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this isnt stereotyping, but many christians are republicans, and vice versa. And republicans are generally (not all of them i know some nice republicans) the ones who favor the wars much. christians are in effect voting for war. but jesus spoke of peace and acceptance, the whole turn the other cheek thing. I also should mention that in the entire bible jesus never said ANYTHING about homosexuality. God is also forgiving, so why cant we (you) his folowers just accept that? i dont want smart *** answers like "cuz christians are dumb" cuz ive already heard that too much. so if we were taught acceptance, why cant we even TRY to accept? i mean most racist people (texan "cowboys") are strong followers of god and his teachings. so i want to know from a christian who supports the war. why?

2006-06-15 17:15:29 · 20 answers · asked by Vince C 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

oh yeah sry if your insulted by my generilzation, but level with me here, ok? if your christian right wing and dont wanna go to war, your a freak (jk) but im generilizing

2006-06-15 17:18:37 · update #1

20 answers

This question deals with all religions.

You cannot make an idealogy responsible for massive amounts of people. They aren't representing Christanity when they ask for war, they are representing their personal opinions.

Most religions are great, the followers not so much.

2006-06-15 17:19:23 · answer #1 · answered by aliasasim 5 · 0 0

AL through the history of Christianity the message has been for peace and the method has been war.

the message is the myth and the method has been the reality

check the motives of all Christianity through the ages and maybe you will understand why

,God or the Anunaki who was called God ,created people to mine gold for him ,about 300.000 years ago
the story of Adam was a symbolic story for the race he created ,
and this Anunaki was known as the creator

the religion was created to control these slaves .
And to give some meaning to their origin and a purpose for their lives

The Anunaki´s descendants (the Illuminati)to this day still control the descendants of these slaves.

And this was not a God ,but a survivor of mars before it was knocked out of its orbit,

and the story of Adam is about genetic engineering and cloning.
and it was not a single man and a women who were created but a whole race.

the entire religion was created for power and control.
and the illuminati have done every thing to feed the myth
to keep the control going and to prevent the truth from escaping
the mind control includes ,to disbelief what i have just said

a lot of people who live outside of the manipulations and beyond the censorship and propaganda of the Illuminati already know this for a long time

.they are the rebels that you call Atheists,some of them know the truth and many just dont accept the lies anymore

and most of the indigenous peoples ,who exist beyond the effects of the media ,(which exercises mind control) ,have been killed into oblivion or been forced to embrace the organized religions .
their choice was to convert or die

the trouble with people who are submerged with the philosiphies of the bible,is that they are too close, to ever have an objective vision.
they cant see the wood for the trees

2006-06-15 17:40:15 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am active duty Air Force. I have been to Iraq and had to fight in the war. I came into the AF not looking for war but a better life for my family. Also the Air Force pays 100% tuition assistance. I am a Republican and no I can't say that I agree with war. But I also am a Christian and I see where you are coming from. In a way this is stereotyping. Stereotypes are considered to be a group concept, held by one social group about another. They are often used in a negative or prejudicial sense and are frequently used to justify certain discriminatory behaviors. More benignly, they may express sometimes-accurate folk wisdom about social reality. So for you to say that you aren't stereotyping is contradicting. I'm not trying to be hateful but this is the definition. So for you to point the finger at Christians and say that all Christians agree with war is dishonorable. Yes most Republicans are Christians, but so is the majority of the U.S. There are also Christian Democrats and Liberals ect.

2006-06-15 17:31:51 · answer #3 · answered by Garry D 1 · 0 0

The reason many followers of Christ agreed with the War was because it gave us a chance to free a opressed country and by doing this it gives us a chance to evangelize Iraq or convert people to Christianity. And as far as the being against homosexuals , Christians are against gays but against the sin of homosexuality.Read Leviticus 18:22, Romans 1:18-32, and 1 Corinthinas 6:9-10)
God bless you all.
P.S. Im not Republican

2006-06-15 17:49:55 · answer #4 · answered by Lion's Blessing 2 · 0 0

Can a believer in Jesus Christ serve his country as a soldier, kill the enemy, and at the same time be a good Christian? Can a believer justify being a conscientious objector? Did God contradict Himself in the commandments, "You shall not murder" and "You shall defeat them, then you shall utterly destroy them?" The Bible answers these critical questions.

God established a principle by which a nation may guard its sovereignty, maintain its freedom, and protect its citizenry from the horrors of conquest by a foreign power. An alert and stalwart military force averts armed conflict and deters wanton aggression. Yet when an enemy aggressor will not be deterred, then the military must defend and protect those who cannot defend themselves.

Men who place a higher value on their wives, families, friends, and nation than on their own lives insure the survival of our cherished liberty. Just as the Lord Jesus Christ made the greatest sacrifice of all history on the cross—dying so that mankind might have eternal life—so the soldier sacrifices his time, his fortune, and sometimes his life that others might live in freedom. For those of us who are the beneficiaries of these two glorious sacrifices, revere our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and honor the intrepid men who provide freedom through military victory.

