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2006-06-15 02:42:36 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Education & Reference Quotations

8 answers

It is a measurement used for the intensity of light...

2006-06-15 02:52:50 · answer #1 · answered by Just IN 2 · 0 0

- The use of actual light as an art medium.

- Artifact light-producing crystal. Comes in a variety of colors and can only be activated by an adept.

- The Chevrolet Lumina sedan and minivan were introduced in 1989 for the 1990 model year as a new range of vehicles from Chevrolet. Consumers were confused by having two different vehicles (the Lumina sedan and the Lumina APV minivan) share the same name, and the concept was eventually scrapped when the Lumina APV was replaced by the Chevrolet Venture in 1997.

- Anatomy the central cavity of a hollow structure in an organism or cell.

2006-06-15 02:52:17 · answer #2 · answered by Lover 2 · 0 0

Its the plural of lumen

n. pl. lu·mens or lu·mi·na (-m-n)
1. Anatomy The inner open space or cavity of a tubular organ, as of a blood vessel or an intestine.
2. Abbr. lm Physics The unit of luminous flux in the International System, equal to the amount of light given out through a solid angle by a source of one candela intensity radiating equally in all directions. See Table at measurement.
3. Botany The cavity bounded by a plant cell wall.
[Latin lmen, an opening, light; see leuk- in Indo-European roots.]

2006-06-15 02:47:52 · answer #3 · answered by gospieler 7 · 0 0

A Lumina is a car i think!

2006-06-21 12:04:47 · answer #4 · answered by Lynn 2 · 0 0

It depends on how you use it. It could be a car made by Chevrolet. It could be how much light is hitting the earth from the moon. It could be you being enlightened by something you heard, saw, or read. Or it could even be a religious context, depending on your religion. It has to do with the moon and enlightenment, if you look at the word alone, unless it's the car thing. Good luck!!

2006-06-15 02:49:23 · answer #5 · answered by roritr2005 6 · 0 0

lumina the unit of luminous flux equal to the luminous flux emitted in a unit solid angle by a point source of one candle intensity

2006-06-15 02:56:17 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

In Romanian it means "light".

2006-06-15 09:48:17 · answer #7 · answered by mommy_mommy_crappypants 4 · 0 0

your name is full moon, illuminatastiliciously delicate is the lovefulness, of your consciously divine experience.

2006-06-15 02:50:36 · answer #8 · answered by gekim784l 3 · 0 0

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