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Genesis 11 says that God didn't want us to talk to one another.

Are we working to well with people that speak other languages?

2006-06-17 01:38:04 · 13 answers · asked by skeptic 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

13 answers

Isn't that why we translate the Bible?

Interesting, my Qu'ran is coming in the mail and I can read it in English but not read it out loud in something that isn't Arabic.

So the Christian answer is yes work in different languages, but the Muslim answer is do not.

2006-06-17 01:49:05 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

No we are not. The major problem in the story about the tower of Babel is that mankind decided not to do what God had told them to (fill the earth by going everywhere) and instead rebelled against him by trying to build a huge tower to symbolize their power and show they did not need God.

So, God decided to take the matter into his own hands and forced them to split by making them speak different languages.

Nowadays, it's all right to learn languages. Else, how would you share the Gospel with all mankind ?

2006-06-17 01:44:27 · answer #2 · answered by Damien L 1 · 0 0

No we are not going against God by using translators. God didn't want the ppl of that time to talk to one another. He confused their languages at the Tower of Babel so they couldn't complete it. They didn't take God at his word that He would never again destroy the world by flood. So they proceeded to build a tower that would lead them to heaven if it happened again. After the ppl could no longer understand each other, God said we would never again be one ppl. That's very true to this day. We are very diversified, and deep cultural beliefs will always keep us seperated, but it doesn't mean we can't talk to each other.

2006-06-17 01:49:11 · answer #3 · answered by Mare 3 · 0 0

We are no longer under the law of the old testament, thanks to Jesus. So, no, we aren't going against God's will.

And God didn't care if they spoke to each other or not. Gen 11 is the story of the tower of Babel. Those people were trying to build a tower to heaven, instead of worshipping Him. So he confused their languages, so they couldn't continue with their scheme.

2006-06-17 01:42:52 · answer #4 · answered by paj 5 · 0 0

Of course not. The Holy spirit at Pentecost used various men to speak in each person's native language. Yes, a miracle.
The bible called it tongues, same thing.

2006-06-17 01:43:41 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Indeed. That god never did like humans to have knowledge. His character was first noticed by Eve & Adam (you know, the tree of knowledge he told them not to touch). But LUCIFER loves people to have translators and calculators all kinds of knowledge. The internet is actually her work. Notice how churches are going out of business since it's all moving to the internet?

2006-06-17 01:52:04 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

that is a good question and no it's not wrong because the only reason God changed man to speak different languages was because of the tower of babel and to force man to migrate and populate the earth.

2006-06-17 01:43:17 · answer #7 · answered by Elizabeth 6 · 0 0

I don't see how we are sinning by learning to speak other languages. I thought that all sins were written in the 10 commandments, and those are the sins that shouldn't be commited.
Where did it say????,,,, Thou shalt not speak in different tounges?

2006-06-17 01:58:37 · answer #8 · answered by MissShorty 2 · 0 0

God did not say that we should not talk to one another.
Translation of the Bible is to make it simpler for understanding and not to remove anything from it. I dont think it is a bad thing to do.

2006-06-17 01:50:30 · answer #9 · answered by askglory2 2 · 0 0

Of course he didn't want us to talk to people in other cultures. We might learn something and broaden our hoizons. If we did that, we might learn that the religious beliefs that we have rammed down our throats is something dreamed up by society to keep people in their place.

2006-06-17 01:43:17 · answer #10 · answered by Nemesis 7 · 0 0

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