2006-06-15 17:48:50 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'll give you my generalizations. We should accept and turn the other cheek right? OK, so if a guy hits me in the face, I'll turn the other cheek(probably not, I'll most likely try to avoid being hit). Anyway, somebody comes into my church during worship and starts to disturb the service and yell at people and disrespect God. Well, I guess we should just say, "Well God loves you " and try to continue on and just "accept" them and not do anything. That's so dumb. Why do people think that accepting people means allowing people to walk all over them? You talk about Jesus. Jesus went into the temple, which was being disrespected, and started throwing tables and kicking people out. He accepted everyone, but He was not willing to let people use Him or His Father as a door mat. Christians are accepting people, but we are unwilling to waiver.

2006-06-15 18:00:35 · answer #6 · answered by southfloridamullets 4 · 0 0

It's not every Christian. Many Christians are not Republican. I am a Christian democrat, technically, however my political beliefs lean more towards Communism and Anarchy, if anything. People, in general, are ignorant. It's not just followers of God, but people that follow anything. Many atheists are ignorant. Anyone who solely agrees with their beliefs, and shoot anything else down the drain, are simply ignorant. That's why many people act this way. People that follow God (but don't really follow that strictly) follow what they believe to be right. The whole America, one nation, freedom, blah blah blah thing just fits in with that. It's what they've been taught to be right, and since America is seen as "God's nation" then people are cool with war. Does it make it right? No, but most people are too caught up with their own ideas that they don't care.

2006-06-15 17:23:41 · answer #7 · answered by Carlito 2 · 0 0

It's only a short step from saying,

----- "I'm right and you're wrong."

to saying

----- "I'm right and you're wrong, therefore I can kill you."

There are and have been a few atheistic mass murdering regimes, but all of them had an absolutist communist dogma which made their crimes possible. Roughly 99% of the world's known atrocities are caused by religion, because religion encourages absolutist thinking.

Historically, the most secular and the most purely atheistic states have been the ones that had the greatest social, scientific and moral advances in human history. It's because all such secular and atheist states were unwilling to speak in absolutes, thus they showed tolerance and acceptance to those who differed from themselves.

A state cannot start war or commit war crimes unless it can rationalize its behaviour. The US is no longer (since about 1950) a secular state, hence it's long laundry list of atrocities around the world up to and including Iraq and Afghanistan.

2006-06-15 17:25:06 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am a Christian and I don't know any that Want to go to war. We believe in fighting evil, God told us to do this in His name. The bible teaches Christians to not worry about war or rumors of war, for such things need to be. A direct quote from Christ. Christians do forgive, but the bible does not teach acceptance of evil or sin. We can not condone it for our Lord does not. I support this war, because the evil needs to be dealt with, we can not in good faith turn our backs on it. I hate the war, it has taken many of our husbands, sons, daughters and friends away to a corrupt place, and many have lost their lives because of it. HOWEVER, military ppl are a special breed of Americans. They fight for our country, there is a special calling in their heart to do this, I believe this call comes from God. Not everyone is able to be a warrior for God. How many ppl can say they would lay their life down for a stranger, let alone a million of them? Yet our military ppl do it everyday over in Iraq and around the world. People whom join the military are not foolish enough to believe that they will never see a war in their life time. War is possible at any time. They join because there is a calling in their heart to serve. When there is evil in this world, you can not turn the other cheek, for if we did that, even more people will pay the price then what happened on 9/11. I thank God for the people that are fighting for our country and for the rights of people of whom they have never met. My husband was in the Marine Corp in the eighties, and he is indeed a very special breed of man. He says "Once a Marine, ALWAYS a Marine" I have been priveledged to see him save a little girls life once. It was amazing. God gave my husband the skills to fight for Him, and by doing so, to also save lives when times demand it. People whom accuse us that we don't follow the teachings of our Savior or what God says, obviously don't know what either one of them said. For we strive to do what is commanded of us.

2006-06-15 17:35:38 · answer #9 · answered by authorunknown1 2 · 0 0

I answered your last post, and in it I accused you of not knowing the Bible. You have proved with your comment on homosexuality that you have not read the word of God. Homosexuality is a sin just as rumor mongering about your neighbor is a sin (yes like it or not all you who are high and mighty, it is true). They need forgiveness just as i do. If it will entice you to actually read what you claim to know, here are some references: Lev 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. Rom 1:26-27 (for those who think it was only in the Old Testament) 26For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet. Rom 1:24 24Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

2006-06-15 18:00:51 · answer #10 · answered by rickrascoe 1 · 0 0

People are sometimes blind of there sight , how many times did Moses have to show the Hebrews that God was guideing him and his followers before they let them go , wait they still came after them and was destroyed in the red sea ! LOOK THAT UP , see what they have found ? . It tells us to study ANTS which live as a unit , all of them having a job to do ! B=Basic, I=instructions, B=Before, L=Leaving, E=Earth Have a nice day the truth is inside us

2006-06-15 17:31:43 · answer #11 · answered by B R H 3 · 0 0

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