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In order for our country not to be considered Rascist, we cannot turn away illegals, instead we have to take them in and treat them as if they were an American......but why is it that if someone South from Mexico sneaks into there country then that person is put into prison for years and given no freedom?...and does anybody say oh well Mexico isnt being fair and Mexico isnt ect.....but then why cant we as Americans protect our own country from illegal immigration?

2006-06-15 15:38:52 · 40 answers · asked by Bethyboo 3 in Politics & Government Immigration

40 answers

We have too many people now. We can not take care of them yet alone others. I don't care what they call us that is not the point.
We can protect ourselves -quit listening to the bleeding hearts-who could care less of the effects of those here.
Our pool is full no more can come in .

Support the Minutemen. They are listening since our goverment is not.

Its not a race issue.

2006-06-15 16:45:08 · answer #1 · answered by *** The Earth has Hadenough*** 7 · 1 0

We are not racists because we turn "outsiders" away from our borders (We may be racist for some other reasons though). If anything (enforcing the borders), that would make us Patriots. People who believe In their country and want to protect it and all that is good and what it stands for.
We have recognized the tyranny of many other countries around the world in the way they imprison and are cruel to others as well as their own citizens. Iraq is such an example. We are doing something there. I can only hope it was for the right reasons!
At some point along the way of living and letting live, wisdom has to overtake valor and judicious decission must be made. To allow immigration or no? LEGAL immigration is the way and future of the USA; and it always has been. Illegal anything is the end and death of all that we know and hold dear in this country. NO matter what others may say, to stand up and end the illegality and define our culture and our borders with clarity and purpose NOW is a must. We can niggle about small oversites and mistakes later once our borders are secure, the illegals have been routed out and are on their way home and our political leaders have been made to know, we won't stand for this injustice. Enforce the laws of the United States of America.

2006-06-15 16:01:39 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't believe that it is a matter of being rascist or not. This country has proved long ago that we have deep rasciel issues and we aren't even close to coming to closure on it. The problem that people are saying is A - illegals are coming into this country and stealing jobs. B - illegals are coming into this country and sucking off the government via wellfare and other programs. C - it becomes easier for terroist to get in this country. Now I don't have a problem with immigrants coming over, I think the process should be made easier so they don't have to jump through so many hoops to make it legal. As for them stealing jobs, you must ask yourself this "if we take all the illegal immigrants out and put fully waged and benefitted workers in, don't complain when we pay 4 to 5 times more for produce and products." Farmers would have to pay one worker what he was for five or six. The government should have an agency set up that checks up on the farms and fines them if they have illegal workers. I personally also think that the government needs to fix it's benefit programs because if an illegal comes into our country and is able to suck off the system, isn't the system messed up. If I am paying tax money, then it is the governments responsibility to know exactly who they are writing checks to. Finally, the terrorist are far more likely to come across the Canadian border who we as Americans worry so little about. In fact, I believe most of the terroist that have been caught have came from Canada. The border with the Canucks is far bigger and harder to watch, so why do we worry so much about Mexico.

2006-06-15 15:49:40 · answer #3 · answered by General Pinto 2 · 0 0

Here we go again, OK sweetie we don't turn away legal entry foreigners. We do though....let me type real slow so you can understand.HMM HMM.. Deport anyone who comes here illegally, get it I L L E G A L Y. See....it isn't that hard to understand. They do it to Haitians and Cubans and everyone else who tries to SNEAK in to our country. For the second part, no they are not put into prisons unless they committed a crime that warrants that. They are sent and held at detaining facilities, Like chrome near Miami. Every country has the same routine. It just takes time for these institutions to figure out who is who. If you try and sneak into Mexico from some other Southern country it is the same thing. I think that is what you are trying to ask, correct me if I am wrong.( Someone south from Mexico?) yes, we do protect our country from I L L E G A L entrance of migrants

2006-06-29 11:18:02 · answer #4 · answered by Elizabeth P 3 · 0 0

I think you have to understand the Mexicans come here to FLEE Mexico.
If you could speak Spanish and understand President Fox, you would see that he's pretty much the same as Bush, only worse because at least America is stable but Mexico needs A LOT of improving.
Americans should unite and simply demand that Americans be taken in and treated humanly in Mexico. They would probably be heard and let in Mexico without any further complication.
But truth be told, it's easier for an American to legally enter Mexico than to pay your taxes or do the paper work to buy a car. You'll probably even be offered citizenship.
In Mexico, only economically strong families with a lot of education and an apparent will to come to America exclusively to spend and not to work can get a VISA and enter the US legally. And NEVER is anyone given legal permission to work here. Only in some parts of South America.
Besides, Americans are considered hot in Mexico and everybody helps them, whereas Mexicans are the American's explanation to every imaginable problem there is.
"My popcorn's burnt!" "Immigrants!!"
Just email President Fox or something and he'll probably be begging you to get a citizenship in Mexico.
The solution is not to take revenge against Mexicans, but to demand of Mexico what they demand of the US.

