A man was once asked why he did not drink, and he replied, 'By God, I am not happy with my mind when it is sound, so why should I corrupt it even further?' - The Seventy-seven Branches of Faith - Imam Al-Bayhaqi, The Quillian Press - (1996, ISBN 1 872038 03 4) - Page 31
Alcohol is detrimental to your health especially your liver. Alcohol befogs the mind and prevents rational thinking. Alcohol causes road accidents and innocent lives lost. Alcohol increases the occurance of domestic violence. Alcohol addiction causes financial ruin.
The Holy Quran, 2.219: They ask thee concerning wine and gambling. Say: "In them is great sin, and some profit, for men; but the sin is greater than the profit." They ask thee how much they are to spend; Say: "What is beyond your needs." Thus doth Allah Make clear to you His Signs: In order that ye may consider.
The Holy Quran, 5.90: O ye who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones, and (divination by) arrows, are an abomination,- of Satan's handwork: eschew such (abomination), that ye may prosper.
The Holy Quran, 5.91: Satan's plan is (but) to excite enmity and hatred between you, with intoxicants and gambling, and hinder you from the remembrance of Allah, and from prayer: will ye not then abstain?
Many of grow up in societies where drinking is second nature to most people. Alcohol is staple in some societies, among an increasing number of people. It is also becoming an irreplaceable component of "having fun" and partying. No get together seems complete without alcohol. Tequila shots over the bar counter, vodka and vodka lime for beginners.
"Let's go have fun tonight" is being replaced by "Let's go get pissed drunk tonight."
It can be difficult to deal with an environment where peer pressure is overpowering - which is almost always is. But consider this: Drunk people embarrass themselves in public and in front of friends. They have little control their actions or their words. One friend of mine nearly died because he walked onto a busy street in his drunken stupor. Another friend was raped by her boyfriend while she was asleep/hungover.
You have a million reasons to stop drinking - not just for yourself but for your friends and family...and especially the innocent stranger who might get hurt by your actions during a drunken stupor. You'll feel healthier - it's a guarantee and you'll save money to do other cool stuff.
God gives us instructions because He is All Knowing. Everything in Islam has a practical and healthy reason behind it..some of which we are aware of and others we're not but they're for our own good. God says in the Holy Quran - there is some good in alcohol but the bad outweighs the good.
Now about pigs,
"You are what you eat" - Native American proverb
In folklore terms, eating the meat of the pig is said to contribute to lack of morality and shame, plus greed for wealth, laziness, indulgence, dirtiness and gluttony. We insult a person by calling him or her a "Pig" when they demonstrate these characteristics. Muslims are forbidden by God to eat the meat of the pig (pork).
This is detailed in verses 2:173, 5:3, 6:145, and 16:115 of the Qur'an. An exemplary verse is quoted here: "He has only forbidden you dead meat, and blood, and the flesh of swine, and any (food) over which the name of other than Allah has been invoked. But if one is forced by necessity, without willful disobedience, nor transgressing due limits, then Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."
Is Pork Forbidden to Muslims Only?
The Jews and Christians are also forbidden from eating pork. Here is a quote from the Old Testament to that effect: "And the swine, because it divideth the hoof, yet cheweth not the cud, it is unclean unto you: ye shall not eat of their flesh, nor touch their dead carcase." Deuteronomy 14:8
Many Christians believe that this verse was directed only at the Jews. But Jesus himself says during the Sermon on the Mount; "Think not that I am come to destroy the Law, or the Prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill." Some Christians say that, after a vision by St. Peter, God cleansed all animals and made them fit and lawful for human consumption. If ALL animals are cleansed by Peter's vision, this includes dogs, cats, vultures, and rats: but you just don't see people getting excited about a cat-meat sandwich like they do over barbecued pork or bacon. Others say that it was Paul who rescinded the law forbidding pork to humans, in order to appease the Romans, who enjoyed the taste of pig-meat. Many excuses have been given, but none are very sound.
Many Far Eastern traditions also discourage the eating of pork. The 3,000 year old Confucian Book of Rites says, "Agentleman does not eat the flesh of pigs and dogs." Although many Chinese are avid eaters of pork today, physicians of ancient China recognized pork-eating as the root of many human ailments. Buddhists, Jains and Hindus usually avoid eating any kind of meat.
