Language evolution is just a theory too.
(seriously there little girl, look at how many people don't even know that there is a theory of gravity).
For those of you saying gravity is not a theory, please answer my question:
2006-06-17 01:43:15
answer #1
answered by skeptic 6
Hi. Gravity can be demonstrated as something factual, it exists as fact, the theory is exactly how it works and what its made up of. Evolution is a theory because it hasn't been demonstrated as fact, there's components that scientists try to fit together as a theory of how it might be, and if so how it might have worked. Most scientists believe evolution in some way has the most credence, but its only in theory as to if its true for now.
2006-06-17 01:47:43
answer #2
answered by Tim L 1
We should clear a few misunderstandings here : just about everything in science is a theory (the word theory means something different in science than in common speech). When many people say "evolution is just a theory", they actually want to say "evolution is only an HYPOTHESIS".
For something to be real science, it must be observable and repeatable. Unfortunately, evolution fails this test.
Furthermore, what we do know tends to show that evolution is not possible (e.g. no increase in information, the inability to reproduce that organisms exhibit when we try to "go too far" like mules that are sterile,...)
2006-06-17 01:50:31
answer #3
answered by Damien L 1
gravity is a law , it will always be true . evolution though is only a theory yes , it would have actually been a law had there not been a bible to say there's a god or something that created everything . actually scientists are still in debate whether or not there is a god and if the theory of evolution should be law.
2006-06-17 01:43:08
answer #4
answered by to whom it may confide 3
1. Is evolution a theory?
No one knows. Sienticets and religon are arguing over it.i beleave NO, its real, thou...
2. So gravity might not be real cause its only a theory?
No, gravity is real. its been prooven,
2006-06-17 01:40:31
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
clinical fashions do not graduate from "theory" to "regulation". it really is now the way it quite works. as well to, the actual undeniable truth that you take advantage of the word "only a theory" exhibits that you don't understand what "theory" ability in technology. it really isn't any longer a similar as "hypothesis", as any eighth grade technology pupil knows. A hypothesis is a proposed clarification. If that clarification withstands the scrutiny of the clinical approach, then it really is going to develop right into a theory. both evolution (the replace in the allele frequency in a inhabitants's gene pool over distinct generations) and gravity (the stress of charm between any 2 clumps of mass) are clinical theories. A "regulation" is a depiction of habit, like F=ma or E=mc^2. It would not clarify HOW issues ensue; it merely exhibits a correlation. i imagine you want to bypass again to eighth grade.
2016-10-14 06:05:19
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
You are correct, there is little evidence for gravity, but people accept it anyway fools that they are. It is scientists trying to hoodwink the public. They got this idea from someone famous and can't just drop it even though it has never been proven. It is rather like those round earthers. Both are anti-scriptural although most people don't realize it because they don't read the scriptures that closely. And to top it off, they are now teaching heliocentrism in the public schools.
EVIL is rampant.
Close your eyes and ears.
2006-06-17 01:56:51
answer #7
answered by OPM 7
This is because you're confused as to what a "theory" really is.
A scientific theory is a large number of different, verifiable observations that tie in with each other. A scientific theory can easily be called a law or a fact.
2006-06-17 01:46:38
answer #8
answered by Toutatis 4
Gravity is a Law. Evolution is a Law too. All things must evolve.
2006-06-17 01:46:17
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Didn't you know that everything gravitates towards God? That's why Bible thumpers are so high and mighty - and why they've got their heads in the clouds: by refuting the theory of gravity! Remember, that's the joy of religious belief - you can take what you want and reject the rest.
2006-06-17 02:20:55
answer #10
answered by XYZ 7