The -Gry Puzzle is a popular puzzle that asks for the third English word, other than "angry" and "hungry," that ends with the letters "gry." Aside from words derived from "angry" and "hungry," there is no stand-alone word ending in "gry" that is in current usage. Both Webster's Third New International Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridged (Merriam-Webster, Inc., 2002, ISBN 0877792011) and the Oxford English Dictionary, Second Edition (Oxford University Press, 1989, ISBN 0198611862) contain the phrase "aggry bead." To find a third word ending in "gry" that is not part of a phrase, you must turn to obsolete words or personal or place names. A list of 130 of these is given at the end of this article.
So, basically, this puzzle has no good answer. Yet it has become the most frequently asked word puzzle. It is so common that it is a standing joke [1] on the Stumpers reference librarian list server [2] that it's time to change your car's oil when it is asked anew. The regular readers of the Usenet newsgroup rec.puzzles [3] coined the word "nugry" [4] to describe a (presumably) new reader who posts a frequently asked question.
affect-hungry [OED (see "sado-masochism")]
aggry [OED:1:182; W2; W3]
Agry [OED (see "snappily")]
Agry Dagh (Mount Agry) [EB11]
ahungry [OED:1:194; FW; W2]
air-hungry [OED (see "Tel Avivian")]
angry [OED; FW; W2; W3]
anhungry [OED:1:332; W2]
Badagry [Johnston; EB11; OED (see "Dahoman")]
Ballingry [Bartholomew:40; CLG:151; RD:164, pl.49]
begry [OED:1:770,767]
bewgry [OED:1:1160]
boroughmongry [OED (see "boroughmonger")]
bowgry [OED:1:1160]
braggry [OED:1:1047]
Bugry [TIG]
Chockpugry [Worcester]
Cogry [BBC]
cony-gry [OED:2:956]
conyngry [OED:2:956]
cottagry [OED (see "cottagery")]
Croftangry [DFC, as "Chrystal Croftangry"; OED (see "way")]
diamond-hungry [OED (see "Lorelei")]
dog-hungry [W2]
dogge-hungry [OED (see "canine")]
Dshagry [Stieler]
Dzagry [Andree]
eard-hungry [CED (see "yird"); CSD]
Echanuggry [Century:103-104, on inset map, Key 104 M 2]
Egry [France; TIG]
euer-angry [OED (see "ever")]
ever-angry [W2]
fenegry [OED (see "fenugreek")]
fire-angry [W2]
Gagry [EB11]
girl-hungry [OED (see "girl")]
gonagry [OED (see "gonagra")]
gry (from Latin _gry_) [OED:4/2:475; W2]
gry (from Romany _grai_) [W2]
haegry [EDD (see "hagery")]
half-angry [W2]
hangry [OED:1:329]
heart-angry [W2]
heart-hungry [W2]
higry pigry [OED:5/1:285]
hogry [EDD (see "huggerie"); CSD]
hogrymogry [EDD (see "huggerie"); CSD (as "hogry-mogry")]
hongry [OED:5/1:459; EDD:3:282]
hound-hungry [OED (see "hound")]
houngry [OED (see "minx")]
huggrymuggry [EDD (see "huggerie"); CSD (as "huggry-muggry")]
hund-hungry [OED (see "hound")]
hungry [OED; FW; W2; W3]
Hungry Bungry [Daily Illini, in ad for The Giraffe, Spring 1976]
hwngry [OED (see "quart")]
iggry [OED]
Jagry [EB11]
job-hungry [OED (see "gadget")]
kaingry [EDD (see "caingy")]
land-hungry [OED; W2]
Langry [TIG; Times]
leather-hungry [OED]
ledderhungry [OED (see "leather")]
life-hungry [OED (see "music")]
Lisnagry [Bartholomew:489]
losengry [OED (see "losengery")]
MacLoingry [Phillips (as "Flaithbhertach MacLoingry")]
mad-angry [OED:6/2:14]
mad-hungry [OED:6/2:14]
magry [OED:6/2:36, 6/2:247-48]
malgry [OED:6/2:247]
man-hungry [OED]
managry [OED (see "managery")]
mannagry [OED (see "managery")]
Margry [Indians (see "Pierre Margry" in bibliog., v.2, p.1204)]
maugry [OED:6/2:247-48]
mawgry [OED:6/2:247]
meagry [OED:6/2:267]
meat-hungry [W2; OED (see "meat")]
menagry [OED (see "managery")]
messagry [OED]
music-hungry [OED (see "music")]
nangry [OED]
overangry [RH1; RH2]
Pelegry [CE (in main index as "Raymond de Pelegry")]
Pingry [Bio-Base; HPS:293-94, 120-21]
Podagry [OED; W2 (below the line)]
Pongry [Andree (Supplement, p.572)]
pottingry [OED:7/2:1195; Jamieson:3:532]
power-hungry [OED (see "power")]
profit-hungry [OED (see "profit")]
puggry [OED:8/1:1573; FW; W2]
pugry [OED:8/1:1574]
red-angry [OED (see "sanguineous")]
rungry [EDD:5:188]
scavengry [OED (in 1715 quote under "scavengery")]
Schtschigry [LG/1:2045; OSN:97]
Seagry [TIG; EB11]
Segry [Johnston; Andree]
self-angry [W2]
selfe-angry [OED (see "self-")]
sensation-hungry [OED (see "sensation")]
sex-angry [OED (see "sex")]
sex-hungry [OED (see "cave")]
Shchigry [CLG:1747; Johnson:594; OSN:97,206; Times:185,pl.45]
shiggry [EDD]
Shtchigry [LG/1:2045; LG/2:1701]
Shtshigry [Lipp]
sight-hungry [OED (see "sight")]
skugry [OED:9/2:156, 9/1:297; Jamieson:4:266]
Sygry [Andree]
Tangry [France]
Tchangry [Johnson:594; LG/1:435,1117]
Tchigry [Johnson:594]
tear-angry [W2]
th'angry [OED (see "shot-free")]
tike-hungry [CSD]
Tingry [France; EB11 (under "Princesse de Tingry"); OED (see "parquet")]
toggry [Simmonds (as "Toggry", but all entries are capitalized)]
ulgry [Partridge; Smith:24-25]
unangry [OED; W2]
vergry [OED:12/1:123]
Vigry [CLG:2090]
vngry [OED (see "wretch")]
war-hungry [OED (see "war")]
Wigry [CLG:2090; NAP:xxxix; Times:220, pl.62; WA:948]
wind-hungry [W2]
yeard-hungry [CED (see "yird")]
yerd-hungry [CED (see "yird"); OED]