Bad effects of pork consumption
Pig's bodies contain many toxins, worms and latent diseases. Although some of these infestations are harbored in other animals, modern veterinarians say that pigs are far more predisposed to these illnesses than other animals. This could be because pigs like to scavenge and will eat any kind of food, including dead insects, worms, rotting carcasses, excreta (including their own), garbage, and other pigs.
Influenza (flu) is one of the most famous illnesses which pigs share with humans. This illness is harbored in the lungs of pigs during the summer months and tends to affect pigs and humans in the cooler months. Sausage contains bits of pigs' lungs, so those who eat pork sausage tend to suffer more during epidemics of influenza. Pig meat contains excessive quantities of histamine and imidazole compounds, which can lead to itching and inflammation; growth hormone, which promotes inflammation and growth; sulphur-containing mesenchymal mucus, which leads to swelling and deposits of mucus in tendons and cartilage, resulting in arthritis, rheumatism, etc.
Sulfur helps cause firm human tendons and ligaments to be replaced by the pig's soft mesenchymal tissues, and degeneration of human cartilage. Eating pork can also lead to gallstones and obesity, probably due to its high cholesterol and saturated fat content. The pig is the main carrier of the taenia solium worm, which is found it its flesh. These tapeworms are found in human intestines with greater frequency in nations where pigs are eaten. This type of tapeworm can pass through the intestines and affect many other organs, and is incurable once it reaches beyond a certain stage. One in six people in the US and Canada has trichinosis from eating trichina worms which are found in pork. Many people have no symptoms to warn them of this, and when they do, they resemble symptoms of many other illnesses. These worms are not noticed during meat inspections, nor are they killed by salting or smoking. Few people cook the meat long enough to kill the trichinae. The rat (another scavenger) also harbors this disease. There are dozens of other worms, germs, diseases and bacteria which are commonly found in pigs, many of which are specific to the pig, or found in greater frequency in pigs.
Pigs are biologically similar to humans, and their meat is said to taste similar to human flesh. Pigs have been used for dissection in biology labs due to the similarity between their organs and human organs. People with insulin-dependent diabetes usually inject themselves with pig insulin.
Kindness to animals
Every creature was created by Allah for a purpose. The Prophet always encouraged being kind to animals. Although we should not eat the meat of the pig, it doesn't mean that we should hate pigs. We should show them the same kindness as any other animal, and not abuse or torture them. Pigs score high on tests devised to determine animal intelligence; in other words, they are very smart. It used to be that Europe people believed that pork would taste better if the pigs were kept in a state of filth, but this is not the natural inclination of the pig. When left to their own devices, it is said that pigs do not like to soil their sleeping quarters. As for their tendency to wallow in mud, that is done mainly to keep cool.
2006-06-14 23:35:04
answer #1
answered by life 1
When ever Islam forbids something which is bad, it allows an alternative which is good, yes alcohol is not allowed but other drinkes are allowed, pork not allowed but other meats are allowed.
The reason is the wisdom of Allah which not all the time we may understand but we have to follow.
2006-06-15 00:55:54
answer #2
answered by lukman 4
It was said that the pig was a dirty animal because it played in the mud. Some people can't read between the lines.
2006-06-15 00:48:45
answer #3
answered by extramiles 2
Alcohol makes you loose senses, and you do things which can be sin. Pork is forbidden as it contains something which can cause diseases in humans
2006-06-15 00:40:38
answer #4
answered by NchantingPrincess 5
after it is cooked, that can't be sure it's NOT a brother.
It has no head.
would you really want us to mix alcohol with quran?
2006-06-15 00:33:58
answer #5
answered by hokie wolf 2
becuase it is thier beliefs, hehehehehe, maybe u should ask those muslims....
