you both have communication problem, when you want to fight, talk instead, talk calmly, tell each other what bothers you, and what you want. good luck.
2006-06-16 12:15:01
answer #1
answered by Discovery 5
I think you should never settle for less. If you believe your relationship with your boyfriend is like that of TV characters that means that it is not real and in fact fake or superficial. Its not love if you fight for hours (like you did before) or if you fight every week, like a pre-planned thing. I think you guys should talk and try to figure out why you guys fight so much (even over things that make no sense). I understand that it is "OK to be angry but not sin, and not let the sun go down on your anger." Usually I am the silent type and if someone likes to fight I usually let them have their say and just close the chapter and not open the wound up again. I don't know your situation, but it seems that this is something that has grown into some kind of custom in your relationship, so I suggest you go on a relationship sabbatical so that you can organize your thoughts about whether or not you want to continue to live in the way you do. If you feel that your are not happy fighting all the time good for you! Move on, if your boyfriend realizes that he or you may be doing something wrong that will end a beautiful relationship as you describe than, Amen! Hope this helps.
2006-06-16 12:21:24
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
GIRL I dont mean to discourage you, but if you have so many fights now that you are not even married and you love each other now I cannot think how it can change in the future but only get worse.
When we are in love and have a boyfriend everything bad that could happen we can forgive easily. But it won't stop at that.
Relationships are hard work.
Do you really want to go on in life fighting wtih him day after day? or week after week?
Some arguing is good it helps each ohter know each other more and build a stronger relation. But fighting all the time is down right a headious way to get a heart attack and or depression later on when you realize nothng did change for you.
It's not healthy to stay in an ill relationship no matter how much you think you love the man.
Fighting brings your energy down. It can also break up yr health. If you dont mind all the negatives from being in a relation that is just fights mostly then stay. However I think you really want out.
Out of the fights and the negative feelings it can bring about.
There are many other men in this planet.
Look for another one, or maybe just look for more male friends and be friends until you find the right person fo ryou.
I dont recommend you to stay with that man. If you trully love each ohter you can work things out and stop the fighting all the time , but it takes a long time and effort and sacrifice.
I say choose to put a closure on yr relation, be gentle with the guy as you disclose this to him, and look up and ahead!
There are many loving trully caring men who will not fight all the time and appreciate you for your love and patience.
have patience too and see that humanity fights!
Good luck to you, just dont get stuck in a rut or bad relation. Analyze it better for what it is and what is not.
2006-06-16 12:17:45
answer #3
answered by noteparece? 4
strange problem as you say that you both would do anything for one another but that cant be true if you cant give acceptance which is part of an agreement. I see this as a toxic relationship. however I doubt you will take my advice as you seem pretty set on fixing something that is beyond repair. people either accept or not. as much as you two fight it appears you have not a single thing in common. how you can form a relationship with no concrete is strange all on its own. How is it that you can be with someone you cant get along with. I can understand the love but not a love a couple should have. my meaning is you fight like brother and sister and not like a couple. there is no way to just get along with it is apparent that you two just don't. I am curious what keeps you bonded.
Fighting like this what good can come out of it. I wish I could look into a crystal ball and tell you the future but I can't but if I had to make an educated guess I would say staying in the relationship is only going to make things more violent and some one is going to end up with worse than a broken heart. I know this is not what your looking for but I do hope that you take sometime and let it sink in enough to just not dismiss it. I do however wish the both of you all the lick I can something tells me your going to need it.
2006-06-16 12:22:17
answer #4
answered by Savage 7
im in that situation Ive been with my gf for 2 in a half yrs and going on 3 this Aug...we fight almost every single day from lil things to big things. some just get blown out of proportion. there are times when we agree and there is time where we see things differently and then boom we are at it all over again...i dont know y we fight so much....I'm stubborn and I'm easily angered and most of the time it just takes one thing to piss me off...but were still together so i guess things are ok
2006-06-16 12:12:04
answer #5
answered by orange_crush_05 6
unfortunately you're caught in a cycle of fighting and it only gets worse i know I've been there the only solution is to give each other some time apart and start from the beginning or end while your still friends.
2006-06-16 12:19:42
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
You're going to continue to fight until you both develop into mature adults. But since most people don't develop into mature adults, you will continue to fight.
2006-06-16 12:11:09
answer #7
answered by ocean 3
Fighting that much and that long is not normal in a relationship.
End it and move on,you'll meet someone who you'll have alot in common with and find less dispute with him.
2006-06-16 12:55:29
answer #8
answered by rosie w 4
I am not sure how old you are, but you and him should go to if you really love each other!
I promise it will solve all your problems.
Let me know if you go!
Good luckk sweets!
2006-06-16 12:12:13
answer #9
answered by kristinarazo 2
screaming make the fighting stop
2006-06-16 12:11:48
answer #10
answered by capone354 1