2006-06-27 18:12:10 · answer #5 · answered by its just me!! 4 · 0 0

Ok...here's the deal. I agree because I think it's a crime to treat a person not of this country better than you treat an original citizen. That is the equivelant of going to Cingular to upgrade your phone only to find out the new customer is getting his phone free while you have to pay an obscene price for the same one, even though you've been a loyal customer for years! Making it easier for new LEGAL immigrants is making it harder for original citizens to live on salaries that don't seem to match the rising costs of the necessary things to live a relatively comfortable life. It's really robbery of the already poor to feed another poor group who'll live better off of the already poor's money. Confusing and rediculous.
The only reason I wouldn't agree is because I don't think it's a matter of protection regarding illegal immigrants. I honestly believe that if immigrants didn't have to bend over so far to gain citizenship, there would not be such an issue in regards to illegal immigrants. When you look at what all they have to go through just to become legal, it's very obvious that they get a boot to the head before they even get started.

2006-06-15 16:09:26 · answer #6 · answered by windysqueen 2 · 0 0

I agree we should be able to protect our nation as dilegently as any other nation.
I've checked out other countries immigration laws, and illegal immigrants know that America is the easiet target.
Most of the illegal immigrant population are wanted criminals in their own nation, and those that are not are helping financially support Mexico, and the Terriorists that need American money to buy more weapons.
There are those that are good people, thinking that even if they must act like a criminal to better the lives of their families, and those people desperately want to be American Citizens, but did not know about the independent sponsored programs right here in America designed to help them gain citizenship.
The only thing that needs to be revised in the current immigration laws already on the books, is tougher penalities to the illegal immigrant, and massive fines to the resident country for failure to secure their own side of the border.

2006-06-15 16:02:38 · answer #7 · answered by Spirited1 2 · 0 0

I think if they are illegal then they should be turned away, if they want to live here they need to do it the right way. When I vacation in Mexico I only get so long to stay and then my 'visa' expires...it is the same for here. Do it right and a lot of the problems will go away. The whole world is messed up because of George Bush. WTF ever. Our country is soft, don't want to be mean, look bad to other nations,etc. We are by no means a perfect nation...it is a strange time to be an American, for sure. I would not trade my nationality for the world. The freedom to even speak is a blessing most nations do not even have.

2006-06-26 06:32:48 · answer #8 · answered by Leigh 2 · 0 0

I saw that too. Yes, illegal immigrants into Mexico are treated unfairly and Mexico DOES have a strong control over its borders. Anyways, it's not America's fault that the majority of its illegal immigrants are from Mexico (sometimes from other countries that pass through Mexico, but they are usually Hispanic) trying to get into the USA. Just because they are a minority is NO excuse that what they are doing is okay. I hate it when undeserving people get their way because they cry racism or sexism. CHILDREN act that way when they complain that "I don't get as many toys (or other things, depending on how old they are) as *insert older or younger sibling's name* because I'm younger (or older) then them, right?" They are putting themselves on the same level as immature CHILDREN, basically.

2006-06-15 16:04:42 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Thank the pro-mexico lobby on this one, they LOVE to screw with our legal system while bashing down on their poor southern neighbors. Bluntly spoken, this whole business with Mexico is just uglier than 10 miles of bad road, and it's time for some recall elections based on the criteria of whether or not politicians see fit to grant free and unfettered access to the United States from Mexico. If there's no reciprocity on their side of the border, that kind of says they hold a different philosophy about the whole thing, and it'd sure be a really cool thing if the people that are supposed to be out there representing US would kind of wake up to that.

2006-06-15 16:23:59 · answer #10 · answered by gokart121 6 · 0 0

If you check most countries you will find it is a felony to enter their countries illegally. France, England, China, Japan, Mexico, South America, all the same. I love the walls going up here in Texas. And yes, if you enter this country illegally, you should go to prison. If our congressman would get their act together and quit being such bleeding hearts we would not have this problem.

2006-06-22 02:43:50 · answer #11 · answered by pamela h 2 · 0 0

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