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I have a massive favour to ask my fellow Catholics? Would any of you become my email Catholic Mentor? I have a Bible Mentor, but she is not Catholic. This would be the greatest favour ANYONE could give me. I am 29 and live in Scotland, UK, although location specified not really necessary seeing as it will be email based. You could say I am starting from scratch with being a Catholic again.

2006-06-17 01:54:14 · 4 answers · asked by Floweroscotland76 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

4 answers

It sounds like you have been hurt and believe that going back to your cultural roots will heal the pain.
My mother was reared in the catholic tradition, I have followed various christian denominations since childhood, had near death experiences, my son died 4 times and is now a happy 12 year old and I have found God in my heart and heaven on earth through another way, not through church (though they do have their place).
You might benefit more form discovering your true spirituality, rather than following a tradition that may not fulfill your souls desire. If you want to chat some more about this then mail me on lit_spirit@yahoo.co.uk

2006-06-18 01:59:33 · answer #1 · answered by lit_spirit 3 · 10 9

i am not a Catholic, but im sure happy to help you with what God says in His word about everything...
not a bible mentor, but a "what God says and not man" mentor.

half of my family are Catholics, so i know how it works. i will not speak against the Catholics, i will just help you with the Truth of God's word, thats what is most important.


heres an online bible: www.biblegateway.com

2006-06-17 02:01:28 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't suppose you could be dissauded. It's not a nice religion, you know. Why do you need anything beyond the Bible ? Is the word of God not good enough for you ?

2006-06-17 02:03:14 · answer #3 · answered by dws2711 3 · 0 0

god more bible basher lol

2006-06-17 02:05:48 · answer #4 · answered by cujo2368 3 · 0 0

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