2006-06-15 00:33:47
answer #6
answered by zeitgeist_jay 1
no,, because of their religion
2006-06-15 00:33:33
answer #7
answered by cmhurley64 6
Muslims' abstention from pork eating is
in adherence to the Qur'anic Law which states:
" Forbidden to you for (food) are: dead meat,
blood and the flesh of the swine and that
which hath been invoked the name other than
Allah. "
Holy Qur'an 5:4
Such prohibition is also found in the Bible:
" The pig also because it is a splitter of the
hoof but there is no cud. It is unclean for
you. None of their flesh must you eat and carcass
you must not touch. "
Deuteronomy 14:8 ( Bible)
Islam ( an Arabic word which means submission to the will
of the Almighty God) has laid down the foundation for the best
approach in keeping good health. In the Holy Qur'an (The Last
Testament ) God exhorts the believers to select the best food and
to stay away from any harmful food to maintain good health:
" Let him find out which is the best food
( to be had ) ... Eat of the best foods We
have provided for you . "
( Holy Qur'an 18:19;7:160 )
The main purpose of a True Religion must be to build an ideal
community in this world ; a religion that promotes moral,
political and economic well;social harmony and peace, as well as
good health of its believers or followers.
Health means the physical and mental well-being and freedom
from diseases and pain.There are several passages in the Bible,
articulating that because of sin ( a transgression of the law of
God) God afflicted human beings with maladies (Ps.103:3;Exodus
15:26 and Psalms 107:16-20).Islamic instructions and teachings
espousing health consciousness have scriptural and scientific
Abstention from eating pork is a measure to safeguard
health.Of all the domestic animals, pig is the most
avaricious, eating anything including human excreta. It is the
cradle of harmful germs and parasites. Its meat is carrier of
diseases to man, thus making it unfit for human consumption.
All types of animals are lawful to be eaten whether those
living on land or in the water except those animals specifically
forbidden in the Holy Writings revealed by the Almighty Creator
and the sayings of the Prophet with clear and well defined
Pig belong to the forbidden animals, and not allowed to be
eaten by the believers. Pig eats almost anything dirty and they
are very lazy animals. It is the most avaricious of all domestic
animals. Amongst all animals, pig is the cradle of harmful germs.
It's meat serves as carrier of diseases to mankind. It is this
very reason that made it unfit for human consumption consumption.
The following lists show germs or parasites that are found
in pork and some diseases caused by them. Many of these
diseases are contagious while some are proven fatal.This proves
that the more science advances the more Islam is shown correct
as a religion of God.
a) TRICHINELLA SPIRATIS ( Trichina worms )
It is the most dangerous parasite to man ( Rheumatism and
muscular pain). The infected persons shown no symptoms, recover
very slowly some die, some reduced to permanent invalids. No one
is immune from this disease and there is no cure.
b) TAENIA SOLIUM ( Pork tape worm )
The worm causes malnourishment of the person leading
to anemia, diarrhea, extreme depression melancholia and
digestive disturbances. Cysticercosis means that larva enter
the blood stream then settle down in one or more of the vital
organs of the body, for example: brain, liver, lungs or spinal
cord. They grow and encapsulate, inducing pressure to the
system around, resulting in dangerous diseases (diarrhea,
digestive disorder, anemia, chronic invalidation).
Examples: Ascaris, which may lead to digestive
disturbances, appendicitis, obstructive jaundice.
Examples:Ancylostomiasis, which may lead to
anemia, oedema, heart failure or retarded
growth ( mental and physical), tuberculosis,
diarrhea and typhoid.
Bleeding, anemia and other syndromes. If ova
are settled in the brain or spinal cord, paralysis
and death may occur.
Infestation leading to bleeding of the lungs
( endenve haemoptysis)
Digestive disturbances leading to persistent
diarrhea; generalized oedema.
chlonorchiasis-obstructive jaundice, liver enlargement.
Causes bronchitis, abscess of the lungs.
Cause anemia and digestive disorders.
Causes acute dysentery and general weakness.
1. Tuberculosis
2. Fusiformis necrofurus: causing foot-rot which is very
difficult to heal.
3. Salmonella Cholera suis: causing cholera
4. Paratyphoid
5. Bruceellosis: Acute, sub acute and chronic. It may lead
to permanent disabilities.
6. Swine Erysipelas: causing Erypelas in man.
Viral Diseases
1. Small pox: is was a source of infection to man.
2. Japanese B-encepphalitis: It is the source of infection
3. Influenza, foot mouth disease, gas tro-enteritis of the
new born babies.
