-made. People bring stuff like terrorism and murder and rape on themselves. God gave us free will, the greatest gift ever, and if people choose to do this, then humanity has to deal with it. Would you rather be human or a robot? You have the ability to contest God's existence, a right you have been allowed, and I hope you find the right way.
32. I ain't talking to no theologian.
33. Don't believe in this.
34. Don't have health insurance.
36. Starvation analogy is the doing of people's greed. Some people have billions while some starve. Think about it, we have free will, we can stop it and it is not upto God to stop it, it's our test, we have to stop it.
37. DNA only proves there is a God by the fact that it is a well written code. nuff said.
39. Jesus was not a jerk, get over dissing him.
41. Probability is a law of God. This is an act of God and he has already determined the outcome. Praying won't override this.
42-45. These are stupid questions I can't be bothered with.
46. Allah and God are the same! Get facts right. I think that you can only really believe in one God because many Gods would fight with each other. Hindu's believe in many Gods as do many other religions. The idea of one God is the one we have been arguing about for ages (or I have).

2006-06-17 13:02:18 · answer #3 · answered by anon1mous 3 · 0 0

I should note that arguments don't rely on "Axioms" but "Premeses". Premeses are assumed points crucial to the arguments, while Axioms are points whose negation leads into self-refutation. Axioms are true by default, while premeses are not necessarily...

EDIT: "However, the intent of that prayer is not to eradicate cancer it is to be demonstrated that prayer works. It is a selfish prayer. The author would only pray it so that he/she could prove God wrong if it weren't answered. The prayer is prideful and desires acclaim for oneself even if it is superficially dressed up in a clean humble selfless sentence. God knows the heart and sees past the farce."

The problem with this is that we see prayers made by others in this situation who aren't trying to prove God's existence still fail. In order to deny those, you would have to assume that everyone who prayed and failed has been prideful or arrogant is some way, which is Ad Hoc Reasoning.

VVVTo Below: We observe it empirically. We don't have to "see" the wind to know it exists. We must have rationally connected evidence to made judgements on the God concept. There is no rationally connected evidence for deities to date.

2006-06-17 12:06:48 · answer #4 · answered by eigelhorn 4 · 0 0

All reasoned arguments rely on axioms, i.e. things which we take to be true, but which are not amenable to proof. The most obvious example of an axiom is the validity of reason itself - It is trivially obvious that we can't use a reasoned argument to prove that reason is valid, because we have to presume that reason is valid in order to make any kind of reasoned argument.

I have another axiom, which I'm sure no sane person would dispute: That the order and complexity that we see around us in the natural universe, and particularly in the intricate structure and functions of living organisms, could not possibly just exist fully formed, with no cause, no origin, no precursor of any sort. I can't *prove* that this is the case, but it seems inconceivable to me that anyone would dispute it.

So, the logical consequence of accepting this axiom is that, for the very same reason, it's not possible that the order and complexity of the universe is sourced in an intelligent deity who designed and made the universe and *himself* exists fully formed with no cause, no origin, no precursor of any sort. I don't think any reasonable person would dispute the axiom presented here, and acceptance of the axiom leads to an indisputable proof of the non-existence of an intelligent creator.

Anyone who (against all reason) asserted that the order and complexity we see in the universe *could* indeed exist fully formed with no cause and no origin, in order thereby to save the concept of an uncaused intelligent designer, would find that they had invalidated said designer by making him redundant - i.e. if the order and complexity of the universe could just exist fully formed and uncaused then it would not need (in fact, could not possibly have) a designer to cause it to exist.

Either way, the concept of a creator is invalidated.


Also: Quantum Mechanics says that existence itself is probabilistic, not deterministic - That's why it predicts the existence of the 'quantum foam', referring to the nature of the quantum vacuum, which receives tentative experimental verification in the Casimir Effect.

If QM is correct then a state of complete non-existence of the material universe is simply impossible, since non-existence would be a deterministic state. If complete non-existence is impossible then the existence of a creator is also impossible because there couldn't possibly be a state of non-existence of the universe from which a creator could bring about its existence.


Another one:

Humans are intelligent. When people claim the existence of a creator god, one of its necessary characteristics is also intelligence. The notion of a creator god necessarily requires it to have created everything, including intelligence... but if intelligence were required in order to create intelligence, then a first (prime, original) intelligence could never exist because there would be no preceding intelligence to create it. Hence intelligence *cannot* be the product of intelligence, and therefore an intelligent creator of everything cannot possibly exist.

2006-06-17 12:03:08 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

God iz real u idot! SORRY but I fell like u trying so hard to make evryone believe that god iz not real well let me tell u one thing god well comeback and judge and a few people are goin up and alot lot well be under coffons dont undersatnd READ THE DANG BIBLE!!!!!!!!!!! n one more thing if god iz not in the sky like evryone says then he iz not real but from what I know if I looked at ur head ther wouldnt be any brain!

2006-06-17 12:14:08 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

if the creators of that website identified themselves and argued logically instead of just persuasively (a tool that adolf hitler used to convince a nation of rational people that Jews were less than human), i might take it seriously.

and i have to say: for people who say they don't believe in God, they've done an awful lot of research. it seems to me the work of people who are trying to convince themselves, not us.

2006-06-17 12:26:03 · answer #7 · answered by stufetta 3 · 0 0

God is real
We are imaginary

2006-06-17 12:03:16 · answer #8 · answered by Pisces 2 · 0 0

Using wind as an example:

Although we can't see wind, we know that the wind exists because we can see its affects on other things.

2006-06-17 12:10:22 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't have any to add just because I DO believe that GOD EXISTS.

2006-06-17 12:50:13 · answer #10 · answered by akknaley 3 · 0 0

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