Because it confronts arrogant sin against the Creator.
2006-06-16 16:12:00
answer #1
answered by rockEsquirrel 5
I am an atheist. Do i find religion offensive... depends.
>Why is offensive to see the Ten Commandments on the wall anywhere..
It's not. I have (almost) no problem with anyone hanging the ten commandments, or any other religious what-zit on any wall of their home. Hell, go nuts, paint the 10c's on every wall of your house in big red letters. more power to ya. It's your house, it's a (almost) free country, do what you like.
Now, Public buildings, and by that i mean belonging to the public,i.e. government buildings, are a different story. that ain't yours, it's ours. now if we let any of us hang up our what-zit of choice, we have to let everyone hang up there what-zit of choice. and that's not just the major religions, that's Everyone. Is that what our public buildings are for? A place for every faith and non faith to 'mark their territory'? I don't think so, personally. Of course those who are marking for Christ don't think anyone else should get to mark. Well that's not liberty and justice for all now is it.
and yes, i do see the 'in god we trust' on the money as another territorial marking, and the under god inserted into the pledge.
> ...or a Bible in a Hotel? Would it be no different for an Atheist to see a fictional poster like Garfield or a comic book in a hotel.
I LOVE it when i find a bible in the hotel. I think a comic book would be better, but the bible is nearly entertaining. Bless you, Gideons, wherever you are. I also adore when missionaries and witnesses come to see me. you see, I find the fact that a vast majority of the world's population believes this stuff fascinating. And I am always down to talk mythology, whatever the flavor.
>Seriously, why is it offensive that some people want to worship God?
Short answer: It isn't.
Long answer: It isn't. However,I find many things believed by many of the world religions are at best nonsensical, and at worst detrimental and damaging. I do wish, in my most idealist moments, that tomorrow everyone would wake up free from religion. I also know that many people are done a great deal of good through religion. It takes brains and guts to give up religion. And it's not the best choice for everyone. But a fella can hope.
PS, the followers can be pretty friggin irritating as well. like a broken record, some of these people.
My gift to all you broken records out there...
Yes, i am mad at god. and i had a bad childhood, my dad was mean, or died when i was young and impressionable, I am pretending not to believe so that i can just sin sin sin, Boy will i be sorry when i burn in the hoary netherworld, while you dance with Jesus on a fluffy cloud. I am a member of some sort of satanic thingamajig, and we are after your souls, we want to make it illegal for you to even think about Jesus in your own darkened bedroom with a blanket over your head.
Although none of that is true, I thought you all would like to hear an atheist say it. :)
2006-06-16 17:11:10
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I myself am an atheist, and I don't think it offensive at all that someone should worship god. All we do is see many new scientific discoveries and things like that and we simply can't see how a god created the universe. With all these new things like quantum physics and relativity it is hard to believe a "creator" made the universe.
For me it is not offensive that anybody should worship a god, althought I never did. But still, when people put things like Bibles in hotels and "under god" in the pledge of allegiance I think they shouldn't because it only supports that religion and stuff. But overall, I'm not too offended by these things, only a little ;).
2006-06-16 16:19:28
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Religion is not offensive, as long as they keep it their business and do not insist on making it everyone's business. I expect from the tone of your question that you wouldn't be very pleased to check into a hotel and open the drawer to find a book explaining how there is no God. And why should you be pleased? It just isn't appropriate, and that isn't why you paid for the room.
That being said, it isn't that I find it offensive, just inappropriate. And more often this issue arises in the context of courthouses, schools, or other government funded buildings. That is a whole different matter, as it touches on the issue of separation of church and state, which has been discussed here and elsewhere ad nauseum. Part of the beauty of this country is that people have the right to have whatever religious beliefs they like; the government can't and shouldn't be in the business of promoting one religion in particular in government funded locations. Again, I'll go out on a limb and guess you wouldn't be very pleased if your tax dollars went to publish excerpts of the Koran on the walls of city hall. As well you shouldn't be; it isn't the place of government to promote religion (or lack thereof).
2006-06-16 16:19:06
answer #4
answered by dpawson 4
I'm an atheist myself and I really don't care if I see the Ten Commandments on the wall. But I can see how though; it's like forcing religion down our throats. Some are just so sick of having people trying to convert others to God. Just let others be happy in their own ways.
2006-06-16 16:14:55
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I do not think that the atheists I know are offended by god ; they are offended by religion because religions are intolerant and aggressive. In your question you referred to a set of rules that are in the Bible. There are other religions that do not believe the Bible is a sacred book. So, why would the Biblical law be quoted and not another religion's laws ? Many Christians do not believe the Ten Commandments to have been interpreted correctly, and so, which interpretation do you use ? .............. and on and on and on and on and on. Perhaps I believe I am my own god. Why should you have to listen to my prophecies and laws ? You shouldn't ! The bottom line is : there are hundreds of different religions. They should be confined to being taught in the home, and each parent has the right and responsibility of only their own family.
Worship God. But, please, do it privately. Good luck.
2006-06-16 16:26:38
answer #6
answered by SpongebobRoundpants 5
The truth is that Jesus said the cross is an offense and that he came not to bring peace, but a sword.
Christianity is offensive to all because it tells each and every person that he is wholly corrupt and is no good, due to sin that was passed down from Adam.
People want to think of themselves as superior to others (at least some of the time) and God has made it clear, "ALl have sinned an fallen short of the glory of God."
All ( each and every one) tell people that they can do something to rise above the state that they are in. Through works or 'enlightenment'.
This is false salvation comes only as a gift and our continued sanctification is also out of our hands.
These thoughts are frightening and offensive to those who wish to believe that one is sovereign in and of one's self.
2006-06-16 16:16:52
answer #7
answered by athorgarak 4
Well would you take offense if we put a plank up there that had 10 non christian comments
10 The bible was written by Rich Kings to oppress the Poor
09 Christianity is a lie
08 Churches are wealthy and give the poor rotten soup
Would it be ok if we did something like that
2006-06-16 16:18:29
answer #8
answered by man of ape 6
The only place I have a problem with the Ten Commandments is in a government building (courthouse etc.). It implies that Christianity is being endorsed by the government and is receiving preferential treatment over other religions. Anywhere else, I don't care.
2006-06-16 19:11:14
answer #9
answered by ? 4
It just gets annoying when Christians are constantly trying to push Christianity down other people's throats. I mean, I see way more Christians trying to get atheists to believe in god than the other way around. People need to accept other people for what they do or don't believe in, and stop trying to change people. I have absolutely nothing against people believing in god. They can if they want. But it seems a lot of Christians don't feel that way about people NOT believing in god. Not all, but quite a few.
2006-06-16 16:39:02
answer #10
answered by Eni 2
Well, not all atheists feel this way. I don't. :-)
Tho, the Ten Commandys on a wall in a Governmental building (say a courthouse), I would wonder why it's there if the gov't owns it and uses the building for its state stanctioned business.....especially if there is supposed to be a separation of church and state.
But I am not going to make a big hoopala about it, but would wonder why it's there.
2006-06-16 16:35:43
answer #11
answered by Nikki 6