Protozoal Diseases : Toxo plasma goundii- It is a very
dangerous diseases.A new born baby of an infected woman may die
within few days or weeks after delivery. But if he survives
he may develop blindness or deafness.In adult chronic exhaustive
fever with enlarged liver and spleen may occur. Pneumonia, or
celebro- spinal meninggitis which may lead to death or madness.
The patient may become blind and deaf too.
Fats In Pigs:
Pork contains more fats than other meats.
Therefore, people who are fond of pork are more obese than
others. Cholesterol is higher in their blood thus making them
more prone to asthereosclerosis cardiovascular accidents and
sudden death.
Other Diseases :
Flesh of the pork is hard to digest and may
lead to chronic digestive disturbances. Pimples, boils, cysts are
common in pork eaters. These are some of the parasites and
diseases found in pork and/ or the skin of pigs and certainly
there are many more. There is still no means of killing these
parasites, in the tissues, neither has anyone found a method of
expelling them, even produced any specific treatment for the
Old Testament
The Jews and the different christian sects and denominations
believe in the Old Testament. Adherents of other religions
alleged that the prohibition was already superseded by the New
Testament.This cogent argumentation is inconclusive. No one can
specifically point out that Jesus Christ (PBUH) lifted the
prohibition. On the contrary, he upheld it he declared:
" Think not that I have come to abolish the law
and the prophets: I have come not to abolish
them but to fulfill them." (Matthew 5:17 RSV)
Jesus Christ (PBUH) was obviously referring to the existing
Law of his time , the Mosaic Law !- in which the Law prohibiting
pig as article of food is mentioned. ( Leviticus 11:7-11)
" As for any beast that is a splitter of the hoof
but is not a former of the cleft and not a chewer
of the cud, they are unclean for you. Everyone
touching them will be unclean. "
Leviticus 11:26
In addition, the book of Prophet Isaiah said:
" Who sit in tombs, and spend the night in secret
places who eats swine's flesh and broth of
abominable things is in their vessels;... These
are a smoke in my nostrils,a fire that burns
all the day. " ( Isaiah 65:4,5b RSV)
The New Testament
Despite the Biblical injunction prohibiting pork as food,
still people of other religious persuations insist on finding
ways and reasons to justify their consumption of prohibited
animals arguing that said Biblical prohibition was already
superseded in the New Testament when in certainly, no one can
specifically point out that Jesus Christ (PBUH) indeed lifted the
prohibition. On the contrary, Jesus (PBUH) declared:
" Think not that I have come to abolish the law
and the prophets. I have come not to abolish but
to fulfill them. " ( Matthew 5:17 )
The fact is, we will find in Mark 5:1-20 that Jesus (PBUH)
even permitted the foul spirits (evil spirits) possessing a man
to enter into the herb of swine. Since the flesh of pig is
unlawful for the Jews, to eat and since it is considered
unclean, (Leviticus 11:7-8) consequently, the Jews are not to keep
or raise them. This Biblical account states that Jesus (PBUH)
punished the owners of the swine;destroyed their unlawful
livelihood and at the same time showed that pig is the habitat of
unclean spirits.
The only provision in the New Testament alluded to their
argument is in Act 10:10-16. Without reading the whole
context, one would be inclined to interpret it to mean that God
abrogated His previous command found on Deuteronomy 14:3-8. An
alleged apparition of Peter on Acts 10:11-16 is alleged to
supersede Deuteronomy 14:3-8, however, nowhere in the Bible is it
mentioned that Peter actually slaughtered and ate the unclean
animals he saw in his apparition. The correct interpretation of
this apparition was shown to him in Acts 10:25-28. Acts 10:11-16
therefore, carries an allegorical connotation,r eferring
explicitly to the Gentile nations or non-Jewish nations. Peter
was told not to call the Gentiles common and unclean because
God's mercy, blessing and forgiveness also encompasses the Non
Jews and life eternal also awaits the penitent.
In the Bible, Jesus(PBUH) likened to a dog and pig those
people whom after receiving divine teaching failed to profit from
them and abuses them for self-serving purposes:
" Do not give holy to dogs- they will only turn and
attack you. Do not throw your pearls in front of
pigs-they will only trample them underfoot. "
( Matthew 7:6 NEB)
The New Heavens And The New Earth
The book of Isaiah 66:1-24, is an oracle of the new
heavens and the new earth prepared for the believers. Within
the context, God condemns people's practices such as eating the
flesh of pigs, reptiles, and rats.
