dachshund might be better for you because you only have a small space but they are not good when you have kids or other pets. i have a friend who got a dachshund and the dog bit his kid.
how about cocker spaniel, they are smaller and they are the same category with labrador-sporting groups.
2006-06-15 04:25:27
answer #1
answered by belle♥ 5
Small space? Labs love exercise and can grow to a fair size. Their doo's are large :0 so poop n scoop time is a bit stomach wrenching for some people. They eat good portions of dog food and some have stomach problems, hip problems and are prone to developing tumors. They are also prone to being overweight particularly if exercise is sparse. Walks and runs are very important to these dogs.
Dachshunds are adorable and tiny...perfect for small spaces. Walks are a treat not nearly as imperative as with the Lab. They love people but can be quite timid and will show a protective nature if their master or mistress is approached without their approval first. They eat small meals so a bag of dog food will last a long time...growing stale.
Either dog tho is easily trainable but then any dog is trainable if the person is willing to commit to repetitiveness numerous times a day doing one training task over and over til learned and then adding a second and doing both until learned and so on.
Dachshunds are adorable but they are barky little fellows if left unchecked...you could get tired of repetitively saying "No barking" or "Stop now" and also having treats on hand that can be given at every opportunity when he actually doesn't bark for things like doorbells ringing, passing dogs etc.
Labs can be barky fellows but they quickly learn that isn't acceptable all the time. They are happy to bark a few times when visitors arrive but then they wander off to lie down or do other ***** things.
For a small space other breeds that also may be considered would be shelties, cocker spaniels, poodles, corgies, westies etc. Personally, cocker spaniels are a good choice. They aren't barky (of course any dog isn't if properly trained), they are protective but not aggressive. Very intelligent, devoted, full of love and usually adjust to being left home alone for short periods.
Weigh the space you have, the time you have to devote to training and socializing the dog, whether you have the time to devote to proper training, daily exercise, financial ability to pay for vet visits and care etc.
Mixed dogs are every bit as intelligent, loving and adaptable and shelters are usually brimming with pups and adults who want nothing more than someone to love them. Choose wisely and take all the time you need to make your decision...a dog should be a member of your family for a long time.
Take care and good luck.
2006-06-15 05:03:49
answer #2
answered by dustiiart 5
Your lifestyle needs to be considered when you are choosing between these two breeds. They are soooo different. A labrador has an exceptional temperament, easily trainable, and fantastic pets, but they are large dogs, shed more, and are in need of more space by far. They are sporting dogs, and love to be outdoors and with people... A dachsund..would fit your space better, shed less, and some have excellent temperaments..and some do not. Look at your life, and find a pet that suits your environment and your needs...good luck.
2006-06-15 03:57:06
answer #3
answered by rruehlen45 2
Well consider a Labrador is something BIG needs a lot space, food, and want to walk around a lot, also like water and to swim very much. A family dog. (also used for the red cross, some army and police units -bomb squad - aso)
A Dachshund is something small against the Lab. but is a hunter, you will find lot of holes he dig in your garden. and he do not like city life. so you may encounter problems with both of them.
How about talking with a vet about this topic? ever triyed.
Have fun
2006-06-15 04:02:37
answer #4
answered by lee 1
My input is that daschunds have a tendency to be snappy. For example, if you go to pet them or pick them up and they're not in the mood, you suddenly have a snappy, growling brat. Not good for young kids!!
Of course this is a generalization, not to say that there aren't perfectly wonderful daschunds out there....
Labs are great, but too much inbreeding has led to a lot of REALLY hyper labs who seem to never calm down! Not to mention genetic problems like hip dysplasia.
My suggestion is to go here: http://search.petfinder.com/search/search.cgi
You can search your area for wonderful dogs (puppies too!) needing homes. There are tons of lab mixes, which may give you the lab look but a better personality. And cheaper too!
2006-06-15 05:28:03
answer #5
answered by ontario ashley 4
small space is a consideration, however, it can be done. look around where you live for a dog park. these are special parks , usually fences (important for puppies) that are specifically for dogs. i lived in a 29 foot trailer for 18 months with two, six month old wolf hybrid puppies. yes i spent an enormous amount of time at the dog park to be sure they had enough exercise, and in their case, to socialize them with other people and animals. (being naturally pack animals, they need alot of socialization to be well adjusted companions) . the up side was, when we bought a house, and had more space they were well behaved, don't jump up when you step over them.
as far a daschund goes, i was raised around them. as with every breed, the require alot of work, to house train, and you need to go to a reputable breeder, so as to find out about the temperment of the parents. they can be snippy, loud and real hard to house break, all true. and not always good with children. they are prone to back problems and let me tell you, trying to keep a doxie with a back problem completely still for a week, is no picnic. labs need alot of excercise and are usually good with kids, but again, go to a good breeder, as hip problems in big dogs are a problem. be sure you get papers from the breeder about their hip health.
of course, there's always the mutt at your local shelter. yes, one of those may need alot of work, but it could be the most rewarding thing for you and the pet. good luck!
2006-06-15 04:57:17
answer #6
answered by bratchild699 2
Then you do not want ta Lab. Although I have a lab and I love her.. she is a big dog who does need a lot of space. It wouldnt be fair to put a Lab in a small space....
I just got a puggle; her's the perfect size for a small space!
2006-06-15 03:52:38
answer #7
answered by moomoo 3
Labs require lots of running around, as they are retriever dogs. They also grow quite larger than daschunds. If you have only a limited amount of space, I'd opt for the smaller of the two.
2006-06-15 03:53:03
answer #8
answered by ? 4
Depends on your space...Labs need space...depends on rather you want an outside or inside dog...Daschshunds are more inside pets..
also Labs are really good with kids...the best breed I have found in my many years of dog rearing is the Australian Shepherd...Cel
2006-06-15 04:33:50
answer #9
answered by celwolf1953 2
Get a dachshund for sure! I've had many pets since I've been little but the best dog I've ever had has been my little weinie dog. She was so easy to potty train and very loyal. They love lots of attention and they're disposition is so sweet. Awww, writing this really makes me miss her!
2006-06-15 03:55:13
answer #10
answered by cup_o_shina 3