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If you could learn to speak either Portuguese or Spanish, which would you choose? And which one do you think is the easiest to learn?

2006-06-15 03:07:15 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Languages

8 answers

I personally would go with Portuguese because I already fluent in Spanish. Pero español seria mejor por que es el segundo language mas usado en los Estados Unidos. (literal translation: But spanish would be better because it is the second most used language in the United States.) It would be your best bet to go with spanish because its more commonly used here and Puerto Rico, Mexico, Spain, Dominican Republic, Cuba,& other places. Portguese you would use less and it will only be used in Portugual and Brazil.
So if I were you, I would go with Spanish. Its easier when you communicate with someone who speaks it too so it becomes easier and you don't fall out of practice. Trust me on that because I was very good at french but I barely remember most of it because I dont know anyone who speaks it.
It also helps with jobs! I got my job as a receptionist with no experience while others did have the experience all because I speak spanish.
So if you decide to go with spanish I can't definately help you practice, email me!

2006-06-15 03:29:20 · answer #1 · answered by La Reina de la Pista 1 · 1 0

I live in California so Spanish is the one I would choose. I have learned some words simply from being around so many Hispanics at work and all. It's no different than anything else we learn, repetition is the key. Once you learn one of these languages, since the base is pretty much the same, you can usually understand and kind of speak the other. It's a dialect thing at that point. Good question!!

2006-06-15 03:11:22 · answer #2 · answered by roritr2005 6 · 0 0

a million) Bath or Shower: Shower two) Chicken or Beef,or Salad: Salad. three) Corn Muffins or Biscuits: Biscuits four) Red or Black or Beige: Red five) Newspaper or Magazine: Magazine 6) Spring or Fall: Spring 7) Cake or Pie: Cake.

2016-09-09 02:06:33 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Portuguese. Who knows when I might be in Brazil.

2006-06-15 03:09:54 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

id definitely choose spanish coz i find it more useful to learn. i have chanced upon one hispanic who taught me the best way to begin a conversation --- Me da un tequila señor por pabor?? --- that is, with a shot of tequila... Now isn't it cool to learn their language?

2006-06-15 03:28:12 · answer #5 · answered by Kate 2 · 0 0

they both come from same group originally, since i live in MIami area i need spanish ( besides my other 3 languages) tough Brazilian population is taken over:)

2006-06-15 03:11:58 · answer #6 · answered by PicassoInAction 2 · 0 0

For the love of Nando's chicken I would go for Portuguesse language.

2006-06-15 10:45:33 · answer #7 · answered by Diezel 4 · 0 0

Portuguese is more musical i think....but which is easier...?....neither one...they both come from the same source...

2006-06-15 03:09:45 · answer #8 · answered by leiandrai 3 · 0 0

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