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52 answers

i laughed.

but i must ad while i have this opportunity...the hair dude? what is up with the hair? a cheezy combover? its so repulsive, please for the love of God loose the hair. I know for a fact your wife hates it!

2006-06-17 02:50:09 · answer #1 · answered by really? 5 · 7 5

A good friend of mine, Mr. Garth Brooks wrote this ong, "Fit for a King". Now I personally don't believe your Mr. Trump but oh well, you should take a hard look at the lyrics, and maybe even listen to the song. It has alot of meaning.

"Fit for a King"
His pulpit's a corner
On 19th and Main
His grip on the gospel
His one claim to fame

He hurls fire and brimstone
At the cars passing by
And he offers salvation
For the savior on high

His khakis are tattered
And he ain't bathed in weeks
His bout with the bottle
Shows up on his cheeks

He looks like a scarecrow
A sight to behold
As he works for the shepherd
Bringin' lambs to the fold

He points to the Bible
He holds in his hands
Says I'm proof that the good Lord
Can save any man

Son, it ain't what you're driving
Or the clothes that you wear
Material possessions
Won't matter up there
And someday in heaven
When the angels all sing
These rags that I'm wearin'
Will be fit for a king

He's fighting a fever
In spite of the chill
He pulls up his collar
And he speaks of God's will

His body is weakened
But his faith is still strong
For he's filled with conviction
For the mission he's on

He knows soon in heaven
He'll be homeless no more
As his work will soon echo
From that far distant shore

Son, it ain't what you're driving
Or the clothes that you wear
Material possessions
Won't matter up there

And someday in heaven
When the angels all sing
Well these rags that I'm wearin'
Will be fit for a king

And someday in heaven
When the angels all sing
Well these rags that I'm wearin'
Will be fit for a king

They'll be fit for a king

2006-06-17 03:01:38 · answer #2 · answered by Appalachian Arbiter 2 · 0 0

in ten years, well see how beautiful your women still are, wrinkles and all, your money may be spent...and skivvies...right. The point is dont be one of those people that only goes to God when things are bad. BEcause its easy to depend on God when you are facing tough times, remember to be with God in the good times too, otherwise read what you wrote and analyze for yourself; how shallow you sound.

2006-06-17 02:45:42 · answer #3 · answered by cheesesticks320 2 · 0 0

I think you must be pretty sad. How long do you think your money, looks, health etc is going to last?

You are only God if you can put right on earth all the crimes, disease, poverty, hunger etc, otherwise you are just delusional and need to get help.

If you are God, you know who I am and will be able to post a message with my name, address, and my life history otherwise you are just delusional.

It is because humankind think they are Gods or want to become gods that they are suffering.

You can have things better than what you have now by following the true teaching of God - care to take up the challenge?

2006-06-17 15:22:41 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You god (small capitals note) yes you might think that you are But pride comes before a fall.
There was a king who had great wealth and he had a Jester who he loved so much. the Jester made the king roar with laughter every single day. One day the King called the jester and gave him a golden septre and said to him you are free. If you ever come across another person who is a bigger fool than yourselve then you are to give this septre.
For many years the jester travelled the world, but could find no-one a bigger fool than himselve. After many years he return to the kings palace and found the king in bed dying. The king was pleased to see him and asked 'Have you found anybody who is a bigger fool than you?' Tghe jester said' Sire before I answer I have a question for you. Are you prepared for death?' The king laughed. 'I have great wealth, many wifes, more servants than anybody can count. Why should i worry about death?' The jester looked sad and handed the septre to the king and said. 'Sire this is your for you are a bigger fool than I.'
And my dear friend I think you deserve the Golden Septre.

2006-06-17 07:09:56 · answer #5 · answered by Smart_Guy 4 · 0 0

We are here to attain Godhood, becoming Gods is humankinds mission. When we eventually reach this goal, we will discover a planet hinhabited by cavemen and they will see us as Gods, that's when the whole stupid God thing starts again and ruins another world. Without religion, there would be no wars or barriers. There should be one religion, the quest for God status.

2006-06-17 06:08:15 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

O.K, "Donald"-
Anyone exposing himself in this way is undoubtedly looking for a friend, and he may be a bit depressed.
"WHY?" Because he already knows the answers.
"Donald", I don't need to tell you that you are not God. I'm sure you realize that there is but ONE, and He owns Donald Trump, as well as the rest of us.
And, I'm sure that you know that worshipping an idol, such as money, is a sin. It's wrong, "Donald".
And, "Donald", it is not too late for you, my friend. Fall down on your knees and give your innermost hurts to the ONE who gave you the mind that made the choice to come here today to ask such a question.

2006-06-17 02:55:29 · answer #7 · answered by garayfive 2 · 0 0

Ask for forgiveness know
while your still breathing
cos when your dead it's
to late.
If God's given you everything,
you should be greatfull to him.
Cos what he give he can take.
Another thing when you die
you leave everything behind,
then you will see who god is.
So if i were you, thank god which
i am not, i would ask for forgiveness
straight away.
God forgive you boaster.
And another thing
listen to a song by
Ahmed Bukhatir
You can hear it on the website
if you type that in your search engine.

2006-06-17 03:05:17 · answer #8 · answered by technocase 3 · 0 0

God does not have need for money, woman and all worthless things men scamper after. So you cannot be God. You are a mere mortal that will soon die and meet God who'd gudge you and throw you into hell- if you do not return now and show remorse and regret for your childish taunt.
Pharaoh called himself God simply because God made life so easy for him. But at death, he certainly recognised God and wanted to acknowledge Him, but alas it was too late. [Q10v99-100]
Return NOW mortal man!

2006-06-17 05:27:27 · answer #9 · answered by mikail 3 · 0 0

Well......you might not need God now, but you might when you die. I guess it depends what you believe in!

Meanwhile, although your list of achievements is enviable, I don't see any spirituality in it. As you get older, you might miss that. Or, you might not.

I'm sure you'd have time for a last minute conversion to any convenient faith that took your fancy and then you'd have a passport to heaven after death as well as in life!

2006-06-17 02:56:13 · answer #10 · answered by Suzita 6 · 0 0

You better watch what you say....You have all of these things but God can take them away from you in a second. You need God, you can't take any of these material processions with you to heaven.....Life is very very short compared to an eternity in heaven

2006-06-17 02:44:26 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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