Well it depends what language you mean???
I can tell you it is definitely a word in SERBIAN / CROATIAN...
Uzoj (the J is pronounced like a Y in those language) means...
IE....A teritorijalna rasporedjenost glasova, Labusova prednost u Vojvodini, Kostunicina u UZOJ Srbiji i Beogradu, Seseljeva na Kosovu iu juznoj Srbiji,
The spread of votes in the territories... Labus has the advantage in Vojvodina, Kostunica in the HEART OF Serbia and Belgrade, Seselj in Kosovo, and South Serbia
za slucaj smrti u UZOJ porodici (roditelji, bracni drug, deca)
In the event of death in CLOSEST (members) of your family (parents, marriage partner, children)
It is also a word in a constructed language called LOJBAN...which is similar to Esperanto..but designed to be more culturally neutral.
In ESPERANTO... UZO means USE, and you add the letter J to the ending for all plurals....
2006-06-17 09:47:56
answer #1
answered by Kraljica Katica 7
If we write it in Arabic it will mean, the process of getting married.... i guess
2006-06-20 13:59:34
answer #2
answered by Clark794 4