To get the respect of any dog, you have to establish that you're the one in charge. Unfortunately, chi's aren't the brightest bulbs in the socket. And some are pretty much beyond training. Good Luck
2006-06-15 03:43:16
answer #1
answered by ☼Jims Brain☼ 6
Hi, I understand that you are looking for some advice or resources to help fully train your dog or fix behavior problems. If a professional dog trainer is not an option at this time, or if you want to trt training your dog on your own (a great way to bond), I'd suggest you
A friend recommened it to me a few years ago, and I was amazed how quickly it worked, which is why I recommend it to others. The dog training academy also has as an excellent home training course.
2016-06-01 02:42:32
answer #2
answered by ? 3
Chihuahuas are very stubborn little animals. One of the worst traits is they do bark a lot and I have not been able to stop mine from doing this, so good luck. I think that their positive traits far outweigh the negative ones. Enjoy the love and companionship that these little dogs give.
2006-06-15 06:15:12
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I have to laugh...sorry but I know what your going thur
I have one chihuahua & she is a hand full so I can just imagine what your going thru she barks at everything drives us crazy ...but I ususally spray her with water with a water bottle all I have to do is show it now & she stops barking.........
as for being bad well they are playing ... so they think
you just need to be more stern when you say NO & mean it
hopefully they will catch on but in the mean time enjoy your two bundles of joy......
2006-06-15 04:00:43
answer #4
answered by muffett1 7
when you catch them in the act roll up a magazine put thier nose in the mess ( or close enoough) and don't let them look waay from it. say no no each time and gently tap them on the rump.when they bark if you have them on a leash yank ( not too hard chihuahuas have sensitive necks ) it and yell BAAAAHHHHH!!!!!! another thing Chihuahuas aren't the challenge type ( if yours are don't do this) sit them down and put them in time out. don't let them move from that spt. If they do you hit thier rump softly. do theis for 2 minutes depending on how big the " NO NO" is. HOPE I HELPED
2006-06-15 04:21:52
answer #5
answered by diva in training! 2
I have a 1 year old Chi and they are so hard to train. mine barks at everything that comes close to our yard. so i bought a spray bottle and everytime she barked i sprayed her in the face and said "Enough!" after a few squirts she got it. so now she can bark and all i have to say is enough, if she doesnt listen the first time i show her the bottle and she stops.
Chi's arent stupid, theyre just very stubborn, you just have to be more stubborn than them
2006-06-21 22:16:57
answer #6
answered by LizzyP 2
I would suggest going to obedience classes with your dogs. It is fun, interactive, and will teach you and your dog. You can then be the dominant leader with your dogs, and teach them what you will tolerate and what you won't. Make sure, even though they are small, that they have exercise by walking them, they need that for stimulation mentally and physically.
2006-06-15 03:49:11
answer #7
answered by rruehlen45 2
Write to the Dog Whisperer. Caesar has the answer for every dog problem on earth.
2006-06-21 19:15:49
answer #8
answered by Cookie 5
My friend just sprayed her Chihuahua, Daisy, with water when she did something wrong. She would say "no" when she sprayed her. So now when Daisy does something wrong, she doesn't spray her. She just says, "Daisy, no!".
2006-06-15 03:45:07
answer #9
answered by :Musician: 2
hire a trainer to teach them right from wrong and they will have no problems listening, if the trainer is good
2006-06-15 03:51:55
answer #10
answered by Anonymous