" Those who sanctify and purify themselves
to go into the gardens, following one in
the midst, eating swine's flesh and the
abomination and mice, shall come to an
end together says the LORD. "
(Isaiah 67:17 RSV)
Therefore, the prohibition on the eating of unclean
animals was not abrogated during t he New Testament times.God
will still punish the transgressors in the fire that will never
quench. This will occur during the new heavens and the new earth.
Last Testament's Verdict On Prohibition Of Pork
Islam means" submission to the will and command of God "
and a person who embraced this religion is called " Muslim "
which means " one who accepts and submits himself to the will of
God.A Muslim is obliged to be clean both spiritually, mentally
and physically. Abstention from eating flesh of swine is one of
the obligation a Muslim must observe to attain purity of the
soul and of the human nature. The believers in Islam, sincerely
believe in the Holy Qur'an as the Word of God, revealed to
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) which says:
" Allah has forbidden you only what dies of itself
and blood and the flesh of swine and that over
which any other name than that of Allah has been
invoked; but whoever is driven to (it), not
desiring nor exceeding the limit, then surely
Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. " ( 16:115 )
We should bear in our mind that the abstention from eating
pork by the Muslims is based on hygienic grounds and of the
cultivation of purity of character. Pork is not poisonous as to
kill people right on the spot but latent. It will destroys
slowly. It is certainly not as nourishing as any other meat and
it causes prolonged sufferings. Pondering on the wisdom of this
saying: "Health is wealth " will lead you to better living and
prosperity. The last Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said:
" There are two blessing which many people lose:
health and the free time for doing good ...The
stronger believer (in health) is more blessed
and more beloved to Allah than the weak
believer. "
From what we have read from the Scriptures of the
christians, scientific findings, Last Testaments (The Holy Qur'an)
and the saying of the Last Prophet Muhammad (SAW) about health
and the flesh of the swine, we now come now to the conclusion that
eating of swine flesh or PORK IS SIN AND SICKNESS. Therefore, we
must protect ourselves for it is a fact that health is a trust
and best blessing bestowed upon us by Allah.
for alchoholic reasons, u can read this website:-
Alcoholism is a disease in which the drinking of alcoholic beverages becomes a compulsion and produces characteristic symptoms in the individual. Scientists do not know the true link between alcohol and the alcoholic. Investigations have found that alcoholics use alcohol as a means of escape for the day to day pressures of everyday life. They feel that they cannot cope without the alcohol in their system. Not all alcoholics are "drunks". An alcoholic can come from any walk of life and be of any age and ethnic group. What signifies an alcoholic is his need to consume alcohol. Some alcoholics don't even like the taste of alcohol but will still continue to consume the drink in order to cope with life.
Side Effects:
Alcohol is a depressant which acts on the control centers of the brain to depress them.
A common picture of acute intoxication is of:
Unsteady gait
Possible hallucinations
A chronic drinker may experience more severe side effects or even death. One of the side effects is:
Korsakoff's Psychosis:
Confusion; hallucinations; development of various kinds of paralyses; development of gaps in memory in which the individual will fill in by telling fantastic experiences in a most plausible way; he may also experience mental illnesses; he may also develop organic diseases - one being the affliction to the liver.
Two out of 3 murders, 1 of 3 rapes, 1 out of 3 suicides, 2 out of 5 assaults, and 3 out of 5 cases of child abuse are connected to the use of alcohol. One out of 2 deaths by fire and drowning are alcohol related, as are 2 out of 5 home accidents. 25,000 American's die in alcohol related crashes every year, or 1 out of 2 fatalities.
One out of 2 in-patients in our city hospitals are there because of an alcohol related problem and 40,000 young adults are disfigured by alcohol related car accidents each year.
"If alcohol would have been invented today, you would need a prescription to obtain it or perhaps it would be outlawed completely," Teen challenge of Southern California.
Perhaps u can understand now why Pig and Alchohol is forbidded by Allah..
Allah loves his creature.. he wont let his creature to harm themselves as simple as that.. :)
2006-06-19 03:50:02
answer #8
answered by sweetzy 4