yird-hungry [CED (see "yird")]
Ymagry [OED:1:1009 (col. 3, 1st "boss" verb), (variant of "imagery")]
2006-06-17 01:31:38
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Words Ending in Gry
We shall look at each of eight versions of the "-gry" puzzle, and their answers. (Some of these are discussed by Chris Cole in "Wordplay: A Curious Dictionary of Language Oddities".) 1. Think of words ending in "-gry". "Angry" and "hungry" are two of them. There are only three words in "the English language." What is the third word? The word is something that everyone uses every day. If you have listened carefully, I have already told you what it is.
The answer is language.
It is the third word of "the English language". The question needs to be spoken, otherwise the quotation marks give away the trick. This version apparently originated in 1996.
2. "Angry" and "hungry" are two words in the English language that end in "-gry". "What" is the third word. The word is something that everyone uses everyday. If you have listened carefully, I have already told you what it is.
The answer is what.
The question states that "what" is the third word, then it asks for the third word. Again this version needs to be spoken to be effective.
3. There are three words in English that end in "gree." The first two are "angry" and "hungry," and if you've listened closely you'll agree that I've told you the third one.
The answer is agree.
It is a phonetic version of the riddle, asking for words that end in the sound "gree," but tricks people into thinking about the letters g-r-y by giving the two examples.
4. There are three words in the English language that end in the letters g-r-y. Two are "hungry" and "angry." Everyone knows what the third word means, and everyone uses it every day. What is the third word?
The answer is energy.
The question asks for a word ending with the three letters g-r-y, but does not stipulate that they must be in that order.
5. There are at least three words in the English language that end in g or y. One of them is "hungry," and another one is "angry." There is a third word, a short one, which you probably say every day. If you are listening carefully to everything I say, you just heard me say it three times. What is it?
The answer is say.
The question must be said in such a way that the word "or" sounds like the letter "r". Once more, to be effective it is crucial that this version is spoken rather than printed. This version is first known to have appeared in 1997.
6. There are three words in the English language that end in "-gry." Two words that end in "-gry" are "hungry" and "angry." Everyone knows what the third word means, and everyone uses them every day. If you listened very carefully, I have already stated to you what the third word is. What are the three words that solve this riddle?
The answer is I am hungry.
The question asks for three words that end in "-gry", but does not say that they each must end in "-gry."
7. There are three words in the English language that end in "-gry." One is "angry" and the other is "hungry." Everyone knows what the third one means and what it stands for. Everyone uses them every day. And if you listened carefully I've given you the third word, what is it?
The answer is three.
It is the third word in the question, and the rest of the question is irrelevant: a red herring designed to put the solver off.
8. There are only three words in the English language, all adjectives, which end in "-gry." Two are "angry" and "hungry"; the third word describes the state of the world today. What is it?
This is the (presumed) original version of the puzzle from 1975. The possible answers (if obsolete words, names, and hyphenated compounds of "angry" and "hungry" are allowed) are plentiful. Most of the 124 listed below were in the 1933 edition of the Oxford English Dictionary, and all have appeared in some major dictionary of English:
boroughmongryhigry pigrymawgryskugry
cottagryHungry BungryPelegryTingry
2006-06-17 01:53:43
answer #2
answered by wedel 2
The answer is language. This riddle involves a trick. The third word ''in english language'' is language. And everyone uses it everyday.
2006-06-17 01:27:45
answer #3
answered by nicegal 3
Let me guess... you got this on a mail asking you to forward it to 5 more people and the answer would pop up on the next screen?
As for my answer... i'm still thinking since i got that mail!!
2006-06-17 00:54:53
answer #4
answered by thinker 2
The asnswer u requier is "language",as it's the 3rd word in "The english language."
2006-06-17 01:42:18
answer #5
answered by Hammad Afzal 3
The word is "gry"
2006-06-17 00:36:35
answer #6
answered by Jasmine B 3
2006-06-17 00:35:03
answer #7
answered by ♥Ms. Heart♥ 5
2006-06-17 02:15:27
answer #8
answered by Yankees Chic 2
2006-06-17 01:25:32
answer #9
answered by Texas Cowboy 7
I have heard this one before and I can't remember the answer!
2006-06-17 00:36:31
answer #10
answered by peppermint_paddy 7
thats a word
2006-06-17 00:33:12
answer #11
answered by sb 2